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Everything posted by RayC

  1. So are you saying that the public's perception of the relative success of a political act is either a) unimportant and/or b) not a suitable criterion by which to judge the success of that act? (Note: I am suggesting that it is the only criterion).
  2. Illegal immigration is a Europe-wide problem and the numbers in the EU dwarf those in the UK. Imo it is too easy to point the finger at France. Indeed, the data suggests that France is taking the most 'hard line' approach to illegal immigration among European nations. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20230505-2 The number of actual boats used on a daily basis is small (+/-10) and they are usually reusable.
  3. I didn't mean to hit the nerve quite that hard, Jonny. Sorry about that.
  4. Given our electoral system, Labour are the only viable alternative. Why Labour should be elected is a harder question to answer as it's unclear what they stand for. Perhaps, the most convincing answer is that they can't be worse than the Tories (can they?).
  5. Ah, a return to days of Empire and good Tory governance. Only two problems with that with that theory: Britain no longer has an empire and Tory governance was rarely good.
  6. Despite the best efforts of the ERG-backed Johnson administration to purge the Tory PP of traditional 'One Nation' MPs, it remains a sizeable faction. It will be interesting to see whether this group prevails over the more extreme right-wing groupings led by the likes of Braverman, Rees-Moog, etc. In any event, it is clear that the Conservative Party in its' current state is in no condition to lead the country, so imo the sooner the UK has an election and is rid of them the better.
  7. So what does Brexit look like? What measures should the government take to ensure that the UK does get Brexit? They can but how are they in this instance? And .... ? It can but apart from reversing the order from, " .. good to bad ..." to " ... bad to good ..", which is not normal convention, how else could/ should this particular question have been posed?
  8. The immigrant is a convenient scapegoat to blame for the country's failing. Always has been and, unfortunately, probably always will be.
  9. Spot on. The current Tory Party is 'Life of Brian' made real: Judaean People's Front or People's Front of Judea?🤷 https://news.sky.com/story/battles-on-the-backbenches-what-are-the-different-factions-in-the-conservative-party-12964275
  10. Wrong temple, mate. You'll find him in the one down the road.
  11. All shipments to Israel from the Indian sub-continent, SE Asia and Australasia go via the Red Sea. You'd have suppliers take a 8000+km detour around Africa and the Mediterranean Sea in order to pacify a terrorist group. 'Simple' is one word for that suggestion.
  12. You've answered your own question by inferring that this line of reasoning is irrational. Ukraine is not Iraq and Zelensky is not Saddam. It's as simple as that.
  13. That is a very important question and one that requires answering. Ukraine was corrupt prior to the war. However, what it looks like - territorially, politically, institutionally, morally, etc - when the conflict ends, is anyone's guess at this stage. In the absence of any supporting evidence, that is just idle speculation.
  14. Never let it be said that you allow facts to get in the way of your opinion. I'm no military strategist but this map suggests to me that it won't be that easy for the Houthis to simply move around Yemen as they see fit. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-67952029?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=65a098d2a860e05c542a298e%26Map showing Houthi-controlled territory%262024-01-12T02%3A53%3A57.314Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:2bc0b6d9-7e0f-4d71-9716-badfcfb27cb2&pinned_post_asset_id=65a098d2a860e05c542a298e&pinned_post_type=share
  15. The EU would like a trade deal with the US. However, unlike the UK it doesn't need one and it certainly doesn't need to accept a US-dictated 'take it or leave it' deal, which is the most that the UK can hope for.
  16. In what seems like an ever changing world, there are some things which remain constant. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1ZQ114/ A meaningful UK - US trade deal any time soon? No, I don't think so, no matter who ends up in the White House.
  17. An "interesting" foreign policy strategy. Having alienated our geographically closest allies, you suggest that we should now alienate our most powerful diplomatic, economic and military ally. Are we trying to emulate North Korea or are we going 'all in' and aiming to be Cambodia circa 1975?
  18. We've had our disagreements in the past and probably will again in the future but you are spot on here. Well said.
  19. Well you've certainly got form yourself when it comes to faux concern, as anyone who has read your comments about the Ukraine war will know.
  20. Andrew thought that paying £12m in an out-of-court settlement would avoid publicity?
  21. Well, that highlights one of the things wrong with UK judicial system. I agree that it's difficult to prove that someone is lying when they say, "I don't remember" and this difficulty increases over time. However, I'm not sure the 'Yesterday's breakfast defence' would stand up to examination unless you had an underlying medical condition. You're correct on both counts which rather makes a mockery of the idea that we are all equal in the eyes of the law.
  22. I agree but that's different to saying, "I don't remember". I accept that proving that someone is lying when they say that "I don't remember being there" is often very difficult/ impossible, but I'd suggest that if a suspect is answering questions within a day or two of a crime being committed and used that defence when there is photographic evidence linking them to the place in question, then there might be grounds to prosecute for perjury, etc.
  23. If that is blanket advice from your brief irrespective of the truth of the statement, then both of you have committed (additional) crimes: Perjury, perverting the course of justice, etc. if it is subsequently shown that you were lying.
  24. Harris was convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault (one later overturned) against 4 different women. I can't be sure - and can't be bothered to look into the cases - but I doubt that a jury would have considered a letter to one of the victims sufficient evidence to convict Harris on all counts. A number of other women (some well known) subsequently alleged that Harris had assaulted them. Everything points to Harris' guilt.
  25. There's plenty of 'cheap' French plonk here already. Hopefully, this reduction in taxes will make decent mid-range French wine more affordable.
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