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Arthur Mullard

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Everything posted by Arthur Mullard

  1. Moral of the story? Forgive me but you sound as if you've no idea what's going down in that <deleted> hell-hole
  2. Excellent Rooster???? Ruffled several feathers. Parochial Brits most I bet who think metropolitan living equates to a visit to Harrods from zone 4 and beyond - overwhelmed.
  3. And wear glasses handling local notes... that Songthaew driver made off with a red thousand note at Samrong, when it should've been a hundred, silly me. Even sillier that I should've chased it up at the local depot. IDIOT
  4. "Propaganda" that's rich: when anyone who speaks against the 'special operation' falls out of a window or mysteriously disappears... like 6 (at least) oligarchs have done lately... or when a state poisons those brave enough to speak out... yeah I'll take western "propaganda" by the bus load if that's your idea of an alternative, Idiot.
  5. Most readers will have noted the new pop-up ads on ASEAN NOW claiming Thailand to China starting prices around £3-400.. A cursory check will reveal the cheapest single fare around £900 +... nowhere near what's being advertised. A recent article also stated that in-coming tourism to Thailand had increased by 200% since July, from China, and excitedly predicted that September prices were due to fall thus boosting tourism... to much joy (NOT) from just about all posters on this forum. At the last check, a round-trip from China to Thailand came in well over $1,000, with advanced booking. Single flights advertised at Skyscanners prices don't exist, in one direction. Period. You might think they're predicting changes in the coming month/s (but still - the advertising is a hoax) however, Chinese travelers who are not traveling for the following three categories; education, employment or business... are NOT permitted to travel. A cursory look online in the terms will reveal this in small print somewhere near the bottom. This all begs the questions; is Skyscanner going to continue advertising false information, and if so why? Will prices fall by half the current ones advertised? How does Skyscanner's advertising fit with the terms mentioned above? Could it be there's a move to create a false sense of normality and return to pre-Covid tourism, when in fact, the facts state the total opposite?
  6. I'm no smoker/eater myself and the reek of skunk on London streets used to make me gag.. but these Youth Training Centre reps will be the ones in the classroom who have a personality deficit, and who never question their pathetic old grandma's values. Instead of trusting common sense in their own age group, and thinking about the opportunities for small businesses after 2.5 years of economic disaster, they will be threatened because of their own narrow-minded view of the world. For that reason I'm glad cannabis is off the narcotics list???? Anything to rattle those boring f*@*@*s.
  7. Don't forget Rooster that the readership is wide and it means a lot to those who are some distance away....
  8. "enjoy the beauty that Thailand has to offer"... if only life was that simple. There are tow types of expat in Thailand... the ones who turn a blind eye to matters that back home would be considered serious, and the ones with a conscience.
  9. Well the stats don't look good do they? If you follow news updates in neighboring countries, although you hear of road incidents, Thailand tops the list. According to the BKK Post some time back, your 'no different to any other country' Thailand was second globally to Senegal.
  10. You're new to Thailand then? Otherwise count yourself lucky. It doesn't even come under "road sense". Or lack of. I've seen it. Biker pulling out into another biker, totally oblivious. That's got to be simple-minded and nothing else.
  11. How many other places in the world would you see this desperate attempt to hit back at society! Did he believe his plastic gun could hijack a plane and set him free from the police state where he lives? Another example of care in the community failure, and a country really struggling with mental health issues.
  12. Sounds like it's less safe in Thailand these days... with other more desperate measures than this one... that would be a great pity... but hardly surprising given the economic situation thanks to Covid.
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