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Posts posted by Leaver

  1. On 1/28/2023 at 6:11 PM, Jingthing said:

    I knew that but I was suggesting vendors might demand a tax for eating anyway. No free food!


    Maybe best to have staff remove plates very soon after customers have finished. 

  2. On 1/30/2023 at 7:37 AM, billyo said:

    To the advantage of current owners though. If they were to take all the empty wing shells and put in a serviceable unit and knock them out a market rate they would make a tidy profit but no doubt dampen the value of existing units.


    Would you consider it to be a good investment, knowing the "rug can be pulled" from under you at any time, and your condo is now worth less than what you paid because the condo block has had some internal redevelopment? 

  3. On 1/29/2023 at 4:47 PM, NickyLouie said:

    So how do you like renting in Nirun Condo?


    Why would you think I rent in Nirun? 


    If you chose a condo here that you like to live in, when you see what they are listed / selling for, do the math, and see that the purchase price left in a fund back home more than covers the rent. 


    Then, you also have to consider life expectancy.  What's the point of buying when years and years of renting at an older age end up less month than buying, and you don't leave a headache behind for others. 

  4. On 12/17/2022 at 11:17 AM, Toby1947 said:

    What a ridiculous statement, ever hear of the London black cab knowledge this takes years of studying to achieve a license. Something I doubt a cleaver Dick like you would be likely to achieve 


    Totally redundant now with SatNav's and even Google Maps on a phone.  What's passing that test truly worth now - zero. 


    • Thumbs Up 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    at least some of the older women in bars seemed miserable and bitter to me.

    knowing they may be trapped there with their biological clocks ticking.



    Those old hookers are miserable because they got too greedy early in their bar career and thought the gravy train would never end.  How many guys have they done over in their bar girl career, and I don't mean in the bedroom? 


    Now, as they are getting on in age, they try be "pleasant: and look for that one farang to settle with, but for many of them, it's all too late.  

  6. 1 hour ago, moogradod said:

    Longer ago I actually met bar girls (note the "s") with the honest intention to find a nice man and marry


    This was the way it used to be.  Many bar girls just wanted to be taken out of the bar and have a "normal" life with a farang, in farangland.  Indeed, many looked for the opportunity to earn western salaries. 


    These days, it's all about the girl staying in the bar and having multiple guys send money every month, in between holidays with their clients.   


    Why would they do some cooking and cleaning for a farang in a "normal" life when they can party in a bar every night whilst looking for their next victim? 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, newnative said:

    Yes, personal observations have their place, but not with something like statistics. 




    Go on the record then.  What do YOU give more weight to, TAT's stats, or the observation from people on the ground?


    Why don't you reply to members who have posted of their observations of quiet businesses here.  Will you call them all liars?


    2 hours ago, newnative said:

    You have also made the observation that the 'numbers' were up but the 'spend' was down in 2019. 


    I started the thread "Is the closure of your favorite bar or restaurant imminent" back then because that's how bad things were here, pre covid.  Let me say that again, PRE COVID..


    Along came covid, which disrupted the global economy for a few years, but now that covid in all but finished, you seem to think Pattaya's issue of pre covid have all disappeared.  That's fine, but where did they go?  :smile:


    2 hours ago, newnative said:

    Yes, my partner and I do some personal observation of the property market in Pattaya.  We visit about every new big condo project that comes on the market, look at sample units for sale, check the number of bookings, talk to the sales staff, etc.   We chit chat with agents when we run into them.  I belong to a number of Facebook property groups and every morning I see listings from them on Facebook--helps keep current with samples of what's on the market, pricing, etc.  Lately we have been focusing on new housing projects on the Darkside, of which there are many.  In the past few weeks we have looked at a number of them.


    Obviously, and it shows in your posts.  You have skin in the game. 


    Your posts go beyond discussion and border on marketing.


    Who do you actually think you are selling property ownership in Pattaya to here?  Serious question. 





  8. 2 hours ago, newnative said:

             If someone wants to own a vanity project and sustain losses rather than close, that's up to them.  Normal supply and demand functions in Pattaya, just like everywhere else.  I refer back to my recent post on 7-11s in the tourist area during covid.   If there is too much or too little of something, eventually it will get sorted out. 

           When a city is thriving, those closed store fronts will, at some point, be filled with other stores, catering to the current market demographic.  Or, they may get bulldozed and replaced with something else--lots of that happening in Pattaya.

           Next.  My partner and I have sold everything from a 24 sqm studio condo to a 3 bedroom 124 sqm oceanfront condo--and about everything in between.  And, a house.  In every case, the studio was not in competition with 3 bedrooms; the 3 bedroom was not in competition with 1 bedrooms, the 1 bedroom was not in competition with two bedrooms, and so on.

         The only competition was other similar-sized and priced condos for sale in that same area.  My advice to your studio condo owner would be the same as what we always follow:

          Declutter and remove any personal stuff--photos, bowling trophies, etc.   The buyer wants to picture himself in the condo, not you.  Take a hard look at the space from a buyer's viewpoint.

           Make sure everything is in working order, there is nothing broken or damaged, there is no peeling paint or wallpaper, etc., and the condo is kept spotless and ready to show at a few minutes notice.  That especially applies to the kitchen and baths.

            Do some homework on your competition.  What do they look like compared to yours?  What's the view compared to yours?  Higher or lower floor? Any extras they have?  What is their pricing?  All this can help you in your pricing, which is key and can sometimes be hard to pinpoint.  We leave some 'wiggle room' while still allowing for a profit but it's important to be realistic.   You can get some feedback on pricing from some of the listing realtors.

           Email good quality photos, including those of the condo project, and a good description, to all the agencies, starting with the ones closest to your property.  Try to hit them all--you never know who will have a client.  

            You can also post on other sites yourself, including Facebook, Craigslist, Hipflat, and others.  Let the condo office staff know it is for sale, too.  The key is getting your property out there, seen and known about.

            Unless you are in dire financial straits, it's important to be patient, if you can.  We have had condos sell quickly and we have had condos take a year or more to sell.  Patience is a virtue.

            And, usual disclaimer:  Renting is often the better choice for many here in Thailand, especially for those of the opinion that there's not much involved in the buying process and one can be 'flexible' about what they buy.



    Just more real estate talking the market up, mouth fill of marbles under water, waffle from you.  Most members on this forum are experienced enough to see through you. 


    I wish you and your partner, whether that be business partner or romantic partner, all the best.  You will need it. 


    I already know you are stuck with properties on your books that you can not offload.  It shows in the desperation of your posts. 


    Everyone could see it was a bubble.  Why didn't you? 



  9. 28 minutes ago, still kicking said:

    Oh no I am not a vegetarian or vegan. 


    So why your problem with eating dog?


    Indians are disgusted to see you eat a cow.  What makes you right and them wrong? 


    Muslims are disgusted to see you eat a pig.  What makes you right and them wrong?


    Between the Hindus and the Muslims, that's quite a large percentage of the world's population.  What makes you right, and them wrong?




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  10. 1 minute ago, Seppius said:

    On thing living on and off in Thailand for 30 odd years has taught me, Patience


    Ahh, yes, patience, otherwise known to Thai's as, shut up farang, and obey, or leave.  :smile:

    • Thanks 1
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  11. 7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That's easy. The other person has to walk around me.





    That photo depicts an opportunity to go through, rather than around.


    One must use everything at their disposal to their advantage, including lack of size. Something that many members tell bar girls here.   :smile:


    • Haha 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, NickyLouie said:

    4 million lost 30% over the last 2 years, stay on the sidelines and leave the varsity game to the players.



    That's not my experience.  My fund is still doing well, and it's not an aggressive profile. 


    It would have to be an absolutely woefully performing fund to earn less than the cost of rent here. 


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