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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Religion is the opiate of the masses. Smokey36 - 2017. (Though I think that he may have been quoting Karl Marx).
  2. It's a human right to wear condoms, even during the period that aids was a highly deadly disease. It's a human right to grow up without being raped by your local vile perverted priest. It's a human right to be given pain killers if you are dying a painful death, rather than being told that you have to suffer to go to heaven. It's a human right to be gay. Unless you are a Catholic. Why would anyone listen to this evil man, who is at the very top of the biggest propaganda ring in the world?
  3. If you want alcohol free beer Heineken 0.0 is the best available in Thailand (bottles taste better than cans). Don't fall for San Miguel's Zero beer, it tastes putrid, it definitely isn't beer but it does have alcohol 3% alcohol. ????
  4. I have a friend over on a 60 day tourist visa and he intends to activate the 30 day extension. Could someone please clarify when he should apply for the extension (he's only been here for 2 weeks so far). is there a time window?
  5. Any idea what strength that Cambodian brick weed is? I'm told 'by a friend' that that's all that seems to be easily available at the moment. My friend needs something stronger but not too strong, maybe Thai stick strength.
  6. Will the average plod be given testing equipment to check if your 'home grown' is 0.2% THC or less?
  7. Not I, I'm currently playing 'Covid Bingo'. I only need a 'partial lockdown' to get a full house.
  8. Surely with all the open land in Thailand, throwing down some seeds on wasteland is the way to go. There is no 0.2% THC rule in guerrilla gardening. ????
  9. So can I, if you stand close enough to me. ????
  10. There is a shortage of pork due to hospitals buying up pigs for transplants. Wonder if they will do penis transplants, if so I want a decent sized sausage sewn on.
  11. https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/alcohol-ban-averted-ccsa-rejects-pattaya-sandbox-385513 From the article: The CCSA said it would keep travelers informed if a cutoff date is decided. Otherwise, arrivals face no changes to requirements other than taking an additional, free PCR test.The CCSA said 10,440 Thailand Pass holders are expected to arrive in Thailand from Jan. 7-15; 4,900 from Jan. 16-31; 3,757 in February and 468 in March. Those numbers were nearly four times less than the number of passes approved, but many people canceled their trips after Test & Go was suspended.
  12. Well said. Your post was clear as a bell, I'm confused why you got a few 'sad' smileys. Mind you, one of those 'sad' posters gets sad (or confused) over many posts without clear reason. ???? edited for a correction.
  13. On a serious note, why is she blaming Thailand? By that I mean, why does she realise that Thailand is the same as everywhere else? If you test positive in any country in the world (that I'm aware of), you have to quarantine. She would have been in the same situation in most foreign countries. As for no one being able to speak English, don't make me laugh. You even state on your video about the conversations that you had with the hotel staff and maybe more but I couldn't be bothered to watch the full video. How did you speak to these people and get understandable answers if they could speak no English? Have you been learning Thai (very quickly) during quarantine?
  14. I actually am Barking mad, cant get enough of the place. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barking,_London
  15. Nice haircut, where do you suppose he got his head stuck?
  16. Try doing some research. Here's a random collection showing vaccinated vs un-vaccinated infections. There are loads more if you can learn to use Google. 2.webp 60f151b2bb790e0018207e95.webp
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