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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Guess that they should have cast the net further than Rotherham when they were looking for a model.
  2. You would need to possess footwork somewhere between Ronaldo and Fred Astaire.
  3. So, as the title suggests, today is Poppy Day (Remembrance Day). Do you make a special effort to commemorate and remember the brave men and women who fell while protecting us? How do you mark Poppy Day? I had planned to pay my respects at the Kanchanaburi War Memorial but I have visiting customers today, so I have to stay in the office and attend to them. I am however wearing my regimental T-shirt & a Poppy badge and I will make sure that I am free at 11am, so I can spend some time in thought, thinking about and thanking our veterans for their sacrifice. On Sunday (Remembrance Sunday), we (me & my wife) will pay our respects at the Kanchanaburi War Memorial, as we have done for most of my previous Remembrance Sundays in Thailand. Please God, watch over those who fell while watching over us.
  4. I have 90,000 chairs. However, I am the groundsman at Wembley Stadium.
  5. Personally, I can't see Mankind lasting another thousand years. Really, are you open for a wager, winner takes all, just name your ante. Easy money.....
  6. The ghost of Isambard Kingdom Brunel just had an orgasm.
  7. DIKTHAI, why are you even asking this question? On your profile you show your location as Bangsu. Just stick your head out of the window and take a look if any of the locals are not wearing masks.
  8. No private manufacturing company in Thailand observes anywhere near 28 public holidays a year, so these extra days will have little to no effect on the export market.
  9. 99% certain my private sector employer will be ignoring this announcement, I can’t say I blame them. Civil servants will love the extra holidays And that is it in a nutshell. The majority of Thai private companies do not follow all of the holidays otherwise they would not get any production done. The company that I work for gives us 13 days of public holidays and around that figure seems to be the normal. These extra holidays will be enjoyed by Government workers. As for the mention of '8 days in the UK', I would gladly swap to the UK system. I like many employees in Thailand work a 6 day week as standard, so those extra 5 days are swallowed up by the 52 Saturdays that I work. The only time that I worked Saturdays in the UK, I got paid time and a half.
  10. That will be ignored by the anti-mask snowflake brigade, it doesn't fit in with their false narrative.
  11. I don't believe much of this story, and it's being sensationalised. The 'confused' smileys that you are getting after your posts is because you seem to be posting onto the wrong thread. The reason for this assumption is that your posts are not making any sense at all (to an adult). Sensationalised? Did you even read the story? The dogs had to be removed from their original home because they were terrorizing the locals and then went on to do the same in their new home. Are you suggesting that the locals in both locations were equally sensationalising the situation? Did you not read in the original post that the police were 'organizing compensation discussions', do you think that the compensation was for the dog's owner? Did you bother to watch the video and see the man whose arm was bandaged and in a sling, was this sensationalised? Or the neighbours who came out to applaud the police for getting these potential killers off the street, do you really believe that their clapping was a show of support for the dogs or their owner? Really, if you are going to present an argument you should at least read the article that you are arguing about and maybe have some (even a tiny bit) of knowledge on the subject.
  12. I think that I've got it. Is the answer 'artichoke'?
  13. Is 'the government' that you refer to the Thai government, you are asking for logic from a Thai government? ????????
  14. Thank you for continuing to make 'silly' statements and proving my point. ????
  15. Unless you really are a moron, stop making moronic statements.
  16. Some days more than others. When I wrote it, I was definitely serious.
  17. Due to the major construction projects leading up to the handover, there were plenty of jobs (jobs aplenty) for Gweilo expats in HK during the 80s. As such I did an OSHA safety supervisor's course for the construction business. It was a mixed class with about half of the class being expats and although most of the Brits (myself included) only attended a few times and spent most of the course time 'on the wag' in the Galley Bar (Jardine House), absolutely nobody failed the course. Getting those projects finished before the Red Dawn marched over the border was the priority. BTW, safety rules for the bamboo scaffolding was part of the course.
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