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  1. Tell her to google BIA-ALCL
  2. It is actually difference in spelling. In russian passport he must be Aleksandr, in Ukrainian passport it will be spelled Oleksandr. If he immigrated to Sweden from Ukraine, his name in Swedish passport will be also Oleksandr. And yep, he can be ethnically russian, you never know. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_name Олександр (Oleksandr [olekˈsɑnd(e)r] ⓘ), equivalent to Alexander, of Greek origin.
  3. Still not fixed I guess.
  4. Some places may be not safe for locals because of teen gangs, they won't touch a foreigner, but can extort money from Thais.
  5. Also, I wonder if it can be mitigated by split tunneling. VPN provider can push route that can be affected by this attack. Or push split routes for all ranges with different netmask. For example you can push and to client. Or do it for every range, like,, and so on. And if you are on Linux you can compile DHCP client that will ignore option 121 (like Android). I wonder if some clients allow to disable DHCP options already.
  6. It can be mitigated by one more device in chain. For example you can connect your phone to a public wifi, then share this connection to your laptop. So your phone will act as DHCP server, and VPN from your laptop will be safe. Or some wifi mobile router, that can connect to other wifi and share it to your devices.
  7. It is banned on DNS level, so you just can change your DNS to public ones ( and for example). No VPN needed.
  8. They (Immigration) asked me to renew my TM30 after 4 years. Just said: Too old, do it again and come back.
  9. I'll gladly pay one time upgrade fee to get points, but for 50/75/100k thb/year I can pay for my insurance/checkup and transportation from/to airport by myself. So no, thank you TE.
  10. I can understand why PM 2.5 and PM 10 is high, but where Ozone comes from?
  11. In other countries I will get PR status and maybe health insurance for paying taxes (you actually can't live in most countries more than 183 days without PR). What do we get in Thailand paying taxes? Not to mention the fact that we (expats) already pay VAT and foreigner prices (in hospitals for example).
  12. They can just tax everything, and do tax returns when you confirm that money is already taxed in another country (if that country have a treaty with Thailand).
  13. So, for example, if I'm a foreigner who lives in Thailand on an Elite visa. In 2024 I'm planning to buy a house or apartment there. I will transfer money from my savings abroad. And they will tax me for 35%?
  14. I was asked to show the virtual card once, showed it in the app. Registered to my flight without problems.

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