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About ThaSalaPaul

  • Birthday 06/24/1963

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  1. We have solar too and I am i interested in knowing how you hooked up your system to run your house from your car if you have the time to explain it. Thanks 🙂
  2. Setting this on in the menu means that, when you brake and come to a complete standstill the brake (equivalent to a handbrake) will automatically be applied even after you have taken your foot of the pedal. Very useful, especially at traffic lights
  3. But they don't usually keep all of the money. They take a cut and pass the rest up the chain. Checkpoints are usually given monthly budgets of how much they are expected to collect to be passed up. How else are the guys at the top going to be able to buy condo buildings?
  4. It's not clear whether the girlfriend being referred to was the father's or the son's. I took it to be the son's
  5. Visiting down and outs doesn't amount to preaching. What were they saying to the down and outs? Were you listening? My point really was that people don't go to temples to be or to show themselves as being good people. It's a totally different mindset that you seem to not have understood. Perhaps you haven't been in Thailand long or if you have you have not made much of an attempt to understand the culture
  6. What was he saying? Was he preaching or just giving out news (in place of the village headman) or simply rambling? Even if he was preaching, he shouldn't have been and he was one single monk
  7. Seems you have misunderstood such things as temple visits and have transferred your understanding of what that would mean with Christianity onto Buddhism. More often than not people will visit temples or shrines to ask for something (good luck in exams or finding a boyfriend etc). It rarely has much to do with piety. Hence you never see congregations and people preaching (Buddhist monks don't seek to lecture people)
  8. Proven you say? So where is this proof? You are more likely to find that the proof, proves the exact opposite. See below https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/surgical-masks-covid-19.html https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014564118
  9. But it is their civic duty to not willingly spread a virus that is potentially very harmful to some of those they come into contact with. What a selfish attitude. Do you also advocate that men with STD's should not have to bother wearing condoms?
  10. The main purpose of wearing a mask is not to protect the person wearing the mask, but rather to protect others from that person. It's amazing how many people still don't understand that. Similarly some people are proud to announce that they still go into work when they have a cold/flu, not caring that by doing so they will cause others to suffer too.
  11. Well that's disrespectful. You wearing a mask is not to protect you, but rather to protect others from you.
  12. The problem with being pro any nation is when it is done in blind faith without regard to any facts or reason.

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