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Posts posted by Almer

  1. Who asked what could go wrong they  are only  gas canisters, a fire in an adjoining  factory unit some years ago  caused an issue, it was mentioned to the head firefighter that 4 or 5 gas cylinders were stored there, an immediate halt took place and a different take took place, there was an almighty bang and the next day 2 fields away the top section of a cylinder was found peeled like a banana, so to who ever asked what could go wrong, not much.????‍????

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  2. Education, confiscation, driving ban, 6 months inside, shameing, more police presence( which is self funding), it all works, all these clips are available for the world to see and wonder. 

    Try and picture this as i tell it,

     comeing up to a T juction with me on the main road traffic starts to slow with people entering the main road and people turning left, 3 cars in front of me, a Tuk Tuk passes me into the oncomeing traffic passing the 3 cars in front of me but as cars approach  him he passes them on there nearside so he is over on the verge and passes through the junction causing mayhem, 50 mtrs on he stops at a food bar, only third world countries allow that.

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  3. Pepper 9187.  How will sealing 50% of U turns help it will mean an increase at the next U, i agree many could be closed and SOLID road furniture used to make a slip when exiting the U, in Khonkaen they have done this by the big Tesco and in general it works but it still suffers with uneducated locals who stop and block the junction, this is opposite the police training school, maybe they could spend a shift at the U explaining to drivers what the correct way to carry out the manoeuvre,  after telling them what idiots they are with a salute of course. 

    • Haha 1
  4. You can extend the barrier all the way to the moon, these inexperienced self taught unlicenced uninsured idiots will still turn if that is in there mind set. Lets not blame them lets blame the police for being uninterested unkess there  is a personal goal , me, if i were a policeman i would stand there and stop them take the car take there licence  once that got around problem solved, it was not only an illegal turn but a dangerous turn.

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  5. We talk about death here like a joke, there is only one thing to make you smile and it is the utter contempt transport operators show this country and its passengers, if the brakes failed!!!  how can the poor driver be charged with death by negligent driving, it his his company who should get there collars felt, does anydody know if the Bus carried on working after the notmal photo shoot ???

  6. Immigration will not question who has sent it, so, pension into your home country bank and a monthly transfer of 65000 in thai baht which is critical and to be safe say in the first week of month, it should come in marked FTT foreign transfer. 

    For RT extensions we all have a minimum of 9 months if like me 20 months to get things in order, the aggrivation for me is having to Keep 400.000 tied up and when taking your last breath waving goodbye to it, but you do nit need it then anyway, calm down we all have a common goal and that is, no stress and no worries, there is time to plan and a lot can happen in a short time, go and help the economy and have beer and look at many people with far bigger problems in there lives, see you in the bar.

  7. Stevenl  no, i was2/3 rd into the left turn indicator active and had checked n/s mirror prior to start of manoeuvre, all clear so proceed then bang and bodies flying through the air, witness to confirm to police she came at speed from his iffside and cut in front of him, it was the police who asked did she not see blinker and her comment was, no because her friend was sat on the front blanked out my car from her vision, for your ref they caught my car just behind the rear wheel virtually square on. 

    i have been awarded  from her parents 2500 bt which will not cover it but there is a positive here that this young girl with tarmac burns over her arms and face will for sure think a bit when she gets back on her motorcycle because i could see in her face through the blood " it hurt"

  8. Only yesterday i had 3 school students sat on the floor grazes on every limb, why, because they took no notice of my left indicator at a junction, when asked did they not se my  left indicator flashing i was met with a classic response, no, because the girl on the front obscurred my vision.

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  9. Carry on life ss usual( minus the drink driving its not clever)  and  plead he didnt give you a ticket and didnt teturn your licence, no , own up honesty is the best policy unless youve been silly eneough to cross  a local bobby. 

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  10. Briggsy, i am pleased to say the Chinese have stopped shouting at me, i tell them not to shout or i will leave, it works everytime, what im working on is the pushing and que jumping, in a Chinese ownrd hotel in BKK last week at breakfast was a coach load having breakfast before there day out, i was stood at the toaster waiting patiently and was pushed to one side by a loud speaking granny, i took my toast and helped myself to the food she had gathered and on the way past the plug socket i removed the plug, disgarded her poor selection for breakfast and sat down she starred at the toaster for a good 10 minutes and a further 10 minutes to find her cold food and then be told the coach is leaving, yes i know its childish but it was better than the television blaring out. 

    • Haha 1
  11. Wow, first a simple case history and then people find a million problems. Lets assume you are a bit clever or a bit stupid,

    1. You do your ext RV

    2. at each 90 day you happen to be out of the country.

    3.a how about the IM officer at Airport  maybe he would ask for proof but no maybe not so you have escaped for 10 months without needing money in bank.

    3b. 2 months before renewal you season 800.000 and trot of to IM, the IM officer says bye bye mister, refusal as you have not kept to your RV with funds as required, there is no hideing

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