It would be a smart decision of Thai government to limit 60 visa free entries to 30 visa free entries for nationals of some countries like Russia, India and China who violate Thai immigration laws most by
working illegally in major resorts of Thailand taking jobs from Thais and threatening Thai national security.!
Particularly Putin-russians are a major concern for Thailand with very high level criminality and corruption in Pattaya and Phuket., easy opening condos in Thai banks and getting thai driving licenses to avoid world sanctions due to Putin regime aggression to Ukraine.
Most of those russki mafia thugs get 1 year student visa and they start operate illegally in Thailand .
They run for example money exchange companies across Thailand dealing with billions of money laundering and converting huge amounts of rubles from Russia that currently under world sanctions into Thai baht and then in US dollars. which they later successfully invest in real estates companies offering to Russian tourists Russian languages -luxury villas and condominium across Thailand .
.Putinists feel also free in Thailand to control russian prostitution and sex escort services ,
They (open and run not only restaurants with Thai proxy owners but even numerous Ganja/ Cannabis shops across Pattaya and Phuket ,control rent a car a bike companies, working illegally as travel agents and tour guides, some of them even working illegally as Bolt drivers with fake certificate.
Russian hookers use pocket WiFi routers with specific names of public hotspots offering sexual servisers to farangs.
Many of puti russians work for criminal Putin regime and have opened fake Thai import companies to purchase military equipment via Korea, Japan , China and Hong-Kong which is needed for Putin thugs to continue barbaric war towards Ukraine..
So this is a real threat to Thai national security and visa restriction should be imposed as soon as possible!