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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. not only for the drinker but the people around them. Spot on Charlie. I was an absolute party animal but I gave it all up because I learned that I was hurting my closest. However, my life didn't become boring, at parties now I enjoy a smoke while watching the sots around me making fools of themselves, while hurting their closest. Stopping drinking also helped me to mature and gave my marriage a new lease of life. I don't think that the OP has a drinking problem. I think that he is a sad person and is just after attention.
  2. Probably the best thing for Bob would be if his mommy changed the windows log-in on the home PC.
  3. The bad news is you probably have a headache this morning. On the plus side, by posting this trash, you are getting the attention that you so obviously crave & need. It must be nice to be special. yep. im a grown man
  4. One of the worst traditions in the British Army is 'Gunsmoke'. Gunsmoke was a mix of 'week' black tea with lashings of rum. On certain regimental days, you would be noisily (banging bin lids, drums, etc.) woken up by officers who would serve you a 'black mug' of the drink. Sounds good, free alcohol served to your bedside by the officers. However, the stuff was absolutely bogging. Even during my pish-head days, I couldn't drink that stuff. On of my favourite military traditions was introduced to me when I worked with RAF radar staff. They had carried on the old tradition of 'Tiffin' but their version consisted of tea or coffee with warm 'just cooked' bread. For the rest of my life I will remember the lovely smell of the bread cooking, wafting from their cookhouse.
  5. Why would you rashly jump to that conclusion without even knowing me? The reason for my post was because I have served on the front line, twice.
  6. Tradition is best left to religion. Sorry but I have to disagree with this. IMHO, tradition should be taught and carried out by military units. Tradition is the back bone of the military, it introduces respect, teaches military history and is a vital tool in instilling discipline. An army without traditions would have less pride and less to fight for. Religion, they can take their traditions and stuff them. They cause much, much more harm than good.
  7. The thread was started by the OP to ask for help, not get a holiday brochure.
  8. And what about the OPs happiness? Should he give up his job, most likely end in debt from the move, become unsure of his future and be miserable for the rest of his life because his wife dragged him away from where he is settled his life, on a whim, a flight of fantasy?
  9. So, exactly how are you helping the OP of this thread?
  10. And here lies the problem. Everyone knows that Tektite's are never a good indicator of winning lottery numbers.
  11. Just like my farther and my forefathers before him, I do not follow tradition. It has been this way in our family for many generations.
  12. May I suggest that Tony and his daughter try the North Sentinel Island. Apparently their cuisine is much better than Penang's. Don't worry about transport, the local fishermen can drop you off at the island.
  13. If you worked at KFC, if you knew how low quality the ingredients are, you wouldn't want to be eating that stuff.
  14. "So I decided to smash it up so that the company will really know how I feel. It was a new car but it has meant nothing but repairs. "I will let them repair it then I'm going to sell it and get what I can for it. Then I'm going to buy a new one". But surely the 'company' is not responsible for the repairs if the damage was intentional. I'm presuming that the same would go for her insurance company. As far as I can see, the only problems she has caused are for herself. How will she now get the car home, surely with the broken windscreen, it is not road worthy. about a furious woman smashing up her new car Not sure about furious but she is as mad as a box of frogs.
  15. Of course there is, who do you think runs the English Empire?
  16. Paolo may be private owned but they do accept the Thai welfare scheme and many locals use Paolo as their nominated welfare hospital. I am registered at Paolo their under the welfare scheme.
  17. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how much you love her, you have to move on. Your relationship would never be the same again and hey/your actions during this time will be pulled up at every single argument. I wouldn't just change the locks, that doesn't stop her from coming back and banging on the door all hours. Also, if her name is on the lease/house, then she has every right to just get them changed again when the OP is out. Moving would be my way, new SIM, all contact details changed, etc. Another way would to bring back a bar girl to stay for a few nights, once the neighbours start gossiping about it, she will steer clear for fear of losing face.
  18. Thank you philthebook, that's what this thread is all about. BTW, your not related to John The Book of Chung King fame, are you? ????
  19. So at some stage in the recent past, Sister & Brother sat down together and decided that they would actually be able to pull this off.
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