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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. not as worthless as "estimates from 1.5 to 3 miliion" which is not even what it said in the link you provided! Bit like me estimating my personal wealth as being between £1 and £1.5 million which is technically correct but effectively useless information
  2. Estimated by who exactly? who ever it was they have allowed a rather large margin of error Sounds like somebody has just pulled a number out of a hat . Totally worthless "statistic"
  3. personally I have no interest whatsoever in how much any Thai gets paid whether civil servants or not. and I cannot understand anybody who concerns themselves with this . The only exception would be those who employ Thais, obviously it's useful to know what the minimum you have to pay them is
  4. That was made over 10 years ago, your latest one lasted 8 months, you can dispute as much as you want,
  5. Black and decker is not the "brand" they were years ago. Now its just made in china rubbish, I'd bin it and buy a proper one. Although you could try bypassing the switch yourself
  6. And a 100% guarantee of no repeat offending that can be relied on. Far more trustworthy than the considered opinions of some mealy mouthed, progressive liberal, woke probation officer
  7. why would you care about an armed criminal being shot dead by police? Seems fair enough to me
  8. Things are different these days, And the feral teenagers who get mixed up with guns are not generally the sort of youths who go to nightclubs at weekends and get involved in booze and testosterone street brawls These savages inhabit a different world to the one you know, a world populated mainly by other "nothing to lose" wasters and the gangs they belong to. most of these scumbags rarely venture outside of their council estates and have little contact with "normal" people, mixing only with other members of this underclass. Their use of guns is not for public shows of faux bravado. rather they are used for cold blooded executions of other rival gang members, or when stealing drugs from other gangs. They also have zero fear of prison and an absolute hatred of the police. A police officer would be considered a legitimate target and whilst most would not have the courage to shoot a cop, there's always one who will do it, if only for the "respect" they will gain within that "community" Some might say arming the police will inevitably result in more deaths, but as those deaths will involve criminals I don't see a problem with that. There may well be "accidents" from time to time, and very occasionally innocent people may ultimately die, but there are traffic accidents from time to time and people often die, but we accept that, pretty much just because of the convenience of having a car. Why are so many reluctant to accept what would be a far lower death rate than that of road accidents, in exchange for a more effective police force properly equipped to deal with and protect both us and themselves from terrorists and armed miscreants
  9. Of course they should be armed, and well armed too, their weapons should be clearly visible too. The caliber of weapon increasing with rank, of course, but as an incentive, upgrades could be arranged for those with a good (judicial) kill rate, points would need to be deducted for accidents Of course some police officers should never be allowed anywhere near a gun' . The roided up tattooed gym going thugs, with beards ( both male and female) for starters and also most of the other "box ticking" women officers, especially at a certain times of the month, for obvious reasons, Besides there is not much need to be "packing a piece" for family liason or victim support duties Or when impersonating a 13 year old girl online as part of a pedo honey trap sting And before the Wokies hyperventilate I said "most" which is patently true, so leaves me unable to be criticised Those unworthy could be given children's imitation firearms with the worst of them being issued with spud guns
  10. should put him in touch with this guy, chinese I think but seems well capable of getting a tune out of those violin type things VID-20240208-WA0001 (1).mp4 amazing I'm sure you'll all agree
  11. I have no idea what type of spinach it is, nobody specified traditional or otherwise, it may not appear thriving to you but it grows very quickly and hardly requires watering. if at all. No idea what it tastes like, I don't eat it, but the mrs and the mother in law seem to like it. Rest of the garden is just fine. Even the Avocados are standing up well to the heat which does surprise me somewhat,maybe its because i turned the aircon off for a few hours last night to decrease my personal carbon footprint
  12. The Uk police are effectively useless at fighting crime , but , if you misgender one of the alphabet community, or have a relic from your childhood like a golliwog, they will turn up by the van load and take you down in the blink of an eye. Not to mention if you get caught silently praying outside an abortion clinic, once they have established "what you were thinking" your feet won't touch the floor, Go to jail Go directly to jail, Do not pass go They can be brutal when "triggered" like most of the woke
  13. So now you are effectively accusing me of lying, but if this it what it takes to shut you up then so be it. I couldn't find an empty bottle of easily recognisable (for you ) sang som as the recycle man cam this morning so I included a bottle of Thai cooking oil hope that is acceptable proof of my location. dated piece of paper as requested now feel free to go forth and multiply Not the mythical "we" you referred to , just yourself
  14. As long as they point the gun in the right direction its good enough for me. As far as I am aware none of the feral scrotes,some still in their teens, who manage to get hold of a gun receive any appropriate training whatsoever. If anybody is seen to be brandishing a gun , shoot to kill should be the default setting. No exceptions
  15. Sorry if your gardening skills are not up to the job, actually I'm not sorry at all, in fact I'm glad.Perhaps you should take your own advice and read an appropriate book "Appealing" to people on here, how sad is that, So pathetic you could even have used the most pathetic of all phrases, and "reached out" Actually I am not sat in front of the aircon at present just a fan , What about you ? (is that whataboutism ?) But what exactly is the consequence of turning on the air in the great scheme of things. none that's what So who mentioned cannabis?, or indeed cannabis related tourism? it was you, and why? I have no idea, perhaps in some failed bizarre attempt to insult or discredit me perhaps . I certainly seemed to have touched a nerve when I mentioned Whisky in response to your smarmy "go have a joint comment" I don't profess to have any reasoning skills. but its obvious to me that anybody so proudly claiming "not to have touched a drop in 10 years" has obviously had issues in the past. No need to try to cover it up or deny it , there is nothing to be ashamed of, although its very common for somebody who holds such an inflated opinion of themself to have a few skeletons in the cupboard, and only to be expected that they become embarrassed when something like that eventually leaks out. No better than anybody else really are you.and you find that difficult to accept All your posts are tainted with a certain arrogance, did you used to be a "teacher" by any chance?, that would explain a lot However your warped view of the world can only really be explained by your head spending most of its time in the lower end of your digestive tract just to put you right about lemmings https://www.britannica.com/story/do-lemmings-really-commit-mass-suicide#:~:text=Lemmings do not commit suicide,search of a new home. Encyclopedia Britannica should be good enough, even for you, So now you can stop spreading misinformation to lesser mortals like me and the rest of the forum members. Another whisky may now be in order me thinks, better make it a large one, go on you know you want it
  16. Of course they should have guns , the days of "dixon of dock green" are long gone. Its time to level the playing field
  17. Wow there are different standards of reporting here and elsewhere in Asia ? I never would have believed it, thanks for the information. What exactly does that have to do with the number of pages in this thread The outrage you refer to is restricted to a hand full of people who spend most of their miserable lives in a state of outrage Define "local " Thai tv news. local to which provinces ? As far as I am aware there is are no "local " tv channels in Thailand, they are all broadcast nationally, Are you quite sure about the exact timing 15:30:15 ? sounds very precise, is it not 15:30:14 or 15:30:16 Care to enlighten me further?
  18. Vegetables, particularly, the spinach are thriving thank you very much, likewise the fruit trees and my cannabis plantation is also doing remarkably well.The recent hot spell seems to have been accompanied by a drastic reduction in the number of pests, and indeed mosquitoes, another plus in my opinion "Whataboutism" not exactly sure what that means but it appears to be a phrase beloved of those who's arguments don't stand up so well to scrutiny, I class it along with other non words like "sealioning" and "gaslighting" as words spewed out by the blue haired and alphabet communities and angst ridden teenage girls consequently i tend to ignore them "don't worry , be happy" sound advice indeed, you should follow that advice and stop preaching to others. I think I will have a joint now, and indeed a refreshing cup of tea, why not eh? Feel free to pour yourself another whisky, I won't make a pathetic attempt to criticise you for it I didn't know there were lemmings on Easter Island, are you sure about that , after all , as you say it was just a "story"
  19. "barn"? sounds like he lives in a cathedral, possibly a ruin
  20. I agree keeping ones overheads as low a possible is common sense. No point in pouring money down the drain. But with the likes of China India Brazil etc allegedly pumping millions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere every single day, berating people here for setting their aircon a couple of degrees too low for a few moths of the year is pathetic and expecting it to make one iota of difference is laughable. It is an attitude like this that alienates normal people from the self obsessed climate change fanatics. Its actually a rather unpleasant form of victim blaming People who conserve their power consumption should be applauded, not "lauded"
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