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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. My wife recruited me as her personal masseur and now I'm enslaved in a sex-full marriage. Escape is not an option at this moment, though I do keep telling her where I am hiding my passport.
  2. This was all over the Thai news yesterday, so I told 'her indoors' that the guy was only doing us all a favour by trying to remove his offerings from the gene pool. She laughed but then said I was being cruel. I then asked if she would want our daughter to marry him, for him to become our son-in-law and dilute our bloodline with his wise ways. Quite amazing how quickly she changed her tune and saw my point of view.
  3. Log into your Ladaza account Click on the account name and in the drop down window click 'Manage my account' Under 'Personal profile' uncheck the 2 boxes 'Receive marketing SMS' & 'Receive marketing e-mails' Hope that helps.
  4. hush nobody ask you Please don't feed the trolls. Besides which, if when you prove him to be a fool his stock answer will be "hush nobody ask you".
  5. You are going to look silly when it is found out that this was just a bondism swing session that went wrong.
  6. The bail money has probably already been spent as the Custom's bribe payment on a soon to be confiscated Ferrari.
  7. Any donations are welcome of course, but I personally am not so sure its spent on Fruit for the beasts. Sorry but you are wrong, that's exactly were the money will go to. However, the fruit will be fermented with yeast & sugar and the beasts are the the prison warders of these magnificent pachyderms.
  8. In other news it is being reported that there was a temporary surge in the world's IQ level for a few hours on Monday and 27 zombies people who were destined to walk into lamp posts didn't.
  9. As a card carrying atheist, they didn't send me an invite.
  10. If Thai schools spent less time preaching their own perceived morality (which they fail to follow themselves) & force feeding the children antiquated witchcraft religion and spent more time on lessons relevant to the real world.........................................
  11. Reverse & Drive would indicate Automatic but nothing with these clowns is automatic, unless the term 'knee jerk reaction' can be redefined as automatic.
  12. No one said we'd open the country and Bangkok on October 1st Obviously someone did or he wouldn't be talking about it.
  13. It becomes impossible for a non-bike rider to fathom where one would fit into this thread.
  14. Cat burglary involves stealthily climbing upper stories of buildings, not the theft of felines notes ASEAN NOW. Thanks for clearing that up, I thought that she was stealing from the Communication Authority of Thailand.
  15. Rape or consensual sex? Strangled with a phone charger cable or smothered with a pillow? Competent Thai police. I'm confused with so many points on this story. ????
  16. Their website is shown in the Google maps link in the OP. https://greens.co.th/
  17. I will say it again, I am not talking about of personal views here I'm talking about the law. I didn't make the law but as long as the law exists it should be followed. How difficult is it for you to understand that?
  18. I have to pop down to the 7-11, anybody got a buckshee noddy suit they can lend me?
  19. Are you saying that the lockdowns in every country are not real then or are you saying the laws of all of these countries should only 'selectively' followed? The word that you used for this current situation was 'pandemic'? Do you (or anyone else who doesn't agree with the law) actually understand how serious the situation is in Thailand?
  20. No, I just think that my view is more adult and makes more sense. I am not talking about of personal views here I'm talking about the law and how some fools believe that selective laws should not apply to them. Emergency laws hav been thrown up in many countries, this is not just a Thai thing. The laws are in place to protect the public and to try to control the outbreak, selfish <deleted> who do not want to follow these laws are extending the damage and havoc that this virus is causing, as well as putting innocent lives at risk. I could try to explain this so that even you could understand this but I have neither the time nor the crayons.
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