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Posts posted by lazyguy

  1. 1. Male foreigner got knifed by a Thai in Had Rin before fullmoon party?! - apart from this I have no further info!

    2. Female foreigner got washed up the beach at Thong Sala after FM party?! - apart from this I have no further info!

    3. Today a foreign male resident of Thong Nai Pan Noi has been missed after swimming. He was last seen jumping from rocks near

    to Panviman today in the morning.

    4. A male Thai dead body has been washed up the beach today in the morning in Thong Nai Pan Noi. According to eye witnesses

    he had no eyes anymore when they turned him around. Presumably eaten by fishes as they assume he was already several days

    in the water. Could be another FM party victim or someone who went over board on rough sea.

    I just post this here as I am missing any info on those tragedies.

    My honest condolences to their friends and families.


    the new survey has clearly shown, that ca. 30% of my neighbours entire house is on our land

    but as this corner of our plot has two Chanote posts one can belive (or not) that my neighbour

    was not aware of it. however, he had built too close to our land even from his first perspective.

    in the end of the day (nearly 4 hours team sweating) we sold a strip of 40sqm of our tiny land

    for redicolous cheap money to our beloved neighbours to seal peace of mind and a happy future

    for everybody.

    thanks to maccaroni man for your wise words and suggestions, entirely true. thank you also to

    the competent and friendly surveyor of the Koh Phangan land department which has fundamentally

    recreated my faith into this specific authority in case of boundry disputes.

    I learned that marking your land clearly (fence, bamboo/wood-patchwork, LEGO bricks, wall, etc.)

    is as cruicial as to clearly know where the Chanote pins of your land are. being a lazyguy/girl in

    observing and keeping up with this has cost us 40sqm land which would be ten times more worth

    in life quality than the natural rise of it's financial value over the time.

  3. hi,

    we need another two strong guys tomorrow for a move from our house to the house on top of the hill, approx. 150 meters, Bo Phut area.

    a van will transport it all up. the part where we strong hands is when we carry the big furniture units in the new house as there are some stairs to manage.

    will pay 750 THB per person for effective work of not more than 6 hours. starts at 9:00am.

    please call ..Contact OP

    thank you!


    got em, thank you!

  4. hi,

    we need another two strong guys tomorrow for a move from our house to the house on top of the hill, approx. 150 meters, Bo Phut area.

    a van will transport it all up. the part where we strong hands is when we carry the big furniture units in the new house as there are some stairs to manage.

    will pay 750 THB per person for effective work of not more than 6 hours. starts at 9:00am.

    please call" Contact OP."

    thank you!


  5. yesterdays my wife was at the land department to check the transfer of a land into her name which is owned

    by a company with one farang shareholder.

    she got told that ALL seven Thai shareholders have to appear with bank statement to answer questions

    first before the land department will consider further steps.

    has anyone heard of this procedure before?

    to me it looks like a scam.

    also my wife was asked if she is married with a farang. what has purchase of land of a Thai person to do with

    the nationality of their husband?

    my wifes question for a calculation of possible land transfer taxes has been bluntly rejected. the farang company

    should present their shareholders first, before no thinking of transfer tax.

    what are they up to?

  6. ignore ém! (unless you want something of them!)

    if they want something of you:


    smile again!

    dial a stupid number on your cell phone!

    walk slowly away while talking nonsense!

    smile again!

    step slowly on your bike or in your car!

    smile one last time more!

    and disappear without looking back!

    if not following these simple communication rules you will find yourself at least back married

    or milked but most likely both at the same time. this is not a joke but some years of expat life

    experience in Thailand.

    ...and then it´s really great!

  7. I have always maintained that the first thing to do with a plot of land is build your own boundary wall.


    true, but was not possible with our land as we only have a 5.6m entrance from the road which now is at a level of 3 meters only 4.6m

    wide as neighbours roof is lapping 1m over. the wall towards the other land has been built already but could not be built on the entrance

    side as it was planned that trucks pass through to deliver building material.

    with a bit of luck and a low Laowkaow level it might be possible for truck drivers to set back carefully without damaging anything but

    I am afraid the crane which will put the concrete panels for the second floor up will most probably leave very ugly marks an his back

    wall if not - accidently of course - break through.

  8. Koh Pha-Ngan is a lawless remote outpost

    agreed! so far I have enjoyed it for the last years :-)

    don't expect much help from police to enforce the law of the land here, even with new Chanote pins in place.

    POLICE? only in Europe you call the police your friend & helper and in many cases even thats not true anymore.

    I would be giving some serious consideration to this thought:

    With the potential for escalation of tensions being in place (and unlikely going to go away in the longer term), do I really want to build my house here, with my family living in fear under such aggravating conditions?

    I think I should simply blow him away before things are coming to escalation. then his family wont be having enough money to pay the bank back the loan for the land and after a year my wife will buy his land for peanuts from the bank. that would be a very efficiant Thai style variation of solving two problems in one go. as police presence is indeed not really given here and the quality of their investigations are in fact depending on a cryptic formular made out of the grade of public interest, the current amount of public bribed black money of tourist tickets for driving without helmet, the quality of food on the day the case will be filed at the police station and the quality of sex the day before and - of course - the position of the moon.

    damned good chances to get away with it!

    well, of course I am kidding. I would let a gunman do the dirty part of the enterprise. of course.

  9. my Thai wife has bought a small piece of land on KP before we have married. next to our land a Thai

    familiy has bought a plot as well. when we went for an extended trip of four months to Europe and

    came back we could not found any Chanote pins on our land anymore but therefore the back wall of

    a newly built house on which we assumed was the boundary to the neighbouring land.

    own measurements have confirmed our suggestion. the roof of neighbours house is sticking for about

    1m on a length of 10m onto our land. no big problem if we both would have big plots but they´re both

    under 400sqm each.

    however, we have recently announced to the neighbour to apply for new measurement by the land

    department as we do not see our Chanote pins anymore. and then the trouble began:

    after Khun x was exposing his unbelieve that his house could have been built on the boundary to our

    land he told my wife that she better respect his social position (being "greng djai") rather than ordering

    the land department for new Chanote plot set out.

    we have a date for new land measuring in the third week of September. if you notice a story popping

    up about a blood bath over a boundary dispute between a Thai and a Thai/Farang party it was probably

    us and most likely as victims.

    nice, we just thought that this would be the better environment for our son to grow up rather than the

    rental house we are staying long time already.

    any suggestions how to prevent a blood bath in 3 weeks?

  10. not a great plan trying to copy a police car for trafficking drugs. i guess these people have watched the

    wrong movies or haven´t fully understood the right ones :-)

    Jesus, how stupid can one be? every child knows that only a perfect immitation of every other official

    mobile apart from a police car would have done the job easily.

    and..., hey guys, if police only has found out after "a closer look" that the suspected car was looking

    like a police car then it might be possible to carry in transparent plastic bags filled up entirely with powder

    as ferry passenger without having any problem.

    ...and Thai police men usually do not wear glasses as this would not attract women.

    Isn´t it still a nice world we are living in, mh? :-))

  11. I strongly do not advise you to do any business with CAT Telecom Samui.

    Apart from the fact that CAT CDMA technology is slow the CAT Telecom people of Samui

    are gangsters. They have received my CDMA modem for request to repair but no order.

    Now they claim my CDMA modem which has cost me 10,900 THB last year and refuse

    to give back unless I am not paying an imaginary sum of over 6,000 THB for their unability

    of service.

    For only internet surfing use AIS 1-2-call package *137# via EDGE-protocol supported

    cell phone (e.g. Nokia) here on the islands. 250 hours package for 535 THB, gives you

    more than 8 hours inet access every day. for everything else try to get a telephone line

    and as provider MAXnet from TT&T.

    another pro of AIS inet is that it can connect everywhere in TH where AIS telephone

    net is available, also in BKK, which is not the case with CDMA.

  12. When did you try Kasikorn Thai last and was charged the 150 baht fee?


    Is the Kasikorn Bank now charging ???

    the partys over at Kasikorn, they are now charging the 150 baht fee

    where now?

    anyone have up to date information on still free atm withdrawels?

    try UOB - the japanese ATMs in BKK. dont know where else UOB has

    ATMs? has worked without 150 THB fee one week ago

  13. ok, for your visa now tell the Thai embassy/consulate in your area that you are going

    to Thailand for 6 months or longer because you are looking for land investment

    I dont know any Thai consulate in Europe or USA which would not be given directly

    a one years business visa NON EMIGRANT B.

    my tips in my previous email are related to the question of how easy you can get

    the next visa when you are in Thailand already. your wifes biz must be running for

    minimum 6 months before the immigration will accept her tax receipts.

    but if you get a 12 months visa in USA already you can even longer this for another

    3 months with an ordinary border run which gives you already a total stay permission

    of 15 months already.


  14. Hi everybody,

    please be aware of dealing with CAT Telecom Koh Samui.

    I am living on Koh Phangan and where I live there are no telephone lines. I was using CAT CDMA modem until two months ago for in total 14 months.

    ...and then my CDMA modem had a hardware failure and was send to CAT Samui for repair. It is in repair now since two months and CAT Samui did not bother to invoice me for this time with no service.

    Today my PC dealer on Koh Phangan called them for info about my modem. They said they tried to call my wife already which is a lie. Finally they said the modem is out of warranty and the repair costs would be 5.500 THB.

    Regarding the invoices for two months no service they agreed on let me pay one month only. So, for only 6.350 THB payment I would receive my repaired modem back and would

    be reconnected to service.

    This is a FRAUD!!! Nobody has informed me, my wife or my PC dealer about the repair costs. I surely would have refused to pay for it so much but now they have produced a situation where they think they can claim repair costs and one month fee for no service.

    I have terminated my CDMA contract with CAT Telecom today as I am not intended to do business with a company acting with no business ethics and I recommend you to do the same.

    Now they still keep my CDMA modem which has cost me 10.900 THB a year ago and refuse to deliver back as the are claiming for payment of their imaginary invoices.

    Very sad, CAT Telecom Koh Samui. Zero points in all categories:

    - after sales service

    - customer orientation

    - business ethics

    - staff training

    - management

    Usually people who behave like this are called Mafia, Camorrha, Cosa Nostra or PayPal and right here on Koh Samui we have another remarkable example of anarchists who are

    professionally extorting customers. Law? Train station? Thailand?

    Of course one can roll it up and get all paperwork together and start to sue the guys but everybody knows it not worth to do it and thats what they speculate on. It is so glas clear where their intetion is coming from.

    I am very happy with my AIS internet connection via cell phone. all new NOKIAS who support EDGE protocoll can connect to the internet. 1-2-call customers can buy packages up to

    250 hours (535 THB) or monthly flat line (1.070 THB) but I am already happy with 250 hours per months.

    and: 1-2-call internet connection works NATIONWIDE - at least everywhere where the network is available! this is not the case with CAT CDMA as in the entire BKK area the frequency of CAT CDMA is blocked, so the CDMA modem cant connect in BKK and outskirts.


  15. I am a Koh Phangan resident since 5 years and I can say that the mentality between southern Thais and Thais living in Central Thailand and in the North is different. The southern mentality is - as it is in any other country the same on this planet - much more controlled by emotions. I believe this is a result of the individual amount of sun which each single region receives. In addition Thai mentality is an explosive mixture which is fundamentally based on personal pride and honor. Why is Thai mentality an explosive mixture? Because of the "mai bock" thing. "Don´t speak! Particularly: Don´t speak bad! Do not criticize!" Means do not to bother anybody with your negative personal issues. Thus: swallow it and thats what the younger generations have to do and learned to do. By a certain time after smiling and bewaring face all the time inner pressure needs ventilation and then a small nuisance - whatever it could be - is enough that somewhere someones fuses plug off and someone else gets seriously injured or killed - mostly in the heat of the moment.

    This also happens in the western world but not at a comparable ratio as western education does not allow us easily to attack one physically out of emotional hurt. The emotional barrier for feeling ready to do comparable things like what happened here again is in Thailand lower than in the western world. In fact Thailand is under the top ten countries with the highest murder rate in the world. I believe that a big number of killings in Thailand are caused by emotional rejection, unanswered emotions or one has found out that he/she got betrayed by their partner. The answer of why Thai people can potentially turn quicker to emotionally controlled violation is given by the combination of nationwide low quality school education and social integration of the individual.

    what makes me worry is that this crime did not happen in the heat of the moment but was premeditated carried out by the culprit.

    The KPG scene of expats is shocked. the murder of Astrid is theme no.1 here at the moment and I guess some farang ladies who are together with a Thai man might review their relationship carefully in order to make sure that emotionally controlled violence won´t be an issue at all. I know more examples of healthy relationships between Thai women and farang men rather than the other way around. last way out for anybody: run away now!

    Living a peaceful life on Koh Phangan means to live a low profile life. As a foreign resident you should never give Thais a reason for being jealous about you - never in material things nor in emotional issues. Do not get frequently involved in KPG night life as Haad Rin, the red light girlie bar zone and the Baan Tai road are the places where the most people die weather by accident or being victim of violence. it makes me very sad that Astrids attempts to get involved into Thai culture and society has cost her life.

    My condolences to her family and friends.

    Rest in peace, Astrid

  16. many recommendations in this thread ... thanks a lot.

    i will be on samui not before november, but for sure, i will visit some of the here mentioned rental companies and ask for prices and conditions. renting a fino without passport would be great ... i think i would pay 10.000 for a fino, because i love it :o:D

    ok, to be honest, in pattaya i always rented a light blue or a pink fino ... this looks gay, but who cares? :D:D

    just for the record: a Yamaha FINO is technically identical to a MIO. it just looks a bit different from the outside.

    but anyway, have a good ride :-)

  17. please forget what I have said about the hamburger sets of the restaurant at Cookies Bungalows in Nai Wok.

    today I was there and the Cheeseburger was a nightmare. they must have changed staff in the kitchen.

    the french fries were tasty as always and presumably all Thai food is still of the same good quality but after

    my experience today I at least would not recommend their Cheesburger.

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