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  1. I think the only reason you get sh!t BMT is your refusal to believe anyone whos experience doesn't match your own. I think people have tried to help you in the past and you just dismiss them. BTW low yields = enviroment does matter
  2. It depends on what you want ... the light from the sun isnt the problem, its the enviroment(light cycle, heat, humidity and pests), if you want decent buds then its worth the cost in my opinion. 6k was my bill last month with full power light, ac, extract, fans and dehumidifier on 24/7
  3. you dont want your temperatures too high. not good especially when flowering. I keep my room at 24c with ac (plus I use a dehumidfier) and then use an extract fan to pull it through my tent (have small fans in tent for airflow) and that keeps my tent at around 26c
  4. Far out man ! Most of the dispensaries i've been too, the jars have been opened so many times and most is poorly cured. Usually all I get is noseful of hay.
  5. No more than before June 9. How many potheads have caused accidents/incidents so far ? Dont you think the "news" has been dying for negatives since June 9 and all I have seen is the clueless, whining about nothing, as usual.
  6. you really think its going to make a difference ? ... no one has suddenly said "oh its legal I will start driving stoned" . They either were or were not long before June 9. Same with alcohol, they'll either drive or they wont !
  7. I get all the cannabis related posts from pot users on this forum but why are so many anti pot people posting. Obviously not your interest, so why waste your time ? As a non drinker, I am not going to be spamming your "its a religous holiday and I cant buy alcohol so I am angry" or "I need a new liver" threads, so why do you <deleted> spam all the cannabis related threads ?
  8. 50k a month? nice part of Bangkok isnt the centre mate! I rent a 3 bed house in a nice quiet village in the burbs for 19k, only 20mins on my motorcycle through traffic to ThongLor. Dont have to count the pennies but Id be surprised if I spend much more than 50k a month. Making it rain for bar girls/boys is not my thing at all, the same old dregs in the same old bars doesnt get me going, I ll stick with my boring lifestyle thanks.
  9. Honestly mate, its like banging your head against a wall in this forum. Oldies still living in times that are long gone...better crack another beer lads!
  10. yeah! because no one has ever managed a wonk high ????
  11. I was talking about smoking in public. Not really noticed the sellers so much, seen a couple of shops but you'd have to go inside before it's "waved in your face". Having said that, I am nowhere near the tourist areas.
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