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Posts posted by brokenbone

  1. they are too small, i had my knees up to my ears

    and bent my neck as hard as i could to fit in a fookin amg,

    and was still hitting the roof with my head and panel with my shins.

    you cant even pull back the seat or reel back the back support in those 2 seat suckers.

    those were the days when a merc meant comfort.

    ...or perhaps mercedes are simply aiming at asians these days ?

  2. 14 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Kind words brokenbone. But don't think for one minute that others suffer whist I live it up. When we have the dosh we all dance and sing, but on those occasions when we are not so flush, so to speak, we are frugal together. Unfortunately those occasions have been very regular since the Brexit ref'.


    It is not long now. Boris will have us out on Halloween night and we Brits can start rejoicing; not just because we will have our freedom back but to see the exchange rate rocket up. Ice creams for all on 1st November I reckon.


    ok, altho i have been fairly frugal by choice,

    i have never been forced into such hardship,

    i dont have a reference to it.

    well, actually i do !

    i went on a strict diet of a meal per day,

    if i hadnt drop 0.5 kg next day, i would just consume less to meet my objective, (next day required 1 kg loss to stay on schedule) that was a truly rough month and a half,

    i know the fatigue in the last detail.


    you really should not count on a better pound exchange in case of no deal brexit, just saying

    • Thanks 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Yes, you are right of course.


    The deal with the ice cream is that she can have one once a week. Usually on a Thursday afternoon. If she wants an extra one she has to give up something; say turn off the tele for 2 hours to compensate. The daughter has come round to my way of thinking on different subjects. She is developing a fine sense of responsibility. Have to instill monetary discipline into these young Thais or they will run amok.


    'Abject poverty'; now's there's a thought. The washing machine broke down a month ago and unable to fix it, have put  big stone in the bathroom for clothes washing. Mrs Owl objected at first, but on losing a bit of weight, now can't thank me enough. Now I'm getting her to keep the gas lower when she steams the rice. I think she is beginning to understand about life in Thailand when married to a farang.


    For myself, I darn any clothes, especially shorts, that need replacing. Every day I personally give an egg to the passing  monk each morning. I empty the bucket of water, which drips from the leaky roof onto the daughter's bed every morning. have a good heart and I'm waiting for Brexit to happen so the exchange rate will climb and get above 50 again.

    what is funny is that you arent even joking,

    i saw an earlier post you pull your own teeth to save a buck, toothpaste and other items like washing powder, shower gel and roll on etc items having become just too pricey. your life revolves around frugality altogether,

    and you revel in it !


    i had a friend, an old man that got bitter

    if a resturant didnt provide free water,

    but you would have to pay not 8, but 10 baht for a bottle. i liked and admired him,

    he took great pleasure and a real meaning with life saving money, he didnt spend half his pension even.


    he later got a heart attack, he survived that, but when bkk pattaya hospital gave him the bill for icu, it was just too much for the old mans golden heart

    • Like 2
  4. On 8/21/2019 at 11:18 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Absolutely no reason not to place the vehicle in your own name. 


    The process is a simple as transferring the vehicle into your Wife's name, you just need a little more documentation. 


    - Passport Copy's

    - Visa Copys (any type of visa is ok including Visa Exempt stamp)

    - Poof of Residence (Affirmation of Residence document from your Embassy or Immigration, House book (with you in it) or Yellow ID card).


    The transfer can either take place your local DLT, or with the signed power of attorney document to permit you to process the transfer in the absence of the original owner. 




    Regarding another comment that Thai's get better deals on insurance etc absolute rubbish, you'll get the same rates on insurance as a Thai - use a broker and shop around with 1st Class insurance of a well known company.


    but, if its not in her name, how can she hold him at ransom ?

    • Like 1
  5. i lived in the most quiet place in south pattaya,

    then a resturant was built down the road

    that kept open until late night,

    and the cars loved to rev their engines along that road, and play music as loud as their subwoofers could handle.


    it worked by getting myself so drunk

    that i literally could not drink more,

    but any less and they would keep me awake until 3-4 am.


    it was nice until then, the best money could buy,

    but not after, so i moved. good times tho

  6. 1 hour ago, Catoni said:

           The immunity against the local "Traveler's Diarrhea"  organisms you gain by spending years in a foreign country country is apparently quickly lost when you return to your home country.


       Quote:   "A study among expatriates in Nepal suggests that immunity may take up to seven years to develope - presumably in adults who avoid deliberate pathogen exposure. Conversely, immunity acquired by American students while living in Mexico disappeared, in one study, as quickly as eight weeks after cessation of exposure."


      Ref:   Luis Ostrosky-Zeichner, Charles D. Ericsson, Travelers' diarrhea. In Jane N. Zucherman, Ed., Principles and Practice of Travel Medicine, John Wiley and Sons, 2001. p.153 Google books preview Archived 2017-09-08 at the Wayback Machine

    dude, its 1 year since OP asked for tips on his 2 week holiday

  7. 8 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    must of been big mismanagement of the funds at the top, your tax dollars hard at work... 

    no, the funds was hoped to generate returns like

    when economy was growing at its fastest, forever.

    but they didnt, and now the tax payer has to feed the baby boomers that live longer than they paid for

    • Like 1
  8. not unlike bush the 2nd infamous drug and prescription bill,

    causing a huge national deficit indefinitely

    without pinpointing who would be eligible for such a benefit,

    instead it became free for everyone, regardless if they had the means or not.


    but at the end of the day, bush was a lot dumber, for he never even bothered to make criteria in the first instance

    • Confused 2
  9. 3 hours ago, alan grice said:

    I think you may find that Airplanes that bombed Pearl Harbor were Zeroes not Fokers .But dont let that stop you saying Danes never helped Hitler..!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    you dont even know your own history,

    and yet are trying to pretend you know others.

    not until germany declared war on USA,

    following japans bombing of hawaii,

    was US at war with germany.


    denmark helped germany ?

    they were occupied so germany took whatever they wanted.


    do let fact stop you from ridiculing yourself

    • Like 1
  10. On 8/5/2018 at 11:19 AM, Maradona 10 said:

    Sorry, Dad.


    I wasn't talking about myself and certainly not you, pal.


    My experience in living here for many years is that you have 2 types of 'expats' say below retirement years, either the ones that work here on modest salaries, or the dodgy types, ie criminals...if you disagree crack on fella. I think you shouldn't get yourself so wound up with other peoples opinions on a message board. For such a successful guy like yourself I'm surprised you're so angry and resentful of other opinions. Was your somtam too spicy this morning or something?

    i think you will find more then that early retired

    due to various ailments, faked or real

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