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Everything posted by RayC

  1. How has the "full force of NATO ... been thrown at Russia ..", when Ukraine is not allowed to use NATO manufactured weapons to strike at targets inside Russia? If only NATO's full force has been deployed at the outset, then this war might be over and the despot in the Kremlin deposed.
  2. Yes it is wishful thinking on an epic scale. You can 'never say never' but unless there is a "Starmer eats babies' story, the chances that Starmer will be not be PM this time next year, let alone next week as someone suggested, are virtually nil.
  3. Why, oh why do you have to bring your confrontational politics into every situation? Fox News involvement in this matter is purely incidental. The story is about Mr. Van Dillon. In this instance, it wouldn't matter if he were a fully paid-up member of the KKK. He acted like a hero and deserves to be recognised as one. Oh btw Mr. Van Dillon has had a long career in reporting on metrology including - guess what? - a stint at CNN. https://web.archive.org/web/20060417211643/http://www.cnn.com/CNN/anchors_reporters/vandillen.bob.html
  4. The problem is not political parties per sec, it is the FPTP system which does not get close to reflecting the actual votes cast in a general election. The UK electorate must shoulder some of the blame as they voted overwhelmingly to keep this ridiculous system a decade or so ago.
  5. Starmer gone in 6 months. Starmer gone inside in a week!! The wishful thinking of some people seems to have reached epic proportions. As for the allegations of corruption. Nothing but innuendo, not a fact in sight.
  6. Perhaps it might be best to wait until the exact scope and contents of this proposed new bill are known before criticising it and/or deciding that it isn't fit for purpose.
  7. "Regardless of the actual intent behind Tyson’s actions, the clip serves as a curious reminder of the chemistry and interactions between celebrities in the public eye" If this was the purpose of the clip then it failed miserably
  8. I read and understood the article. I have just replied to JonnyF wrt gifts from the PL. Replace "PL" with "Google/ Facebook' in my reply to him and exactly the same applies here. You may want to see corruption but it doesn't exist (or if it does it has not yet been proven).
  9. No, Jonny it is not corruption, it is a case(s) of lobbying (by the PL) and these are the facts. Lobbying is described by Wikipedia as, " .... a form of advocacy, which lawfully attempts to directly influence legislators or government officials, such as regulatory agencies or judiciary". The gifts in question have been declared by the MPs in accordance with Parliamentary regulations; therefore nothing untoward has occurred, unless you can either prove that the PL are employing illegal 'lobbying' practices and/or, that the presence (or absence) of these gifts and donations have directly caused these MPs to have changed their minds.
  10. 😂 I like it but I fear that we may have lost our American audience.
  11. You're welcome, Jonny. I'm happy to help you uncover facts at any time.
  12. Probably not as I'd imagine that it will be quite uncomfortable. Whether a "straight" jacket is the best look outside of bed depends on your body shape. A good tailor should be able to offer advice😉
  13. From your linked Telegraph article: “This is a civil service role and will be part of the department’s communications team.” and "A government spokesman insisted Mr Walker was part of the department’s wider communications team rather than a “personal” hire for Ms Rayner." Hardly as you describe it.
  14. Incorrect. These MPs declared accepting hospitality. Where have they admitted accepting a bribe?
  15. Where is there any hard evidence to support the accusations of corruption (or potential corruption) in any of these cases? It's a rhetorical question: The answer is there isn't any. However, I do admire your determination to uncover MPs - no doubt regardless of their political allegiance - who may be corrupt. You are doing us all a service (thank you) and I look forward to you reporting back with your revelations in due course.
  16. You'll have to explain that one to me🤔
  17. Your certainty about the 707 individuals concerned e.g. "I'm sure that they were all doctors and nurses ...", etc. Collection of this detailed information must have been time-consuming and required some effort. Actually, it does now occur to me that you could have collected the information prior to Saturday but, if that is the case, I do wonder why you didn't pass this information onto the relevant French and UK authorities?😉 Given that the meaning of the two terms is identical I don't understand your preference but, as you wish, I'll try to remember that in future. https://www.oed.com/dictionary/industrialness_n?tab=meaning_and_use
  18. More proof that Democrats do things better😁
  19. And you discovered all this since these boats arrived last Saturday? I'm very impressed with your industrialness.
  20. Where is the corruption in this particular case?
  21. I've had no luck sourcing these inconsistencies. As you seem sure of their existence, can you supply a link please. Thanks.
  22. Then if Mr. Farage feels threatened he could employ security at his surgeries. Given that he would be performing his parliamentary duties it would be an allowable expense. "Security Assistance may be claimed under the Scheme of MPs’ Business Costs and Expenses (‘the Scheme’) for additional security measures that are necessary to enable the MP’s parliamentary functions to be undertaken."(Source: https://www.theipsa.org.uk/freedom-of-information/cas-141301)
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