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Bday Prang

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    where they drink surah (surin)

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  1. Me too. I also despise their obsession with celebrity although that is hardly unique to Thais
  2. I wasn't denying that, I was merely stating that life changing bad luck can affect anybody at anytime,
  3. Wonder if he'll spend a bit of time at the elephant fayre In answer to the question raised by another member, yes a large proportion of the population laps this b/s up with no questions asked, Thaksin and his relatives are still treated akin to deities by some, pretty much just because they are incredibly wealthy
  4. I disagree, whilst there are plenty of wasters, who find themselves in difficulties, normally due to their own stupidity, True "Bad luck" can take many forms and can befall anybody at anytime, People's lives can be ruined, or change completely, in a split second, through no fault of their own. A little forward planning like a bit of insurance can ease the pain sometimes, but its impossible to cater for every eventuality.
  5. And they are all related, including the police
  6. Be careful what you wish for. Very few people would be in favour of your sort of society
  7. just maybe, nobody has reported them to the police?
  8. Might have nearly "had " me with the OP but following hia two further posts its blindingly obvious this is just /b/S
  9. I think its sad childish petty behaviour to mock somebody 's appearance, Its actually what young kids do innocently, until they are taught ( by their lefty teachers) that such behaviour is unacceptable. Presumably the leftie's holy mantra of accepting "diversity and the importance inclusivity doesn't apply to anybody they "don't like" Firstly he is the president of the United States so shouldn't he be due a little respect, from both sides? and secondly any educated mature person with real political concerns about his future term as President would normally be criticising his policies and intentions, and asking how it will affect the country ( we adults call that constructive criticism in the grown ups world) Those that have chosen to criticise his hair style merely identify themselves as a childish uneducated virtue signalling hypocrites , blindly doing the bidding of the mainstream media etc The last laugh is on them more so in fact following Trumps victory And the others who openly mock his skin colour would be in meltdown if anybody had dared to do the same to Harris, would they not?
  10. Now there lies the biggest threat to democracy, and indeed the world as we know it, lefty brainwashed teachers, who have never lived outside the leftist controlled academic environment, let loose on our kids from the moment they are old enough to speak.and listen It the leftie's most effective weapon and astonishingly the practice has been going on for years and the problem has never really been addressed by anybody
  11. I'm sure I have read an article like this before....dozens of times over the past few years, or am i imagining things/
  12. The supply of illegal cambodian and burmese boat workers is controlled by the Thai authorities. Rest assured , those responsible will never be punished, except maybe a few low hanging fruit by way of an example
  13. I don't think its illegal to grow it but I have no idea if the climate is suitable, maybe in a green house it would be possible
  14. that map puts it all into perspective
  15. indeed, nobody wants it, It sells for a fraction of the normal price.

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