Well, after trying Bitkub, Binance TH and other shady local exchange, Upbit was a breeze to open account, customer service was English speaking, required Visa page, NFC scan and selfie. They called and ask few questions regarding last arrival stamp and in 24 hours i got Level 2. Level 3 required adding account (KBANK in my case) and it took 3 days, had to put some cash there and update bank book.
I opened separate account for this, just in case...
I only use it to buy USDT and move it to Bybit wallet. I don't mess with Bybit P2P USDT purchases, Many people complain about accounts being blocked. Just looking at P2P sellers names, they all Ukr$$$$$ns selling your aid money on margin.
Process straight forward and much cheaper than buying USDT on THB on Bybit, their Web 3 wallet is good enough for deposits from UpBit.
Best thing, no profit in Thailand, no taxes
Cheers and good luck!