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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Contrary to what you think ,most people are , like you. perfectly capable of exercising self control when necessary , there would need to be a blanket ban on alcohol to protect a tiny minority from themselves, Hardly a reason to restrict the night time economy or the chosen leisure activities and enjoyments of those on holiday
  2. And prove to the rest of them worldwide that terrorism is the way forward ! oh yes, that would be brilliant idea
  3. you "understand" that a very small minority are angry , having been whipped up into a frenzy by a handful of violent extremists , very thinly disguised as men of "god"
  4. what are you talking about, how many tourists actually drive?
  5. the other 20% are caused by peoples innate inability to drive properly, cannabis doesn't get a look in
  6. do you think there will be more stoned tourists than drunk tourists, if so why?
  7. people like him amaze me , over two months in and they still don't have a clue, I have given up trying to help them
  8. You are not stating anything of fact at all
  9. I doubt he enjoys anything
  10. 0.02% ? what on earth are you talking about ? where have you been getting your information from ? you need to change your sources as you are misinformed
  11. In this post and a previous post you claim you "don't care what others do" yet you seek to deny them medical attention, because they haven't , according to you, taken sufficient precautions, and for that reason are not worthy of hospital treatment. People who wear masks and yet still contract covid could also be judged to have not taken appropriate precautions somewhere along the line so perhaps they should also not receive treatment . Do you sleep under a mosquito net ? Do people who don't sleep under a mosquito net and contract malaria deserve all they get too ? I'm Just wondering how many peoples health care in thailand you think you have paid for and what it has cost you so far.?? interesting that you use a phrase like R,I,P as I have had covid twice and at the moment I and the vast majority of others who have had it (about 98% give or take) are not dead , however i am resting in peace, and enjoying myself (without a mask)
  12. There are plenty of people still "working" from home, most of the UK civil service for example, this has little to do with covid anymore, But it has plenty to do with enjoying an easy life, people soon get used to not having to jump out of bed at 6am and make their way to work, when they can lie in bed as long as they want and have no need to change out of their pyjamas. A survey by B'day prang has proved this beyond doubt
  13. It is not covid that has ravaged economies, it is a combination of the authorities reactions to Covid and the end result of project fear. Simple as that !
  14. I wonder how many of the "perpetually concerned" actually know anything about the things they are concerned about. Also how many of them have based their concern on information other than the usual outdated and fiction based "reefer madness" type propaganda that has been their only source of information for their entire lives Not many would be the correct answer
  15. before 2021 I had never ever heard of myocarditis
  16. Likewise the only people I know who haven't had it are all unvaxxed
  17. contesting a will based on "soundness of mind" is virtually impossible in practice, A no win scenario for you and a win -win scenario for the lawyers. It will take so long that the effects of inflation alone will decimate any inheritance. and have you considered the effects of a long drawn out family feud , bearing in mind that there is more than money at stake here, there is also a good portion of "face"
  18. The last thing he needs is a lawyer of any description, He as already said there is little at stake in real terms, lawyers' charges will soon eat into that
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