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  1. I got the 60 day extention last year so I know it is possible but now because of the new 60 day exemption when I first arrived I can not get the thai spouse 60 day extension I would like to know of anyone who has tried to do this or am I the only one. as for your link this refers back to when you only got 30 days on arrival not 60 days as of now
  2. I am in udon thani and they have told me that I can not do the 60 day marriage extension as I had the new 60 day exemption when I arrived I can only extend this by 30 days and must do a border run when this is up
  3. Hi all I have come to Thailand on a visa exemption and was given 60 days I have been to immigration to extend by another 30 day can I extend this by another 60 days as I have a thai wife or was this only allowed before the new 60 day visa exemption
  4. I am currently in udon Thani and I’m amazed how many falangs have dyed jet black hair. It’s pretty obvious how stupid some of these people look but probably think it makes them look younger I’ve also seen a few dyed ginger ones as well is this the norm for Thailand
  5. Great info mate thanks for that
  6. Thanks mate you sure it was a 30 day voa and not a 60 day tourist visa
  7. Hi all I arrived in Thailand and got a 30 day voa and plan to extend this at my local immigration then I plan to do a visa run and extend that as well my question is I am married to a Thai lady do I have to do a border run or can I get a visa from immigration based on marriage I am only staying for just under 4 months so this is just a visit
  8. I would strongly make your case around the fact you have done many visas for your wife in the past and that you have abided by the rules many times and that your wife has never overstayed her visa in the past

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