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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. You are describing the effects of alcohol and not Ganja. Smoking Ganja cannot cause the symptoms that you are describing. So not reality at all. Put down your copy of Reefer Madness and smell the coffee.
  2. Would my favourite magazine be a credible source?
  3. No society needs you but at least we do make an effort to tolerate you.
  4. Society needs to learn how to use Cannabis and Hemp I'm attending lessons in my own man cave on a nightly basis.
  5. Such "dinosaurs" have been trying to stir up trouble in online forums including ASEAN NOW but have been batted into touch by sensible users. Their "Reefer Madness" observations have been dismissed though a divide remains. Thank God that common sense is prevailing.
  6. Holly mackerel, That is not just a paste table in a backroom, that's a full on casino.
  7. Absolutely pathetic post. You really should be ashamed of yourself for openly taunting and slating off those of us who prefer to err to the side of caution on the tail of the worst pandemic in our lifetimes. You seem to be very fixated obsessed with other people wearing masks. Surely this is not natural or rational behaviour. Have you thought of seeing someone about your problem? Seriously?
  8. Halesowen is a market town in the Metropolitan Borough of Dudley, in the county of West Midlands, England. (Wikipedia) I know this because as I have said, I grew up on the border. My first driving offence happened in Halesowen, about 5 miles from my home in Birmingham and the case was dealt with by Dudley's courts. They do all sound like Barry Taylor though.
  9. I used to talk to my ex-wife.
  10. As a true Brummie, who grew up on the outskirts of Halesowen, I would like to point out that Halesowen is not in Birmingham. In case you are wondering, up the Villa.
  11. Some of the links that I posted show THC %, you have to follow the links. https://shopee.co.th/????สมุนไพร-OGดอกเก๊กฮวยตรา420(Gorilla-Cookie)-i.18000941.19812953379?sp_atk=43a79767-9f75-4d1f-9178-1ded3041e235&xptdk=43a79767-9f75-4d1f-9178-1ded3041e235 20-24% https://shopee.co.th/ดอกเก๊กฮวย-ดอดกัน-ชา-ดอกOG-ดอก420-Maltezerz-????1g.-490THB.-i.57781044.19115392803?sp_atk=2b93a973-6a98-4fd3-843c-addbe06497f1&xptdk=2b93a973-6a98-4fd3-843c-addbe06497f1 25% AFAIK, no bud for sale (yet) on Lazada.
  12. One should never leave the toilet door open, there's a bog roll thief on the loose, who is prolificer (more prolific) then those pesky Humphreys that keep nicking my milk. ????
  13. Especially as he compared all Thai 7-11 staff as equivalent to Nazis just because they told him to put a mask on.
  14. Why does it bother you so much what other people do? Are you really that fickle?
  15. OK, I'm getting very confused about the ganja that I have been buying, I think that the strain that I have bought must be broken, as I can't seem to emulate the results that the good Doctor T. describes. The decriminalization of cannabis occurred on 9th June (over 2 weeks ago) and I have been abusing my body since. However, at no time have I had the urge to jump off a building nor have I had bad dreams or turned into an addict (opium type addiction or otherwise). Am I doing something wrong and how long do I have to keep the suppository in? Someone please help me with some 'proper science' in this matter.
  16. Confirmed, I placed a few orders yesterday. https://shopee.co.th/loongmy_sweedfarm420#product_list https://shopee.co.th/namnueashop#product_list https://shopee.co.th/bongmalee#product_list
  17. Coming to work this morning i went through our local market town during rush time. Plenty of people about, every one that I saw had a mask on, apart from two taxi drivers who where sitting on the bonnet of one of the taxis having a chat with their masks pulled below their chins. Went into the 7-11 and again everyone still wearing masks. Thermometer still there and everyone continuing as if the mask mandate was still in place. I don't know what would have happened if someone would have entered without a mask on. I'm presuming that in the tourist areas masks are the rarity but here in Samutprakarn, it's just like somebody forgot to pass on the memo.
  18. While I agree that there is an immense amount of information available on the www, I don't agree with your thoughts on the 'how to' guides that have been posted on here. BritManToo spent a long time preparing those posts, he did not need to, he already knows how to grow, he was kindly passing on his experiences with growing in Thailand. He also spent his own time answering plenty of questions, which just shows that there were plenty of other forum members interested in what he was saying. I have no idea what your past with BritManToo is but calling someone a troll for simply offering free advice does indicate that there are issues and you are out of line in this instance.
  19. Something that I have never seen, so I am not qualified to answer.
  20. Breaking News: I am now wearing three masks at the same time.
  21. Then I shall continue to wear a mask just to annoy you. I am also going to ask all of my friends, family and neighbours to also continue wearing masks. In fact, I have just put one on to type up this reply.
  22. And why does what someone else does bother you so much. Are you really offended by seeing someone in a mask?
  23. That's my choice and not yours. I'm not trying to force you to learn basic manners, so don't try to tell me that I can't show respect to others.
  24. Well not me, I showered this week. How about you?
  25. I would say that it would be dependent on which area of Thailand. Tourist areas, I can see the masks fully disappearing very quickly but outside of the tourist areas I think things will be a little different. It's nearly 2pm in Samutprakarn and I have not seen a single mask-less person today and that includes all of our office and factory staff (400 pax). The local shops and 7-11s are still running with the mask mandate, as were the rest of the locals that I saw on my commute to work. it will be interesting to see if this changes locally overnight.
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