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Everything posted by RayC

  1. It is more than marketing. This is part of a wider program to send astronauts to Mars. https://executivegov.com/2023/03/nasa-establishes-moon-to-mars-program-office-selects-amit-kshatriya-to-lead/#:~:text=NASA has established its new,future crewed missions to Mars.
  2. But you would have to admit that having the husband of the former leader of the party - which is synonymous with the desire for Scottish independence - is hardly helpful. I'd suggest that it's an uphill task for the SNP PR team to put a positive spin of this story.
  3. You conveniently forget that the West's response to the annexation of Crimea - i.e. some economic sanctions and a polite request to Putin that he withdraw Russian forces - had no effect whatsoever. Even after Russia launched its' invasion in February 2022, the West's first response was to try to broker peace (remember Macron's trip to Moscow?). This was all to no avail. Ukraine asked for military assistance to combat a tyrant who invaded their country; the West did not force weapons upon them. Yet you insist that it is the West that is escalating the conflict. What would you have had the West do? Leave Ukraine to Putin's mercy? What would you have the West do now? Withdraw all military aid? What about Ukraine itself? Sue for peace on Russia's terms?
  4. It's a national disgrace. Back in my day, no Brit would have got drunk by drinking Amstel or Heineken!
  5. You can, of course, choose to reply (or not) to whatever posts you like. However, I think that it was completely reasonable to ask which side you feel should surrender given that you see that you see this as the only viable option (other than mass destruction).
  6. Sports and politics have been intertwined since the Greeks invented the Olympiad. As others have inferred, the Nazis recognised that success at sport could be used as a propaganda tool and, no doubt, Putin realises the same. For that reason, imo sadly Russian and Belarusian sportsmen and women should not be allowed to compete internationally in individual events. Those who compete in team events might be treated differently. This was how those from apartheid South Africa were treated in the '70s and '80s (in the UK at least).
  7. You seem keen to point the finger at the West for any escalation, ignoring the fact that Russia's illegal activities in Ukraine over the past decade were the catalyst for this situation. Ensuring that those responsible for this conflict i.e. Putin's Russia are held accountable for their actions is entirely relevant whatever the context. If your analysis is correct then we are caught in a vicious spiral from which there is no escape.
  8. The joke about the pitch invasion was good in comparison with this one!
  9. But then wouldn't that amount to Russia upping the conflict further? In any event, imo the implication that Ukraine and/or the UK and/or the West bear any responsibility for the current situation is totally incorrect.
  10. Pictures of a pitch invasion from 45 years ago???????? The rebirth of 'Alternative comedy' is happening before our eyes!
  11. So Scottish fans invading the pitch at Wembley in 1977 is a prelude to the persecution of Englishmen in Scotland in the event of Scottish independence 50+ years later? 2 + 2 = a lot more than 5!
  12. Do you really think that it is a possibility?
  13. I usually arrive on a non-O visa. As we are staying longer than 90 days this time I had to do a visa-run last month. Flew out/into DM from the Philippines and "applied" for visa-on-arrival. Female IO remarked that I usually arrived non-O. I explained that I would be flying back to Europe in 40 days time hence VOA. She smiled, stamped my passport and wished me a good stay. Didn't even ask to see an onward ticket. Not sure what this proves as there seem to be no end of different individual experiences.
  14. Actually why was the official photographer there? Was it really essential for official photographs to be taken? If so, why weren't they published on #10's website? I suspect that someone pointed out that it might not look good if they were released, and they were conveniently forgotten about until ITN managed to get hold of them. In addition, if these "work" events were essential, why did the Met fine some individuals for being there? (although not Johnson amongst others for some reason?). There are numerous other examples of Johnson's excuses not standing up to scrutiny: No. 10 was not an environment where social distancing was always possible. In that case, did no one think to move to another more suitable, secure unit in Whitehall where social distancing could have been observed?There couldn't have been a lack of available space given that most offices were empty. For Johnson's excuses to hold water, he has to be considered an imbecile. Imo he is many things but not that. Moreover, unfortunately, as he himself said, he is not being investigated for his performance but for his honesty. I can't claim to have read or listened to all of the evidence, however from the snippets I've seen and, despite all the circumstantial evidence, I would conclude, unfortunately, that there is not enough to categorically 'convict' Johnson of lying. He can claim to have been incompetent and stupid Imo this is a prime example of the Scottish 'Not Proven' verdict: I know you're lying; you know you're lying; the overwhelming majority of the public know that you are lying, we just can't prove categorically that you are lying.
  15. According to Johnson, parties to say goodbye to some colleagues who were leaving were "essential work related events" I wonder how many other CEOs interpreted the instructions that way? It would also be interesting to know if Sir Chris Whitty and Sir Iain Vallance shared Johnson's interpretation? Unfortunately, I doubt that we will ever know.
  16. Sunak should - but won't - take a leaf out of Johnson's book and withdraw the Tory whip from those who defied the 3-line whip and voted against the government yesterday. Johnson, Rees-Moog, Truss and most of the Flat Earth Brigade would then be tossed out of Parliament at the next election which would be great news.
  17. Discuss (10 marks) Philosophy of Language/ Semantics module I don't think that you or I can spare the time required for the 'sunny uplands' to appear.
  18. Few would doubt that Johnson is a character, but surely the country is better served by having a competent, serious 'stuffed shirt' than a comical chancer? I think most people can forgive politicians who make mistakes which they thought were in the public interest, although there are obviously limits as Truss discovered: The problem with Johnson is that he appears self-serving.
  19. The technicalities had nothing to do with Covid and everything to do with Johnson not honouring an agreement which he signed. The bloke is nothing but a shameless opportunist, who thinks that he is above the rules and would do anything to further his own cause. Having said that, he was not alone in creating the mess that is Brexit. Rees-Moog and the rest of the Flat Earthers are equally culpable.
  20. I spent 5 days there, which was 4 days too long for me. I thought that the food was terrible. Each to their own ...
  21. Is that the advice of a Veterinarian or a Financial Advisor, Doctor?????
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