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Posts posted by Kaopad999

  1. Good on them! Western countries should also be the same way. Far to many migrants flowing into the west taking jobs that the natives should be doing. And i don't buy that BS excuse of, " they are doing jobs that locals don't want to do" 
    That is utter rubbish, the real fact of the matter is Locals have become lazy in the UK for example, because they KNOW they can claim government had-outs and sit on their asses doing nothing. If they had their benefits cut, you would see the employment rate sky-rocket, and a lot of those jobs that the locals don't 'want' to do will soon be filled up. 


  2. 19 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Many towns in Thailand practice culling, of the soi dogs. It is the responsible thing to do. Nobody takes care of these mutts, and some deluded souls think there is Buddhavistic merit in feeding them, hence they survive, due to ignorance and foolishness. They need to start educating the public, and teaching them that feeding these dogs is actually a bad thing for society. Feeding these dogs actually leads to brutal attacks. Do not give them strength. Deny them food. Let them perish. Take them all out. They bite, terrorize, scare and are up to no good. They are not wanted, they are not needed, and they are troublesome. Cull them, until there are none left to cull. 


    Innocent kids are the last people in the world who should have to deal with this kind of thing. They could be traumatized for life, from an incident like this. And why? Lazy and slothful local authorities, not doing their jobs, is why. Culling is not a difficult thing. I would actually get involved, if the authorities asked for volunteers. Let's clean up Thailand, one stray, mangy, rabid, vicious, good for nothing dog at a time.

    I think it's a good idea. And instead of chucking away the bodies, they could make a bit of money by selling them for dog meat. 

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  3. Hi, 

    I currently reside in the north of Thailand and need to renew my British Passport. I'm aware that applications have to be made at the VFS office in Bangkok. However, I am wondering if it is at all possible to get a third party to hand in the application for me, and also pick up the passport once it arrives back?   (This would save me time and money travelling to Bangkok twice.)

    Thank you.


  4. 2 hours ago, LawrenceN said:

    Except where you're required to drive slowly in the right lane, that is, when approaching a U-turn lane. I have to use them every time I drive in Chiang Mai. They often backup into the through (fast) lane, and I always wonder if this is the time I get rear-ended. Then there are the privileged drivers who are too good to line up for the U-turn lane, who go to the front and block the fast lane, further increasing the risk of rear-end collisions. What a system!

    I agree, the U-turns along the second ring road are nothing but bloody dangerous.  

  5. 53 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    so when you come on Thai Visa and do a trip report or start giving out any local advise about Thailand you need a work permit.

    I think you're missing the point..

    Simply providing information without asking for money would be completely legal. But, a lot of bloggers and vloggers are monetizing their websites and videos which are bringing in an income stream. That is illegal, as it's classed as working.

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