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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Bloody luxury, We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us!
  2. Just have all vehicles fitted with a 'sealed' breathalyzer connected to the ignition system and jail anyone found to have tampered with the seal.
  3. Download and show her a few episodes of the Jeremy Kyle show, then tell her that you just wanted her to meet her potential new neighbours.
  4. Tell her to register on Asean Now Forum. We'll put her right on the matter.
  5. I tried to get some Obtuse but as it's over 350 Baht a gram, this is not the right thread for me to post about it.
  6. Has she ever been to the UK? Take her on a mid autumn fortnight to Bradford and let her figure it out herself.
  7. Even though he is only kid at 16yo, it is hard for me not to feel that the beating was well deserved. Yes he is a kid but 340,000 Baht is 340,000 Baht, it's a lot of money locally and for most Thais, it's more than their life savings.
  8. A 16 year old spending 340,000 baht, that's would buy an awful lot of acne cream. He would have been better off hiring some protection.
  9. A dog called 'Nazi'..... You forgot to mention that they have named their stray dog 'Whitey'. I wonder what type of politics they follow.
  10. Oh do come on Steven, Cannabis has been vital in shaping our world, through the creative genius that it spawns. William Shakespeare, Alexander Dumas, Bob Dylan, Stephen King, Bill Gates, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Pablo Picasso and many more took inspiration from smoking cannabis. Without Cannabis, the world would be a very different and boring place. I mean really, would you want to live a world without Johnny Cash in it?
  11. Chong's unproven 'fine line theorem', eh? Give me 24 hours and I will test this theory for you. Maybe I could sneak in and steal a nomination for the Noble prize in medicine.
  12. not sure what you mean with your final paragraph but you don't have to get stoned every day if you don't want to Confused the hell out of me as well. What a strange concept.
  13. so far all the weed I have bought recently has been overweight I have the exact same experience. Initially I was a little worried about being scammed online but thankfully this thread served its purpose, thank you all for your recommendations.
  14. The fact of the matter is the poor people loved him So does that make him a good person? Poor people will love anyone with a false promise. Pol Pot, Marcos, Gaddafi, Escobar, the list goes on.
  15. Not a problem, fill the places with more cheap import labour. Samutprakarn Immigration are already kept busy processing work permits for Myanmar passports, so a few more won't matter.
  16. A guide to Thailand’s new rules of the road A guide that only needs one sentence to cover all bases: Expect the unexpected!!!
  17. was it not supposed to be used for medicinal purposes only It is for medicinal purposes, my boss is constipated, so when I turn up at today's customer meeting totally stoned again, he will <deleted> himself.
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