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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. A new neighbor moved into our residential village around 3 weeks ago. After around 1 week his Honda Civic was parked outside our house gate in a manner that other cars could not get in or out of our property. We didn't say anything. It happened again around a week later. When we saw him, I asked him nicely to please not park in front of our gate as we often come and go. The next day we woke up to his car completely blocking our gate, and no one was in his house to ask to move it. A friend of a friend was able to come with a moveable jack contraption and we were able to move it as we needed to get some supplies. 2 days later I'm walking to the clubhouse and there's a knee banged into the back of my knee as I'm walking. "You die this year" "Hi, what" "This year you die" "Oh." "You are dead this year. You are <deleted> dead this year." And he walked away. Covid doesn't make international travel too convenient. So, with less than a year to live, where in Thailand would you travel to, and what activities would you do there?
  2. I'm looking at gambling a useable amount of money in to 3 main stream cyrptoes for at least 2 years, possibly up to 10 years. It's for holding and not trading. Which 3 main stream cyrptoes do you think will likely perform best in this period?
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