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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 14 hours ago, MartinL said:

    For a religion that advocates, as I understand it, not harming living creatures, this offering of pigs heads, chickens etc. at temples seems to go against all principles. Never understood it and never get a proper answer when I ask practising 'Buddhists' why dead animal sacrifices are made.

    you do realise that the pigs were not decapitated specifically for this event?   Pigs heads are easily  available and can even be bought at makro. Most religions have rituals that involve strange acts, the origins of which have been long forgotten, most followers of those religions have little knowledge  or indeed little interest as to why they do these things 

  2. On 6/24/2024 at 8:42 AM, Sig said:

    Actually, I have seen it before. Also, in this case, we have no idea how he may have been behaving when they came to him. He may have been erratic and needed to be cuffed regardless. Skin tone? Hopefully not, but I guess anything is possible....

    Of course they are often handcuffed, its no big deal , but don't spoil things for him he's all excited as he thinks he may have found evidence of "racism" 

     Any islamist types like this should be treated with the deepest suspicion the Thai authorities are to be applauded for getting rid, What a pity the authorities in the west are incapable of this.    There is a lot to be said for nipping things in the bud,

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  3. 13 hours ago, Frankie baby said:

    spanning Cheshire, the West Midlands, and West Mercia. 


    Wow, West Mercia. Mercia was the name for most of England back when the Romans & Danes ruled.

    Never herd it called that outside of a history book. This scribe is on the ball with his history.


             "The scribe" has only cut and pasted the article from the English news papers I wouldn't give him too much credit,  Furthermore West Mercia Police was formed around 1967 and still operates    nothing to do with the Romans 

  4. 12 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Not sure why this is on here. All the charges appear to have been made in England.

    Are you serious?  This is "forum gold"  its got the lot :-   Elderly Pedo, On the run,Indecent Images Allegations of buggery, 30 years of overstay,, and of course he's English,     Its  irresistible bait for   Van Bangers, Visa Pedants, Brit Haters and those with the remarkably common prison rape fantasies. 

           If I was in charge of this forum, and I discovered that this story was not the subject of a thread, somebody would be getting sacked  I am astonished its only got to three pages to be honest

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  5. 36 minutes ago, Caldera said:


    I think this delusion is shared by many foreigners who married a Thai. But surprisingly enough, I see many Thais having a life without any help from a foreign "savior".

    Hardly a delusion, there are many Thais for whom the presence of a foreign husband  has drastically  improved their quality of life, often to a level they could only have dreamed of. The benefits are often not limited to just the wife herself but often to the entire family.   Surprisingly enough I have seen this quite often  

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  6. 5 hours ago, khunpeer said:

    some of them are, some not. 

    after all it's in Krabi prov, the South has many Muslims!

    but addiction of any kind does not care about religion, you should know that! 

    this story just gives you a possibillity to say yr thing about Muslims!


    there is always the potential to say something about muslims,  lets face it they don't exactly help themselves do they?

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  7. 2 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

    No need to google, everyone knows that.


    I just asked my girlfriend. She said she didn’t know that either and that the Burmese guy who sold them to me was just trying to make some money to send back to his family in Myanmar and wasn’t a sex trafficker.


    There is a lot of trouble over there at the moment.

    A lot of Burmese in Thailand now.

     One can only hope that they are also fully informed as to the various visa regulations that apply to them.  Selling illegal black-market cigarettes   is hardly likely to be encouraged

  8. 10 hours ago, Kinok Farang said:

    My little soldier sometimes fails to stand to attention even with a Kamagra gel.

    Ironically,when there are just the two of us,he wants to come out to play.Which i think is particularly selfish of him,don't you?

    Its more a case of "what can't speak can't lie" clearly the only person you truly find attractive and desirable is yourself. 

    8 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Completely normal.
    The #1 sex organ is the brain/the mood.

    Those pills do nothing if the mood is bad, sex drive missing.

    Well I wouldn't call it completely normal, at least not in his case

    Its probably just as well that the pills do indeed have a built in self limiting safety cut out, and pretty much  only work when the mood is right, For example, I imagine most people would feel a bit strange indulging in a petty domestic argument with their partners  whilst fully erect,   Its probably not the best condition to be in when receiving certain kinds of  bad news, like that of a family bereavement, 

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  9. 6 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

    To avoid paying the tax. Much cheaper.

    i have been buying some from Cambodia I think. Cheaper and none of those stupid warnings on the packets. I bought them from a Burmese guy in Patong.


    I applaud this warning from the UK Foreign Office.

    what I have noticed in the short time I have been here is the terrible behavior from the Brits. Murders, trying to rip off poor sex workers, bashing the elderly Thais, human trafficking and child molesting etc etc


    It is disgusting. 
    And ironically most of the Brits I have met here are constantly criticizing Russians.

    People in glass houses should have a good hard look in the mirrors.

    So you admonish others for breaking the law, yet in the same post you openly brag about buying illegal cigarettes to avoid paying duty, Knowing full well, as we all do, that the profits from such illegal enterprise are often used to fund people smuggling and sex trafficking operations. Then you end the lesson in hypocrisy with "people in glass houses"

      Jesus you really are a piece of work

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Been some suggestions that there were higher up people involved .  top police and politicians 

    Without doubt,  I even think some senior social workers and, unbelievably  various  "community leaders"  were invited to add their penny's worth regarding how the matter should proceed.    I have watched a few documentaries about it but it was a while ago and I cant remember all the details

    As an aside, I believe any police officer above the rank of chief inspector ceases to be involved in crime fighting, and is involved purely in the "politics" of it all

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