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Everything posted by MasterBaker

  1. those provinces would be on a red list last month with numbers like this
  2. little bit strange, cause i was under impression that those who paid would be able to schedule and re-schedule appointments. but TIT, it's all mud
  3. did you just wake up? Korat being flooded for a week now
  4. Google search results? really? Just because 9 people search for Thailand?
  5. I always use VPN, problem is that when you have IP assigned by your ISP, like a fiber modem, ISP will be able to monitor you even if you use VPN
  6. when authorities understand the simple fact: all markets should be closed permanently. don't you have enough examples already?
  7. Phuket had this, up to 90 a week if i am not mistaken, now they have 160 a day and sandbox still running
  8. https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions/ESP?affiliateId=aerlingus&nationality=USA&departureDate=2021-10-10&returnDate=2021-10-17&tripType=roundTrip&transitType=noTransit&fullyVaccinated=false&language=en-US&originCountry=THA always latest infor here for any country
  9. i paid for Moderna booster, planning to take it 6 months after the second AZ which i got last month. I think it will be enough until pill will be released. i don't think Covid is going to stay, so we will need regular booster in foreseeable future
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