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Trip Hop

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Everything posted by Trip Hop

  1. Funny you should say that? Seen a couple of shirtless yanks with goldie looking chains, strutting their stuff up Beach Road early yesterday evening. Spotted them again still with shirts off long after the sun had gone down in Buakhao They looked like they fitted carpets for a living?
  2. Because my other half thinks exactly the same as the dog and she’s a very street wise Bangkok girl. I’d trust both of them with my life. Stop being so pedantic just to sound smart as who mentioned anything about snarling dogs? As stated in my original post, unless you’re a shady looking person you wouldn’t have a problem!
  3. We have a 3 legged Thai Ridgeback that is soppy as anything but is exactly the same. If anyone pulls up at our restaurant in a car or on a motorbike, he greets them with his tail wagging and a big smile. Anyone shady looking walks by and he shows them his teeth, just so they know the score if they should come around visiting one night. It's strange how they know who most probably won't be trouble and who possibly might?
  4. I came in last Saturday afternoon and the 1st immigration queue was down to the bottom of the ramp. Went to the 2nd and that was at the bottom of the ramp too but didn’t have the zig zag lines. Friends came in exactly the same time this Thursday and it was exactly the same.
  5. Nope, not at all. I was expecting it to ask on the application but it didn’t. I don’t even have physical statements so would have to print one to pdf if I did. Even thought about it after and considered whether I had missed it on the application and expected it to be rejected but it wasn’t. From your unfounded accusations I’m obviously a better person than you, perhaps the visa office seen that too?
  6. Sorry for the late reply but only just seen this due to the site being down. Standard 60 day SETV applied for online from the UK. Hope you’ve got yours sorted by now?
  7. Strange? Just done a standard 60 day TV, no bank or employer details required and only showed accommodation for the first week. Approved in 2-3 days.
  8. I’m not sure what you are complaining about here? My e-visa just took 2 days to be approved. Are you telling me that you want to leave booking your flight until the last week? No need to book all your accommodation either, as a week will be enough. You could even book somewhere with free cancellation and change it after your visa is issued?
  9. Nope, not any criminal. In fact it was far easier years ago. Believe it or not, a lot of criminals shy away from them due to the increases in the sentencing just for possession and hence most probably the reduction in incidents over the last decade or so as stated by johnnybangkok? Back in the 70s/80s, sawn off shotguns were common place but you rarely see them these days.
  10. Not my personal experience from my last 2 trips in April and August. Qatar was £200 more expensive for a one-stop with not exactly great transit times when compared to a direct with Thai but most probably due to them sharing with BA? Both Emirates and Etihad were roughly the same price or marginally under Thai but again with not exactly great transit times and the Emirates flight took off from Heathrow and returned to Gatwick. ????
  11. The GF has always maintained since the start of the debacle that is was solely for Prayut to escape!
  12. You have to laugh at their audacity though! Willing to get into bed with nearly every nation the west despises but then expects the west to supply them with their best tech? Do they think that just because it is Germany instead of the US they will get any different outcome to that of the F-35A's?
  13. I stand to be corrected but I'm pretty sure that the occupations reserved for Thais only apply to employees. When I briefly looked into it years ago regarding my industry, I couldn't work unless it was for a foreign company carrying out a major contract in Thailand and I was classed as a key worker, which they would only allow a few. I could on the other hand though, open up a company in my industry as long as I only employed Thais and a minimum of 4 in order to get a work permit for myself?
  14. I can't see it myself? They know that most Thailand newbies or non-regulars from the west are already catered for enough under the 30 day visa free arrival. Free visas to the remaining long stayers or regulars won't make much difference as they are already used to the current system. I will say though that the increase to 45 days visa free last year did entice me to change my normal 30 day trip to 6 weeks?
  15. I think that the fact that the UK are no longer offering shots to those under 65 unless you are high risk, says a lot about this? I've had it 3 times personally and even the first time I was well enough to continue to work from home. A close friend, the Covid Queen as we call her has had it about 6 times. On the other hand though I have another friend who had it when it first surfaced, spent a few days in an induced coma and still suffers from long Covid, so I think it affects different people in different ways?
  16. Alcoholism is described as both a physical and mental addiction. Depending on how long the father has been this way and his behaviour within the family unit over this time, no doubt some of it most probably will have transposed over to the son in some form of another? Add to that, that the son possibly took solace in alcohol and/or ya ba etc and it's a powder keg waiting to ignite. I expect his father didn't deserve this though, so RIP!
  17. Yeah it did get a bit side tracked but me and KhunLA have sorted our differences now. Battery tech is battery tech though and your ignorance prevails you! Enjoy your day!
  18. An article wouldn't attract the advertising revenue that a video on a successful YouTube channel would? YouTube analyses the amount of followers/number of views of a channel's content and pay the channel's owner to place their paid for adverts within as herfiehandbag has stated above. Longer time means more adverts and revenue.
  19. Why invading? Why not spying on say insurgents, drug/people traffickers and potential illegal immigrants in the border areas? You'd also need something a bit more advanced than just a radar system and a "gun"!
  20. If they have a cellphone or their house phone is capable of using the + sign then it's the +6663.... as stated above. If not it will be 0116663.....
  21. KhunLA, I'm a fair man and will hold my hands up when I am wrong. From the drone link that you posted, there actually are drones that are IP67 rated and the reason that I most probably haven't heard of them to date is that they are not what we regard as commercial/industrial drones, Nevertheless, I apologise. Perhaps if I had said commercial drones then I would have been more accurate and if you check out the Matrice 300/350 RTK, you will see that they are widely regarded as the new standard for industrial drones and only been available in the last 2-3 years with IP45/IP55 rating? The main problem being I think that it is hard to maintain a fully sealed unit when being exposed to substantial changes in pressure due to altitude? This excepting the new Ascent Spirit but that is virtually military grade and costs somewhere in the region of USD70,000? You didn't do yourself any favours with your first comment though or by trying to rubbish my claim about the fact that a a pair of batteries could actually cost as much as your E-MB? Have a nice day yourself!
  22. The shrunk comment was a further bit of sarcasm from him in response to my initial reply to the post. Obviously something fully waterproof and encased in whatever type of hard plastic they use is hardly going to shrink? He may be giving real world experience from his point of view but that doesn't give him the right to talk down to people who most probably know just as much and possibly more? As for hysteria, I admit there is quite a bit of that around. However from my world experience I can tell you that I've actually experienced one of those batteries pictured in my last reply to him going up in flames and it's not a pretty sight despite that being a Li-ion and not even a Li-Po? Hence these days why we not only always carry Li-Po fire extinguishers but also carry the batteries themselves in special pouches or a transport case specifically designed for them? Even the emergency & rescue services are up in arms at the moment because they are being told by H&S not to leave them on stand-by charge due to risk of fire and their vehicles are being kitted out with special charging stations so that they can be charged on the way to a scene? So whilst there is a lot of hysteria, there's also a lot of genuine concern?
  23. Afraid so or near enough for a pair as I did say? These are the old models, the new ones are even more expensive (about 4500B extra each I would estimate) and don't appear to be available in Thailand yet? You need a pair not only to balance the UAV but also to make it worthwhile you taking off for a commercial operation? We get about 40 minutes mapping time from a pair with just a single payload and 35 minutes with the additional LIDAR strapped on. Now if you're "intelligent" enough to be able to supply me with a battery to match this for $130, myself and a lot of other people around the world would be very very interested? Even at $260 it would be a steal and there would be 100% profit in it for you? Nice drone BTW, shame it's not much more than a toy but that is where you are comparing apples with oranges?
  24. Interesting comment as there are only a couple of high end drones that are capable of being flown in the rain? So unless you've been operating a commercial drone operation in the last 2 or so years (when the first IP45 drone was launched), you're obviously telling porkies about the drone? Now considering the amount of time that you appear to have been in Thailand, I find that very unlikely? Also when you consider that the price of the most expensive model E-MB that you are promoting here wouldn't even buy a pair of batteries for one of our drones, it kind of puts things into perspective? I'm not dismissive of E-MBs, although it would take a lot for me to buy one. I am however somewhat objective to your sarcastic and immediately condescending attitude to someone who may just know actually more about batteries than you do? Especially as you're obviously telling porkies to further your case? A bit of basic business advice, telling porkies about anything in life when you're trying to promote something, doesn't exactly bode well for business!
  25. I'll tell you what, the next time I put one of our commercial drones up in the rain back home in Blighty, I'll measure them, especially for you!
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