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Posts posted by Peteinbkk31

  1. Hi,

    I got a SMS from True this morning that they are offering the I-Phone 3G, 8GB & 16 GB for free if you sign up for a 2 year contract, it's about 1,600b a month for 2 years for the 16GB model with 100 free minutes, 100 text messages and other internet stuff.

    Go here for the offer if you want to read more, I only just splashed out for a new 120GB I-Pod yesterday so I doubt I will get an I-Phone too.

    Anyway it looks like finally Thailand is going the same way as back in the Uk, where they give you the phone for free but sign you to lengthy contracts.


    Click on English in the top corner

  2. Hi,

    I'm a proud owner of the Silver package 750b per month ...... I'm a US/Uk series, comedy and reality show addict ....... the silver package for me is way better than the gold package .... I get these channels

    BBC entertainment

    Star World

    E TV

    that the Gold package for some reason doesn't get ...... I do get no news channels, or sports channels ...... but that has just changed and for 299b a month I get True Sport 5 which gurantees 5 premiership matches a week, which is 2 games on saturday, 2 on sunday and the monday night match, also get the weekly roundup .... I have no choice of what match I get to watch but it's usually the top match of the week.

    Anyway I'm finally happy with my UBC silver package with Premiership package, which comes to 1,200baht

    The only channel I miss is X-Zyte .... and like others I get enough torrent stuff to keep me happy for that

  3. My 360 also broke, hopefully thanks to Ian B it is getting fixed but it's been 5 months since it last worked.

    The first lot of 360's did have a major issue with them, in that when it overheated the motherboard flexed and pushed some chips out of align thus giving you the 3 red lights of death. When the major flaw is over heating you got to remember we live in Thailand where the heat is ridiculous sometimes. Hopefully the new 360's the Elite and the brand new ones off the line have got a bigger Heat sink and should be ok, but you never know.

    You might get a couple of people coming on after me saying that cos their 360 didn't fail or their frends didn't fail that this is just a myth ..... but if it's a myth why are Microsoft putting in bigger heat sinks, also why would they extend the warrantee from 1 year to 3 years at a loss of millions.

    If you're gonna get a 360 wait a few months and get an Elite or make sure it was made in the last 2 months.

    As for which PS3 as Cowman saidit doesn't matter.

    As for the Wii, I bought the Japanese version just os I saved a few thousand baht, tight bastard .... nearly all US games can be played on the Jap Wii in English, just the menus on the console load up screen is in Japanese.

    If you got loads of cash just buy the US version.

  4. PS3 20gb 14,000 ---- Copies No,

    PS3 80gb 18,000 ---- Copies No,

    X-Box 360 Premium, 13,900 ---- Copies Yes ---- Likely to break down, yes

    All from www.nadzproject.com deliver anywhere in Bangkok for 200 baht nadz are out of Wiis at the moment

    Wii Jap version + Wii Key - 9,400 ---- Copies Yes

    Wii US version + Wii Sports + Wii Key - 13,490 --- Copies Yes

    Wii Jap Version + Wii Key + 2 Controllers + 10 Games + Adapter - 12,990

    From www.j-signature.com

    PS3 games from 1,400 to 2,100 Baht

    X-Box 360 Copy Games --- 150 Baht

    Wii Copy Games -------- 60 Baht

    From anywhere, these prices from MBK

  5. I used to stay in the PS Guest House about 10 years ago and it was a dive and shit hole back then, god knows what it's degraded too now. Back then it was a short time hotel for Thai men taking street walkers back so you can imagine how the rooms were.

    I was only a teenager at the time so didn't care but even I wouldn't dare go back there any more.

    Sawatdee hotels are ok for 500b and the White Inn is ok for 500b on the 2nd road and very close to Waling street and the grotty shitty south Beach :o

  6. Bear in mind Wolfie, do you really think that after buying a machine for 14,000 baht, that you should then be expected to open the machine up yourself and stick 12 cent coins in it, or stick bits of erasers on the chips .......

    Buy a PS3 for 14,500 from www.nadzproject.com or wait for the newer 360's available soon

  7. Strictly speaking of *console* generations, these wouldn't count as being third generation. If we consider consoles that didn't flop and weren't generally computers first, gaming second:

    Let's count "Pong" as the first "real" console that actually sold in any significant quantity and made waves. That's first gen.

    Second gen would probably be Atari's 2600 and its cousins. Also the Colecovision.

    Third (and very important) the Famicom (or NES to the US). The Sega Master Sytem is also in this generation, and probably the PC engine (third and a half?) with the Sega Genesis.

    Fourth, the Neo Geo, which was revolutionary for its time, but way too expensive (about what a PS3 costs now).

    Fourth also, the Super Famicom, which was also revolutionary, but actually affordable ($199).

    Fifth generation, the Playstation, and start of the Sony era, and the Nintendo 64.

    Sixth generation the Sega Dreamcast, Xbox, Gamecube, and Playstation 2.

    Seventh gen is probably today, with the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3.

    I've probably left out a few, since this is pretty arbitrary, but this just goes to show that consoles have come a loooong way. Compare, say, Halo 3 to Pong.

    The Sega Genesis or Sega Megadrive as called in the UK was in the 4th Gen with the Super NES in the Uk or Super Famicom ... I used to have the Super Wild Card that fitted on top of the SNES, it cost more than the SNES but you could then put all of the games on floppy discs, I think that was the first mod for a console ever, that let you play copy games.

  8. No regional locking on the PS3 ......

    Thanks for the info Ian B, I'll try their, and do you mean 6,000 each or 6,000 for the 3 consoles !!

    Turok I can understand your escape reality way of playing games, and I suppose my liking of mainly Jap Rpgs is my way of doing that too. I'm really liking Metroid at the moment. I'm thinking of getting a Nintendo DS, my daughter has one and the games are so small it's ridiculous, I mean for downloading which I know you don't do but the biggest game I downloaded for her was 64mb. So compared to the PSP which has games at 1 or even 2gb. It would be very quick and easy to get the best games.

  9. Turok,

    Out of curiosity how old are you ??? I do know the characters you mention having got a Wii and had a SNES, but to love and want to know all about Kirbys adventures and Pikachus adventures, I have to admit seems pretty childish.

    Ian B please tell me where you got your X-box 360 fixed, the place I go to never repair it right, at the longest it has worked about 4 hours after getting it "repaired"


  10. solosiam or benq or whatever you are - your reply in this thread is typical of your attitude whenever someone reports a broken 360. You really ought to stop doing this, I mean, do you realise how infantile this behaviour is? Of course you don't as that would require an ounce of intellect, and you only have 16ths!

    basjke - I have green LED on start up. The red rings are gone. Sadly, the console isn't yet 100% fixed as there is no AV output. I need to check with another AV cable to eliminate suspects! Just waiting for A. The time to go to a shop and try with their AV cable as a test, or B. Hook up with a 360 owner and test using their cable.

    If there is AV, its fixed, but if not, I will call it a day and wait for the new 360's. I will also cut a huge hole in my new 360 and attach a 220v fan which will ensure minimal temperatures when in use.

    Insults are unnecessary... Ben just reported his experience and thats counter to the above quoted 'fact'..

    I too am into my second year of 360 use.. As is a mate.. None of us have suffered the 3RLOD.

    So based on the above 'fact' where only 9% make a year I would say thats way out..

    I am not saying there are no failures but the 'fact' that only 1% of 360's make 2 years is BS IMO.

    Insults are necessary, when a person starts his message at laughing at another persons misfortune ..... My mother died this morning .... reply, lol my mother is still living.

    Your 360 is still working, hooray for you, why are you on a message talking about broken 360's if yours is working ???? Go and enjoy yourself on your 360 ;P

    Everytime there is a message about broken 360's Ben rears his ugly head saying his 3 or 4 or 5 360's the amount changes every post, and his friends who own 2, or 3 or 4 again Bens friends and the amount they have changes every post too work fine.

    This whole thread is about people who have broken 360's and how to fix them, of course there are 360's out there that aren't broken, and you 2 are the lucky ones, so go and play them.

    Me and my friends aren't HIV+ or blind, deaf or dumb, but I do believe there are millions of people with Hiv .... but with your logic I expect you think these are myths too, cos you and your friends haven't got them right !!?!?!

  11. Firefox, I agree in the past it has always been the deciding factor on which console has the better games, for me

    Spectrum >>> Commodore

    Amiga >>> Atari St

    Sega Master System >> Nintendo NES

    Super NES >> Mega Drive

    PS1 >>> Nintendo 64

    Ps2 >>> X-box

    But it dosn't really matter if a console has the best games if when you buy the console it's an actual lottery if yours is gonna last 6 months. Then I think you have to take other things into consideration.

    360 > Great game selection, Can play copies, Cheap, but has a major flaw in design that is likely to kill your machine in less than a year.

    To all the fanboys that say it hasn't happened to me so it can't be a problem, well I've had unprotected sex and so have some of my friends and we haven't caught HIV+, so HIV must be a myth, I don't care about the many reports saying it's true cos me and my 5 friends haven't caught it, think about your mentality.

    To Ian_b where did you get your 360 fixed ??? Cos I have been having my 360 fixed for about 5 moths now and everytime it comes back it works for about 4 hours max !!! I'm sure they are fixing it the towel trick way or reheating the solders, and not by removing x-clamps which I have tried to tell them to do ..... Please tell me so I can get it fixed.

  12. As I own all 3 I can give an unbiased and fair judgement.

    The X-Box 360 has the better games, more selection, it's been unlocked so you can play copy games on it, so this should be the number 1 right .... well, seeing as I haven't been able to play my 360 for like 5 months now cos of the Fuc%$#@ 3 red lights of death, I'm not that pleased with my 360 .... I can't beleve that it took Microsoft so long to admit their fault, and they are now paying for it by giving the extended 3 year warranty. Of course this doesn't help us with our flashed 360's in a country where the 360 isn't officialy released yet. Everytime I get my 360 back from repair it's scary, I'm scared to play longer than 30 minutes, I've got about 3 fans blasting on it. Really you shouldn't be afraid to play your 15,000 baht machine cos yu're scared it's gona break down.

    My girlfriend bought me another 360 for my birthday, but I took it back the same day and exchanged it for a Playstation 3, I saw the 360 was an old model, so it was very likely to get 3 rod again. I will buy a new 360 when the new Heat sinks are implemented and the failure rate goes down.

    So the 360 should be my number 1 but the failure rate is ridiculous.

    So on to my Playstation 3, it cost the same as my 360, it also cost 7,000 b less than my Playstation 2 which I bought pretty much at launch from MBK. It's the first console I've bought where it hasn't been cracked yet, I bought my first original game in about 15 years, lol.

    The cost is a lot, but you d feel like you're getting a quality made machine. I admit after my 360 I was scared to run my Playstation 3 for too long, but now I've kept it on all day, downloading demos and not a problem. Of course I hope in the near future that it gets cracked, as 1,500 baht to 2,000 baht a game is a lot ...... but in saying that, the 1 game that I did buy, I have played that game to death and paying the price I do appreciate it more .... the amount of times I bought a PS2 or 360 Game and tried it for 5 minutes and never played it again. Now I download the demo and make sure I'm gonna like it, and I play the game to I unlock everything.

    Also I'm more into Japanese RPG's and Japanese games, so hopefully more of these kind of games will come out for the PS3. I loved a lot of the games on the 360 but I did get sick of playing the 473rd FPS on the 360, not being a FPS fan, the games I realy like on the 360 weren't so many, but again I wil say the 360 currently has a better library than the PS3.

    So at the moment the PS3 is my favourite machine.

    As for the Wii, what can I say I fell for it hook, line & sinker. It's not a console for gamers, it's a family entertainment machine. Even the big games like Zelda & Paper Mario didn't hold my attention for long. I have to admit I started Metroid last night and that seems good, so it might be time to dust off the Wii ........ Saying that tho, the most popular machine when people or family visit is the Wii hands down. So as the games only cost 80b it's not a bad machine, just hope that developers can think of original ways and inventive ways to use the remote and not make the 354th party game.

    So in conclusion the 360 would be my favourite right now, but it has serious problems, and my one has been dead for 4 to 5 months, so my PS3 is my top machine now, lets just hope that someone Paradox most probably crack the machine so we can play copies ;P

    As for the Wii, it will get used when family or kids are visiting !!

  13. Good luck Russ, I found the same way as you have to repair my 360 but I got lost after the first instruction and this was supposed to be the easy version ... lol

    My 360 is still workingg ok after being repaired a week ago .... but if you manage to fix yours by doing somthing to the X-Clamps, you might be the go to guy when my one fails again ....

    Keep us posted on how you do .... heard this way is 90% positive if you do it right :o

  14. First of all I'd like to ask Ben why do you think Microsoft extended their gurantee to 3 years at a cost of 1 Billion if the 3 red rings of death is just a myth and made up by Sony Fan boys !?!?

    My 360 is a Japanese version which got the 3 rings of death right after I'd donwloaded the spring update, have seen a number of people claiming the same thing.

    Anyway took my 360 back to the shop in Seacon Square and they told me it would be 2 to 3 days ..... 2 months later they give it back to me fixed, took it home and it lasted 2 minutes before it was flashing again ..... took it back again, again they said 2 more days, this time it has worked fine for 2 days at the moment, touch wood ..... I have bought the Intercooler thing for the back of the 360, and I have a notebook cooler under the 360, so hopefully it will be ok .....

    Russ, I'm at work and can't remember the name of the shop, I'll pm you later with the details, the repair cost 2,000baht .... I have a website that tells you how to fix your 360's by yourself, has a 90% success rate, something to do with releasing the X-clamps .... too difficult for me, but if anyones interested in having a go, I'll give the link .... supposed to be easy step by step instructions but lost me after the first bit :o

  15. Pete - Where are you getting the machine fixed?

    The place I bought it in Seacon Square .... but God knows where they have sent it to get it fixed, supposedly the man who is doing it is doing it alone and there is a back log of about 8, mine is 3rd in the queue ... gonna go in today and see what's up

  16. Ben,

    Your stupidity beggers belief, if there are any fan boys here it seems you to be a Microsoft fan boy. Why else buy 4 360's and do you have 3 or 4 friends with 360's, you don't seem to be sure ?!?!

    Why else would Art games in MBK stop selling them ?? cos they have a backlog of 30 machines broken, that's why ... Are Art games Sony fanboys ?!?

    Here are 2 stories from today, from one of the webs most popular video game sites !!!



    And yes I do own a 360 that has the 3 red lights, mine is getting repaired but after being toldf it would take 2 days, it is now 6 weeks .... and guess why that is Bennie Boy ... cos there are so many beaking down ......

    ######ing take those Microsoft blinkers off boy ... and no I don't own a Ps3 so am not a Sony fan boy, just a pissed off 360 fan

    So you want to put your money where your mouth is .... why not just swap me one of your working 360's for my 360 ??? Cos the 360 breaking down is a myth right, so sutrely mine is in working order ?!?

    or how much are you willing to give me for my 360 ?!?!?

  17. I also got the 3 rings of death .... took it in to get repaired 2 weeks ago, they said it woud take 2 days .... still waiting :o

    I'd love to say ###### Microsoft and never buy one again, but some great games have just come out and coming out in the near future .... So I might have to give in and buy a core system, as I have the hard dirve and 2 wireless controllers and headset already ....

    ######ing scandalous that a thing that price can break down in 5 months and you can't do anything about it :D

  18. Hi,

    I don't know if I'm banned yet as I got the bastard 3 red lights of death las week, it has been getting repaired since then :o

    I've heard a few reports of this too - straight after the spring update ??

    Yep, right after the spring update and the Crackdown download ..... I also saw quite a fewq people claiming the same thing after doing the Spring update, do you think Microsoft decided to kill a few consoles that had been modified with the update ?? Cos I can't think of any other reason why a lot of peoples machines died with the update !??!

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