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Bday Prang

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Bday Prang last won the day on April 28 2023

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    where they drink surah (surin)

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  1. for gods sake
  2. maybe the "kingpin" is not so stupid ? has he been caught?
  3. "employers" wonder if they were "cards in"
  4. maybe it doesn't for you, but as a native english speaker I see no problem. Get over yourself
  5. nobody is trying to make anything minor. Merely stating that it could have been worse
  6. So you don't think it could have been worse? Ps nothing said here will help the woman, that's not the point of the thread
  7. simply swap "lucky" for "could have been a lot worse! " has that helped you ?
  8. Well that would depend on who one was.
  9. And don't forget the chinese, Their consulate must be busy
  10. So the number of Brits increases and they are somewhat surprised that their workload has increased proportionally ....amazing They could always consider upping their resources, there's a novel idea, and they could hire a few diversity consultants just to be safe
  11. its hardly the job of the consulate to explain the obvious to idiots but i do agree the staff are useless
  12. Duh! Try watching the Thai news occasionally , plenty of law enforcement among Thais
  13. unbelievable to anyone who has never been here , I live out in the sticks plenty of unlit roads and still they do it kids and adults alike. God I'd hate to think of the consequences of killing one.
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