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Everything posted by MasterBaker

  1. July 2021 unemployment rate was 1.9%, how come there is labour shortage? Thais just being lazy
  2. i remember the case few years ago when Thai man shot Thai intruder in his house and was released. i guess it's too much to ask to apply the same to dirty farang
  3. you right, they spent all money on buying sand for Jomtien beach
  4. i always use this site, they have latest requirement for all countries: https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions/GBR?affiliateId=aerlingus&nationality=USA&departureDate=2021-09-15&returnDate=2021-09-17&tripType=roundTrip&transitType=noTransit&fullyVaccinated=false&language=en-US&originCountry=THA
  5. Phuket b ecoming a high risk place even concidering vaccination rate. Sandboxes should be shut ASAP, at least the whole idea has to be amended. ckearly id doesn't work, just watch Samui sandbox in a 2-3 weeks
  6. love this place, getting my 2nd jab this friday, app works already
  7. i hade 2 Az shots and paid for Moderna as a booster. i don't think foreigners will be given a 3rd shot for free, unless you are a frontliner or something like this. Maybe a teacher
  8. you shoild get a vaccination paper from them, it will have either 13 digit ID, barcode or QR, if you chan those 2, you will vee the number, it's also below the barcoge. Make sure, you have your phine number on the vaccination record, you need it to create account on the app
  9. at least Facebook sells your data for a fortune. these guys are very modest
  10. Civil Court revoket it, PM just saving his face as usual
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