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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. Yes. No washing. No shopping. No ironing. Only fools don't live this way.
  2. What do you cook in it?
  3. Maybe they heard there was a queue that needed jumping.
  4. Have a waist smaller than my turds, no thank you.
  5. None. I only wear shorts and nothing else. They are made and delivered to me every Sunday, 7 pairs for 350 baht. No itchy tags and perfect 54 inch waist. Use once.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 25 seconds  
  7. What does that do?
  8. No. The test didn't show any, but the feeling is that it is a small one. Just starting a course of amoxicillin in case it is a bacterial infection. If that doesn't do anything, then I'll look at alpha blockers.
  9. Are these Alpha Blockers that help to pass a small stone in the ureter? I believe an alpha blocker loosens the ureter making it easier to pass a small stone.
  10. Also charge him for the silly tattoos and having more hair than me.
  11. Looks more like a time traveler from The Somme than a Muslim terrorist.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 80 seconds  
  13. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1305873249448539 🤣
  14. What a horrible story. It sounds like something that would happen in caveman times. Or the Catholic church.
  15. His best friend is Turkish Sven.
  16. To note, it is very difficult for a Thai woman to divorce you if you refuse and have done nothing wrong.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 61 seconds  
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 103 seconds  
  19. I never realized her right hand was so big.
  20. All a misunderstanding. One is now legally obtained by the judge, and the rest are fine.
  21. Makes a change from a teacher here fiddling with one.

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