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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. It was Britain/British which is the subject of the post Deflection is a sad reflection of your view of history/bias
  2. Britain/England screwed itself through colonisation, cruelty and belief in white supremacy
  3. No, probably believes that natural takes care of natures calls
  4. Stupidity has no cure Borrow one, don’t repay, no more forthcoming under any circumstances
  5. Wrong it is not a Jewish childcare centre, it is in close proximity to a synagogue and a Jewish college, however the childcare centre is owned by a not for profit community cooperative Minimal research would have revealed this fact
  6. He looks First Nation we are very proud of living here, perhaps not the number with First Nation people killed by invaders What does GF have to do with any of this?
  7. He actually looks like a real Australian A First Nations man
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