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Posts posted by JeffersLos

  1. 1 hour ago, bigt3116 said:


    Your data comes from where ?



    Myself and foreign acquaintances buying houses in different districts. Some have no problem doing it, most do, wanting Thai land to be in the name of fully Thai people, and have no problem in saying why: 'It looks like the foreigner is trying to buy land using their half foreign child. It will need to be in the name of their Thai wife/husband not the half foreign child'. Some offices have no problem, many or most do. YMMV.  

  2. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Makro carries the Diary Rich milk powder, and makes 7 L if following directions (860gr w/160gr DR).   I haven't found it cheaper online, with shipping added in, unless buying a box of 12.   Which the wife found.  Some vendors charge same shipping for 2 bags, so works out cheaper than Makro.   Last time at our local Makro (฿265).   Just saw it on Makro website, for ฿300, and a silly price.


    Good for test run, see if you like it.  I think it tastes great, compared to store bought fresh.


    Do you mix it 1 liter at a time with a whisk, then just keep it in a bottle to be used over a few days, and repeat 6 or 7 times, or what is your milking method? 

  3. 2 hours ago, bigt3116 said:

    It would seem that there is no minimum age for a Thai to buy property, the 20 years of age comes into effect if they then want to use it as collateral or sell it, (then the legal guardian would need to approve).


    https://www.thaicontracts.com/ask/28-other-questions/62-is-it-possible-to-buy-house-in-my-thai-son-s-name-and-then-lease.html#:~:text=There is no law to,to accept or not transactions.


    There isn't a law against it, but there isn't a law stating that the land office must do it. Many will refuse as they see it as a foreigner trying to use a loophole and buy Thai land in their half foreign child's name. They have every right to refuse on these grounds, and often do. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Just got the all clear from the doctor this morning.

    Last to heal was my collarbone, now fused if a bit lumpy.

    Says I don't need any more physiotherapy, arm doesn't have full movement but good enough.

    Still some pain in the shoulder, but probably no worse than any other old guys bones and joints.


    So total cost for 4 months medical care, 5 broken ribs, broken collarbone, collapsed lung, 3 days in hospital, countless X-rays, meds, 8x physio was just under 13kbht, paid for by government minimum m/c insurance.




    What's happening with the attempted murderer? 

  5. We're helping to fix up and renovate our old neighbor's house. The roof is leaking in places as the tiles (3mm) are old, and from underneath can see indirect light where they meet. Can see dark water marks on the wooden beams, but no real damage to the wood.


    We recommended having it all retiled, but they're old and don't want to spend the money.


    Other options are to try to seal it with either sealing tape or a paint sealer. 


    TOA have this roof seal paint.




    1. How good is it at sealing up old roof tiles that have small leaks coming through where they meet?


    2. They are sold in 4Kg tubs. On average how many sqm would a 4Kg tub cover?


    The roof is probably around 100sqm.



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