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Everything posted by RayC

  1. The right wing of the Tory Party has been running the country since 2019 and the country has gotten worse, both economically and socially, ever since. The idea that a move even further rightwards could correct things seems counter-intuitive and plain wishful thinking to me. Imo Braverman is simply a populist bully. She targets groups unable to defend themselves e.g. immigrants, the homeless and infers that they are the cause of the UK's woes. Imo she is toxic. I hope that you are incorrect in believing that she speaks for the majority of the country. Imo a sad state of affairs if she does. Breaking news: She's been sacked. Whether this is good or bad news remains to be seen, viz better to have her in the tent, etc.?
  2. I'm not baiting you. I asked you to provide evidence to support your claim that "... a man was arrested for having a Union Jack in his hands". Given your inability to support this claim, most rational people can now dismiss it as nonsense.
  3. Are all UK police forces politically motivated or just the Met? Where is the evidence to support this claim? Please don't post images/ videos of individual officers 'taking a knee', posing with pro-Palestine demonstrators, etc. It proves nothing other than naivety and/or a lack of judgement on their part. What you and others need to do to support your claim is supply evidence that the Met and/or other forces are institutionally politically biased.
  4. Imo the second worse thing that could happen to the UK is this bigoted nutjob becoming Tory leader. The worst thing doesn't bear thinking about.
  5. Could/ Should Ukraine have given more autonomy to Crimea and Donbass? Perhaps but this is no way justifies Russia's actions. As far your 3 stated goals are concerned: 1) I doubt that I would feel very protected if I lived in Crimea or Donbass right now. 2) and 3) clearly haven't been achieved.
  6. On the other hand, Russia has not won - and does not appear to be winning - which is the important thing. You conveniently forget to mention the resources (both human and economic) that Russia is allocating to this war. There may come a time when the Russian people tire of the hardships that this is causing them. I don't usually like to use anecdotal evidence but as a UK taxpayer, I have no objection to money being allocated to Ukraine to fund their war effort and my family and friends all feel the same way. Maybe we are outliers amongst the UK electorate but I doubt it.
  7. Completely incorrect. Firstly, RU (presumably Russia?) has achieved nowhere near its' goal of destroying Ukrainian nationalism. Secondly, at this moment in time, Zelensky has the support of the people. Maybe postwar, he will befall the same electoral fate as another wartime leader. But that will be decided at another time. The Ukrainian government and, more importantly, people seem to be resolute in their defiance of Putin despite the hardships they are enduring. As long as that is the case, imo the West has a moral duty to support them.
  8. The fact that the individual was arrested whilst carrying a Union Jack is neither here nor there. He could just as easily been carrying a shopping bag. Neither action is a criminal offence. The clip which you reposted claimed that the individual was arrested for flying a Union Jack. The onus is on you to supply supporting evidence to support this claim.
  9. Not that you can read this as you put me on 'Ignore' but I completely agree. Second post of yours inside an hour with which I've agreed. World's going mad!
  10. The last thing that the UK needs is an authoritarian, extreme right-wing bigot without an ounce of empathy as leader of one of its' major political parties. Worrying times.
  11. Absolute nonsense. As the article suggests, Braverman is doing the exact opposite of what a good, decent Home Secretary should do. Instead of supporting the police, she instead undermines them at every opportunity. Would you prefer the EDF vigilantes to be policing the streets of the UK?
  12. Excellent article. It's hard to believe - and an extremely scary thought - that this woman might be leading the Tory party within the next 18 months. Hopefully, there are enough decent Tory MPs and members left to ensure that this doesn't happen.
  13. Flying a Union Jack is not a criminal offence, so he must have been arrested for a real offence.
  14. Why single out 'ordinary' Muslims and those on the political left? It also implies that 'ordinary' Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, etc and those on the political right aren't concerned enough to organise a protest.
  15. In England - I'm not sure if different rules apply elsewhere in the UK - anyone has the right to organise a protest: large or small; one-off or regularly scheduled. The police should be advised 6 days in advance, although not doing so would not necessarily prevent the protest from going ahead. I guess the answer to your question is that no one has sought permission to organise such a protest(s)?
  16. If he had left it unsaid, no doubt someone would have pointed it out. Damned if you do ......
  17. Ukraine is demanding no more than a return of the land seized by Russia since 2014. It is an entirely reasonable and justified demand and imo should be a pre-requisite for the commencement of any talks. You can apply hypothetical counterfactuals to anything: With the benefit of hindsight, I'm sure that pre-WW2 British governments would have framed a different strategy in Palestine. Allowing Russia to obtain the 4 oblasts and Crimea would be a reward for acts of naked aggression. Unfortunately, the longer the war continues the more deaths on both sides there will be. That is a truism. Support from the EU is not wanting. Hopefully, the US will soon vote through a further aid package for Ukraine. Please refer to the thread entitled, "Avdiivka about to fall?". Thaibeachlovers holds a similar view to you and we had a long exchange there in which I offered counterarguments. That conclusion rests on the assumption that a Russian victory is inevitable. That is by no means certain
  18. I'm unclear about your point? Do you think that those demands are reasonable or not?
  19. Condemn racism in whatever form it takes. Stop illegal immigration while at the same time allowing genuine refugees asylum. There is "no colonization of the indigenous British people by hate groups". You are fantasizing from afar. Ensure that those who have proven themselves to be unfit for high political office are removed by democratic means asap. Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that Braverman will lose her seat at the next election. We can only hope that Tory MPs voting for their next leader are sane enough to prevent this mad woman from getting into the run-off: If Johnson and Truss were bad (they were), Braverman would plunge new depths.
  20. The displaced could be granted refugee status by Suella Braverman.
  21. If so, then the police are going to be very busy. Would be interesting to see the methodology which gave rise to your estimate.
  22. Tricky one for Sunak. Allow Braverman to remain in post and he will be accused of being weak; she will be emboldened and continue to be the 'enemy within'. Sack her and the 'Flat Earth Brigade' within the CPP will probably be in open revolt. Gold dust to Labour as we move towards the next election.
  23. Given that he appears to have a fair few people on 'Ignore', he will probably end up talking to himself. Probably for the best.
  24. I'd rather he stayed until the next election. Sunak is far from perfect but at least he isn't 'Mad' Suella.
  25. Perhaps we could form a club and have the occasional 'get together'? I'll bring cake.
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