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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. If they were clearly underage then you could have reported them .Its illegal for under 20's It would surely be the most responsible thing you could have done, saving them from the horrors of the devils lettuce, and a short sharp shock might have put them back on the straight and narrow In not doing so you might be considered as complicit by a concerned parent or similar. would you have intervened if they had attempted to buy alcohol? If people like you are prepared to turn a blind eye what chance does society have
  2. going off those figures its a miracle anybody is actually smoking at all so what's all the fuss about
  3. Don't be so negative, you will make yourself depressed
  4. That's the kind of post that gives the anti cannabis brigade a bad name lol
  5. Or it could have meant that you were in agreement with the incorrect assumptions made regarding my personal life that were made in the post you quoted ie... "You really don't get it, your life must revolve around daily use of the cannabis, multiple times daily.......hopefully it is for medical necessity and not to just get stoned to make life's problems seem to fade away." again sorry to disappoint you but none of the above is true But course it is going to affect my stance I would be the first to admit it, and it hasn't taken 40 years for me to form my opinions. which, as I say, are based on first hand personal experience. However I would suggest that any anti cannabis bias is primarily arrived at as a result of nearly 100 years of propaganda designed to cause only fear and panic, or as in your case , after smoking one spliff and feeling somewhat unwell , which also could be due to the negative preconceptions and feelings you had formed based on the above mentioned propaganda From my personal experience cannabis use in no way "makes life's problems seem to fade away" That, again from my personal experience would be one of the side affects more attributable to alcohol. and indeed a major reason for many peoples drinking, although the emphasis really does need to be on the word "seem" of course, as there are few if any problems that can be solved by ingestion of alcohol Also just for the record, I don't actually have any problems
  6. Well what you, and people like you, would like to expect would be : That my life is an absolute disaster, that I am continually involved in motor accidents, That I have personal hygiene issues That My IQ surely must have diminished to virtually zero.That I sit all day in a darkened room listening to Pink Floyd, That my children suffer with a list of ailments as long as your arm. That I can never hold down even a menial job, I have moved on to "harder drugs" due to the "well known" gateway effect, That I must also surely suffer from countless respiratory not to mention psychological problems as well. That I have taken to begging to support my addiction and that I spend the majority of my time searching for my next fix in a cold sweat lol. Sorry to disappoint you but none of that is true What I would expect is that people with little or no experience ( sorry that one spliff that made you "dizzy" doesn't give you any authority on the subject) would stop wasting their time posting rubbish backed by meaningless links many of which actually contradict your ridiculous fears
  7. There you go again with your incorrect assumptions, A common trait by you and others just like you
  8. But But cannabis is drugs ... and alcohol? ah well that's only drink isn't it lol
  9. The bench mark was set at 9 years old by one of their most revered if I remember correctly
  10. So you were "miserable" for 3 days and all clear after 7 days ? Doesn't sound to bad to me, Hardly a reason for the media and WHO panic that continues. to be inflicted upon us. They just cannot let it go 10 people die from covid and its headline news 10 people die from flu and it doesn't get a mention Not exactly unbiased reporting And again more meaningless statistics, expressed to one decimal place in order to appear more precise and accurate, what does a reduction in "social distancing" actually mean anyway ? Are less people maintaining a distance ? Or are people keeping less of a distance? Totally meaningless statistics, again and again How many people where surveyed and where where the surveys undertaken, What kind of people where surveyed? Different people in different circumstances will give different answers. Was there even a survey undertaken? who knows ? The removal of the mask mandate does not send out mixed messages , it sends out the very clear message that masks are no longer a requirement as they were before, however for the mask "obsessed" you can still wear one if you wish, can't really say fairer than that. "Hospitals treating most people on an outpatient basis, and limiting inpatients to those most at need" Am I missing something, as I thought that was normal, regardless of the disease in question . They are indeed hospitals not quarantine centers and should never have been used as such. To the horror of the media and all the other panic mongers, life for the majority of people is now continuing pretty much as normal for the vast majority of people the world over. How many people died from covid yesterday ? 10 ? 20? to be honest I don't know and I don't care as it's not very many at all considering a population of 70 million. but they don't broadcast that figure to one decimal place do they ? as it would not instill the fear that they like to promote Do I stil wear a mask ? well actually yes, however only in areas were others are wearing them, but purely for ensuring a quiet life and avoiding conflict with the brainwashed zealots, To be perfectly honest I, like most people don't give covid a second thought. In the same way I don't spend my life worrying about Flu or Dengue fever or Malaria or any of the other thousands of diseases that its possible to contract. Including Monkey Pox which could well be the next "media frenzy" We all die one day, some prematurely, and for a multitude of reasons. Its best not to spend the remainder of ones life in a state of worry and fear about Covid 19 or anything else for that matter
  11. That would be the first assumption they made, I'm not saying they would be right, just saying how things are these days
  12. any internet search including words like pre teen would be concerning to the authorities and quite rightfully so
  13. so its quite a mystery as to why, with the world being your oyster, you settled in Isaan with all that money available to you! Although at least you are amongst other members of the super rich. I am perpetually amazed how many millionaires I meet out here in the sticks. and astonished how many of them developed a taste for expensive delicacies like Archa beer and vintage Hong tong "whiskey" to wash there noodle soup down with
  14. hope you used the incognito browsing option I'm pretty sure that would be considered an "inappropriate" search these days
  15. feel sorry for his neighbours though
  16. How many 12 year old girls have you actually weighed to arrive at that conclusion?
  17. Ah yes , that would be the elusive G spot, Women didn't know they had one till a man discovered it a few years ago and told them. Another 2000 years and the muslims will be removing it too
  18. I bet the micro <deleted> and the micto moustache were a bit off putting too
  19. That's a terrible thing really , yet another unsavory aspect of the tolerant religion of peace
  20. maybe he was looking in the wrong place ? not uncommon but normally only a problem for inexperienced teenagers. Many other guys just don't care whether they find it or not
  21. maybe they will start checking women before they are allowed to enter malaysia or other muslim countries. They already perceive traces of cannabis metabolites to be a threat. how must they feel about a fully functioning clitoris
  22. "major uproar" who's words are they ? Yours? kids have been doing this for years its really nothing new. and has little to do with the current relaxation
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