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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. Authorities will try to get you to pay for the ticket or lock you up until they ?negotiate" with your home country, could be a long time in detention centre
  2. I really hope that there are professional supports for both the young girl, long ongoing support and also for her mother When convicted his assets seized and held in trust to support the young girl& mother education housing and safety
  3. Returned to the car next day. overnight business meeting really How did they know the gold was in the car?
  4. Doesn’t ,t want to go back to Russia, May get sent to war front
  5. The disadvantage & trauma some people endure is unbelievable
  6. No dilemma Stay in your own lane It is NOT your role to "out" anyone, under any circumstances, let alone based on your gut feeling on "mannerisms" So, expat friends, what would you do in my position? Do you think I should tell John what I know,: YOU know NOTHING, you have suspicions about a person , nothing more It is not your relationship to interfere in BACK OFF
  7. No such thing as a free holiday, how stupid can people be?
  8. They may be staying Lo gear than intended
  9. The learning from YOUR careless act of trying to big note yourself? Want sympathy? Look it up it is between <deleted> & syphilis in the dictionary Trying to take the high moral ground "doing no good living off theft", you expected to get back, that was not explained to her , you lose, too bad
  10. Bored with recycled rhetoric and needs a feed, lacking calories
  11. One assumes they can trace the car& driver, who should then be charged, upon conviction confiscating vehicle, loss of licence and community service for 12 months in hospital mortuary
  12. Hope he had tetanus vaccine before arriving or immediately after, immediately cleanse the area and move out, must have been a quality establishment
  13. Too late, by choosing to not wear a helmet, he was already seriously impaired
  14. My impression is negligence, intoxication, not holding a legal licence etc, dangerous sporting activities are not covered by insurance anywhere. Why would they ?
  15. Definition of "Promiscuity" Some basterd who is getting it when I am not
  16. Taking Big Joke car collection for a spin to keep them running and undamaged
  17. It appears they live with Relevance Deprivation Syndrome, unsuccessfully trying to treat it using TikToc
  18. Poor child disadvantaged with parents imprisoned Being in the care of a drunken relative Now assaulted and abused by a predator I doubt there will be any supports given to assure her emotional, psychological or sexual safety and education
  19. Last I heard any rental assistance for renters/pharmaceutical benefits cease after six week, The mate needs to confirm he has portability You would need to notify Centrelink/Services Australia of "change of circumstances" on return to have the benefits reassessed.
  20. You understand that Services Australia, will check a pension application against DFAT/Immigration records to see how long one has been out the country before applying, whether or not they claim to have been in "domicile", every entry and exit is listed and the Services Australia computer auto cross links to the DFAT/Immigration computer for matching
  21. They tried that, and Trump bigely failed
  22. Question, inspectors would have been there during the building process, did they not survey the land, so why were they allowed to be completed? This smacks of incompetence and corruption
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