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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I was gonna say that's weird , coz I 'm sure i looked last night and it said 18-22% I just looked now and sure enough it says cbd - thc 1:1 in the photo, Thought I must have been seeing things..... But if you look at the text at the bottom of the page It does say 18 / 22 %
  2. Have you tried the !hang krarog ? seems to be a common local strain with similar spec
  3. Absolutely bang on. The only possible excuse for any bud being more expensive would be for plants with a longer flowering period and that's only relevant when grown under lights. Even then the increase would be marginal considering most growers have moved from the old fashioned sodium lights and now use LED's Pure profiteering Probably helped along by a good dose of the placebo effect.
  4. check out shopee, loads on there starting at 10 bt a gram for 10 gram, the stuff i been getting is good enough certainly no complaints and I assure you I'm not a lightweight it doesn't cost much to grow and now that its legal no palms have to be crossed with silver The prices some are charging is actually criminal
  5. I guess he's not the sort of quality tourist you like then ? And just to worry you a bit more,, many if not most visas do not require a criminal record check. So there will be many more like him.....Sleep well tonight
  6. Thanks for that, bit far for me but i managed to find a dealer in Surin so may go and take a look
  7. Most of the ones coming to the UK have no intention of picking vegetables or fruit , besides we have enough of our own wasters to do that, unfortunately they seem to be better off on benefits so they have no intention of working either
  8. Thanks for the info much appreciated
  9. You seem to have difficulty understanding things, either that or you are a little naiive and believe all you read in the media, I'll try to explain one last time....If, as it appears Dusit (or the people that commissioned them) wanted to their survey to suggest that people were generally in favour of medical use only, then they discard any answers that contradict that and publish only answers that support their agenda (or rather the agenda of who ever commissioned the survey) He who pays the piper calls the tune, as they say . If I was to ask the entire population of the village where I live nobody would even be interested in the subject, they like most Thais have other things to think about. You also seem to have difficulty understanding my posts . I have never produced constant rhetoric of over regulation, my "constant rhetoric " is almost with exception in regards to ignorant people spreading hysterical predictions and mis-information. Furthermore the ONLY time I have ever mentioned Canada in any post was to cite it as an example , (along with Holland if I recall correctly) as an examples where the legalisation of cannabis had not lead to a catastrophic breakdown of society, or a descent into "hell on earth" as predicted by many of the prohibitionists on here The ONLY time I mentioned "over regulation" was not even specifically aimed at cannabis it was a general observation in response to your post and to others who are obviously not happy here and, rather than just leaving, would prefer to change Thailand into a copy of their own miserable nanny state countries. Why did anyone come here in the first place?, a certain demographic soon realise that they cannot handle life here and seek to change it. I dont think you should have too much trouble understanding the above
  10. In 2009 one could get a multi entry non o even when under 50 although non sure why you are concerned, do you work for immigration?
  11. I think its you who doesn't understand It would be very easy for me to find 2000 or so people who would think completely the opposite of what the people in the dusit survey allegedly said. Would you consider that a representative survey?
  12. I can assure you neither Thais nor anybody else take any notice of Dusit polls they are renowned for using very small representative samples and being very selective regarding the type of people they ask, normally to further an often political agenda. They obviously did not only legalise cannabis for "medical reasons and health" whatever Anutin or any of them might say. The main reason for any of it was money pure and simple and Anutin and his friends have no doubt done very well out of it so far with much more money to come. Allowing people to grow ten plants in their gardens has nothing to do with medical usage does it ? Mind you I'm certainly not complaining
  13. The Mother in Law is getting on about now and is struggling getting around on her bicycle. the Mrs and her sister are thinking about getting her one of these battery powered trikes, I'm probably going to have to put my hand in my pocket at some point in the proceedings but I don't really know anything about these presumably Chinese manufactured devices, I cant imagine any of them are particularly well made or will last very long with regards to either the rechargeable batteries , electrical system or general moving parts. Has anybody had any experience of these vehicles and could anybody recommend a particular make as being a bit less rubbish than the others. ? Any advice appreciated thanks in advance .
  14. Good job they don't get their (mis) information from this forum they would be terrified with "reefer madness" by the way nobody pays any attention to "dusit polls"
  15. Of course he's whinging and he's getting on my nerves a bit too. I never realised what sheltered lives some people have lead. The level of ignorance on here is actually astounding. I didn't even know such people actually live here. how do some of these people manage to exist here. They wouldn't last long in the "impoverished countryside (not my words) where I live Can you imagine it... " Look TeeRak there's that young tearaway riding his motorcycle with no helmet, I'm going to have a strong word with his father and give him a piece of my mind " "Oh please not again don't cause trouble TeeRak" ... ".No don't try to stop me standards must be maintained and if the father wont control him then I'll be speaking to the PhuYai Ban in the stongest terms " "what do you mean he doesn't speak English, He jolly well has to, and whilst I'm there I'll be mentioning that young strumpet who has just a a child out of holy wedlock, absolutely disgraceful " etc etc hahahahaha !
  16. Some people will not be happy until they have turned this place into a copy of the miserable over-regulated places they used to live For the love of god chill out
  17. Its spot on what the Thais say about us , well some of us Farang think too much"
  18. Well for starters nobody is "adulterating" weed to increase its potency, where are the news reports of that ? why on earth would they? as its not what smokers want and would not be tolerated, and as for pesticides they may well be used I guess just like they are undoubtedly used on most of what you eat ! that is something we just have to live with unless you have got a solution , which I doubt, as your sort never have' "Serious nut jobs talking down to people" well you are certainly "serious" and you certainly seem to think its ok for yourself to talk down to people in your little rant, there are many people on this forum who have never been anywhere cannabis and haven't got a clue what they are talking about yet insist on spewing out rubbish, fuelled it would appear, by their fear of the unknown They actually seem to feed off each other, and its almost a pathetic competition to see who can come up with the scariest and / or most ridiculous fear mongering theories born out of pure ignorance As far as road safety is concerned the impact of cannabis will pale into significance compared to the impact of alcohol. two completely different substances which affect people in completely different ways. Speaking from personal experience throughout the last 40 years I've driven 1,000,000s of miles over 3 continents with a spliff in my hand and have never been involved in or caused an accident (guess I'm just lucky eh?) But I haven't noticed any additional cannabis related carnage reported on the news and if there was, the media would be on it in a flash so its obviously not happening And then there's your "predictable concern " for the youth of Thailand and the effects cannabis will have on their development ! somewhere along the way , no doubt due to your simmering outrage you seem to have conveniently overlooked the fact that cannabis is not legally available to people under 20 years old (even though they can drink, marry, procreate, vote and indeed fight for their country when younger than that) Or are you concerned that teachers might suddenly start turning up to work stoned? Finally were are the people who continually castigate and criticise the Thais ? well I wondering that my self , and have come to the conclusion that they are currently too busy castigating innocent and responsible cannabis users who for your information have been lighting up without worrying too much about being arrested And with regards to exam results etc , no it isn't my problem or yours for that matter and anyone who thinks they can change things has delusions of grandeur I find the general tone of your little rant very condescending you seem to think that everybody other than yourself is unable to control themselves and the whole country is about to descend into your self imagined reefer madness scenario, Strangely I don't know one person who has decided to break a lifetimes abstinence and partake of cannabis due to the relaxation of restrictions, how many do you know? I'm not saying there aren't such people but they are in the minority there has not been and will not be the descent into Sodom and Gomorrah that you and your holier than thou buddies predict Another obsession of the prohibitionists seems to be their perception and obsession regarding the strength of cannabis and their unfounded belief that cannabis users will uncontrollably crave stronger and stronger varieties. more absolute rubbish and again very condescending, One said on here that it is now 100 times stronger than "before" you really could not make it up. Presumably you enjoy a beer ? do you continually crave whisky ? are you unavoidably drawn to Absinth or even Lao Khao? Have you found out the hard way....? Peoples concerns are absolutely based on government funded propaganda and reefer madness hysteria as they have heard nothing else for nearly 100 years .Its actually impossible for the prohibitionists to base their fears on anything else People seem to ignore the somewhat unspectacular relaxation of restrictions in the more forward looking countries Holland Canada etc where society has not descended into hell on earth as you are predicting here You really need to stand down off your soap box and give people some credit for common sense and the ability to control themselves Yes there are plenty of things to worry about if indeed you are the worrying sort, the traffic safety concerns you have, will no doubt be addressed as I'm sure will your educational development worries, but it will be done by the Thais in a Thai style which is something you don't seem to appreciate, but unfortunately for you, due to your location, it is something you are going to have to accept
  19. The study you provide the link to in its self admits that the "evidence" is somewhat inconclusive, and that would be clear to a blind man There is no way they can prove that the accidents were directly caused as a result of cannabis usage. It is anecdotal at best, in fact, all it does prove is that people are more likely to admit to cannabis use when it is not illegal. Don't need to be a genius to work that one out
  20. Its pretty clear from your post that you drove so don't try to deny it Yeah and crash rates go up when people start driving at all ! maybe just ban cars then there would be no crashes. And if it saves just one child's life will it have been a positive move (to echo the usual arguments for banning things)
  21. So after 30 minutes of being intoxicated whilst in charge of a motor vehicle, you then decided to drive despite being still intoxicated !!!! Very irresponsible behaviour indeed.!!!! The tell tale signs of cannabis use can remain in the body for weeks after intoxication has long passed so you really should have been more careful. but then again its OK for you just not for others? And then you come on here to give me your "informed advice",,,,,enough said
  22. Samui was not an independent state last time I looked, so I can't see that it is still illegal there However I also wouldn't take to much notice of what they tell you in bars especially ones with a vested interest in lying to you. The police may also try to call your bluff but in reality there is nothing they can do. they will invariably try it on with people they perceive to be naiive and they will back down if you stand your ground on this matter at present. Just make sure you are not guilty of anything else at the time !!
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