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Bday Prang

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Bday Prang last won the day on April 28 2023

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    where they drink surah (surin)

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  1. Simply ask a tuk tuk driver, any of them would be delighted to take care of you
  2. My nearest was in the middle of the most squalid council estate I have ever seen
  3. My last IDP was valid for 3 years, something to do with brexit apparently, but they are no longer issued at the post office,
  4. let it go pal, you are not funny,
  5. The other guys
  6. I thought the age related deductibles started at 65. You should visit again and try to speak with a male
  7. Its not rocket science, just reading the title of the thread will indicate the chances of it degenerating into a troll fest or not. I have never put anybody on ignore neither have I ever gone crying to a moderator, in my opinion some people are simply just too sensitive, and many others have an over inflated sense of their own importance. Retired teachers in particular along with the permanently offended lefties.
  8. The main difference will quickly become apparent when somebody ( especially a foreigner ) tries to recover any money due to a collapsed bank.
  9. Spot on ! and I personally envisage the emergence of a plethora of even more useless regulations that will only make life more difficult for the average honest person whilst having no negative side effects whatsoever for the professional scammers who will soon find a way to circumnavigate their way around what for them will be minor inconveniences .
  10. How on earth is this ever going to happen. The power wielded by these companies and institutions is far greater than anything the government can come up with.
  11. What are you talking about? All the political parties here have a healthy disdain for foreigners , have you not yet noticed that nationalism and patriotism mixed in with a bit of xenophobia is pretty much written into the constitution here Immigrants here get their fair share of flack , are regularly criticised in the media and often held responsible for Thailand's problems, who could forget the "dirty farang" comments made by Anutin during covid ? Plus they can ever own land and are subject to countless often pointless regulations. This is actually how things should be done, a good example of a country not tainted by wokeness......yet
  12. I haven't heard any of his constituents complain about that, Why would it bother you so much ? It doesn't really though does it , Its just one of a handful of pathetic reasons people like you roll out when you need to justify your faux hatred for him. A faux hatred, based on nothing , that is used purely for virtue signalling to like minded others, or in this case, a bit of casual trolling
  13. Because he's all for controlling illegal immigration and therefore he must be a nazi. everybody on social media says so.....So there, it must be true

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