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Everything posted by Almer

  1. With all the reported graft and brown envelopes I don't see the likes of Disney rushing here
  2. I have had 4 Pfiser jabs the last one June 22, and a dose of Mild COVID-19 Sept 22, I have just had a tough 3 days and just starting to move around after another COVID-19 infection this knocked me about a bit, be warned
  3. I am almost frightened to ask, but here goes, does a lady want a big one or will just normal suffice
  4. Seen to be doing something comes to mind, it would be impossible to keep this quiet it would involve just about every bib at road checks and all highway police they would all have to be in on it
  5. I'm my Issan town I have no sympathy for the local taxis, ring the office, sorry busy, be there in 30 minutes never turns up ring to complain hang up on you. Thank goodness for GRAB
  6. It is the cocky bank staff in there high heels making it up to seem important
  7. The UK is 4.38 or 4.58m, I drove Deckers for many years local and long distance never rolled one or came near in 25 years, probably because I respected the weight height and braking capabilities Imho
  8. I think the key word is "capacity" rather than production stopping the garage start up.
  9. My meaning death on the roads, at the end of my post if you had taken the time to read it before commenting I suggested a look at the locking mechanism by the investigator if if is investigated at all
  10. Now why would you run from the police coming to help you?
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