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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Twenty years and they haven't imiproved the elctronics enough that you can still keep your radio or phone on in their planes. Maybe they don't want to, Imagine trying to get some kip when the loud <deleted> sitting next to you a on an 11 hour flight insists on calling his friends and family to tell them 'loudly' that he is on a plane, for the entirety of the flight. Imagine that scenario being played out multiple times on the same plane. By the end of the flight I would get a flight ban for air rage.
  2. Or clean your glasses with liquid soap, don't wash the soap off, wipe it off with a tissue or soft cloth and then clean the lenses as usual.
  3. He is most likely aware of what can go wrong and I don't doubt that his family would have been reminding him by nagging him and calling him an old fool. They are both consenting adults and are obviously happy in their relationship. I pray that I am still a lover (or even alive) at 77 years old, what a way to see out the end of life. Best of luck old chap.
  4. How old was that story that you just read? Is it older than this article?
  5. I know that this post will probably put the cat amongst the pigeons and earn me some haters, but so be it and so what. I found this story on this site (Asean Now). I can't help thinking that if the guy in the wheelchair was black that I would have learned about this case through mainstream media. I would probably be reading that the whole police department was being investigated, mainstream media would be calling for blood and Richard Lee Richards would be plastered on a freedom fighter t-shirt. Sorry if I've crushed or damaged anyone's feelings, just saying what I feel on the matter.
  6. What a great man-cave that would make. Is that your place Crossy? Added on edit: Ooooh, just realized that it's probably a restaurant. What a twunt i am. ????
  7. Same for me, our houses are in my wife's name. At least Mrs. Bert can sleep safely with the knowledge that Mr. Bert could never afford to finish her off. ????
  8. I agree with what you say that farangs cannot own land and property legally in Thailand. However, the attached article (Phuket News) states that the home owner was foreign: Ms Mali explained that she invited “the foreigner” who owns the house to go halves in buying the small plot that once was beside the public canal, but now includes the area in front of the foreigner’s house. Mind you, the whole story is full of contradictions and confusions.
  9. The best way to do that was to read online reviews to ensure the credibility and legality of the seller. Yeah, that'll do it. Sellers on Lazada would never post their own reviews, would they? ????
  10. The BBQ strikes again. ????????????
  11. Guess that they should have cast the net further than Rotherham when they were looking for a model.
  12. You would need to possess footwork somewhere between Ronaldo and Fred Astaire.
  13. So, as the title suggests, today is Poppy Day (Remembrance Day). Do you make a special effort to commemorate and remember the brave men and women who fell while protecting us? How do you mark Poppy Day? I had planned to pay my respects at the Kanchanaburi War Memorial but I have visiting customers today, so I have to stay in the office and attend to them. I am however wearing my regimental T-shirt & a Poppy badge and I will make sure that I am free at 11am, so I can spend some time in thought, thinking about and thanking our veterans for their sacrifice. On Sunday (Remembrance Sunday), we (me & my wife) will pay our respects at the Kanchanaburi War Memorial, as we have done for most of my previous Remembrance Sundays in Thailand. Please God, watch over those who fell while watching over us.
  14. I have 90,000 chairs. However, I am the groundsman at Wembley Stadium.
  15. Personally, I can't see Mankind lasting another thousand years. Really, are you open for a wager, winner takes all, just name your ante. Easy money.....
  16. The ghost of Isambard Kingdom Brunel just had an orgasm.
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