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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Someone should warn her that plastic melts when held over heat.
  2. At least they managed to maintain their slopes. ????????
  3. Removed, not worth the effort.
  4. Of course his story is not true, his posts are filled with trash & lies but this time he has been caught red-handed. If you do a Google image search with his attached picture, it shows quite a few results with the picture that Mr. Big Ego posted, including an article in thew Sun newspaper. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5044998/funny-tattoo-pictures-worst-tattoos/ If you don't want to get caught in a lie, don't download images off Google and then try to pass them off as your own.
  5. Just to balance out those not wearing masks, this morning I went to work wearing 7 masks while wearing a full face helmet with the visor down . . . . . . . . . . . . in my car.
  6. Drunk Japanese man runs amok allegedly refusing to pay over 5000 baht drink bill Bloody rank amateur. I would never run amok for a check-bin of less than Baht 15,000. If you're going down, do it with swagger.
  7. So, i will ask the question that I previously asked but you chose not to answer: Why does it bother you so much what other people do?
  8. Thai Rath said the lady displayed skills an Olympian would be proud of Thai Rath and The Sunday Sport, same same but different. ????
  9. Is this total paranoia or what Pot, meet kettle.
  10. Why does it bother you so much what other people do? Is it 4yourego?
  11. One is over the line for me. I have plenty of tats and I regret all of them. Tats can look good on a man if done correctly. Tats can also look good on a woman but never on a lady. Sorry if I'm ruffling feathers here but just my honest feelings.
  12. The new law also raised the maximum fine from 500 to 2,000 baht for driving in wrong direction and failure to wear a helmet or a seat belt. So cheaper than going 83 in an 80 zone?
  13. More tough laws that won't get enforced, so who cares. Well the speeding fines that will be increased greatly will, so I do. The speed limits in the areas where speed cameras are set up can be very confusing, with 3 different speeds shown within 100 meters in quite a few cases, Saraburi is a minefield to go through. It's almost like the signs were set up in such a way as to generate extra income for the Highway Department/Traffic Police Dept. ???? Whenever I visit my wife's home village, it doesn't matter how carefully I drive (under my wife's back-seat guidance), I will still end up with 2 tickets. A round trip to the North will now cost me Baht 8,000 instead of my normally 'budgeted for' Baht 2,000. Edited to add, I'm sure that my budget for speeding fines was Baht 1,000 and a ticket was 500 and not 1,000. Either way, Baht 8,000 makes the trip too expensive. Er indoors can fly next time she visits her village.
  14. Jirut Wisanjit, chief of the DLT, said that when the fares do increase the drivers must stop refusing fares. Or they will face points that could lead to their licences being suspended. They should take up drink driving instead, you can get away with that more than once without being suspended.
  15. Even with in system connectivity (i.e. phone going through car speakers etc) talking on the phone while driving is a distraction. Totally agree with this, I tried to get into the habit of connecting my phone to my vehicle but I felt very distracted taking a call while driving. It is strange, as I can talk to a passenger while driving without too much of a distraction but as soon as I have a conversation through my car's audio system, I go to pieces and start running down pedestrians and ploughing through the stalls of street traders. ???? I suppose the phenomenon is akin to those Yuppies in the late 90s who were able to go in a straight line while walking & talking with a friend but give them a bluetooth earphone and call them up to ask them how they got on with the tart that they ended up with last night and they automatically walk into a lamppost/bicycle/old lady. Edited to add, I just realised that I posted to agree with you agreeing with another poster. If anyone agrees with me, this could go on forever. Now, if only we could find some way of harnessing this infinite loop and connect it to the power grid, we wouldn't need Putin anymore. ????
  16. The problem with Darwin award candidates is that they also endanger others in their immediate vicinity.
  17. Anyone want buy any gold seal from me, I've just gotten a delivery coloured foil from Lazada and I'm just wrapping the stuff up.
  18. Looking at the pictures in the linked story, the funeral seems to be very well attended.
  19. Meanwhile, in the 'Bangkok News' section of this forum, a news article is titled 'Bangkok gets tough with motorcyclists riding or parking on pavements'. Here's an idea, why not introduce laws that should already have been in place, such as (but not limited to): One pillion passenger only (no families). Helmets for both the rider and the pillion. No pavement surfing. No driving the wrong way. No turning on a red light because the roads are quiet. No phones for rider (except for a fixed GPS). No 12 to 15 year olds (16 to 18 provision licence, smaller cc allowance). REAL DRIVING TESTS. No illegal U-turns. Follow all other road laws/rules Once you have these laws in place, try enforcing them.
  20. How did you manage to get these tests done 7 days before cannabis was decriminalized? Do you have any proof that these test results are actually for your weed and not someone else's?
  21. That should garner a barrage of 'sad' emoticons for your post. There are quite a few on here who don't like the truth being told, it upsets their slanted views.
  22. Actually he was freely elected not just once, but twice Where did I state otherwise? Let's face it, the second election was a walk in the park after having his political opposition 'thinned out'. Pleas remind us all how many elections either Prayuth or Prawit actually entered as a candidate and won their place in a free vote. I don't care about this bunch either. They took their position by force rather than following the correct path of paying for votes.
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