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Posts posted by JeffersLos

  1. Conflicting information.


    That supplying a degree isn't a legal requirement for teachers being employed in language centers.


    12 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

    It's not a requirement legally.




    1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I've been working in language schools in Bangkok since 2005.  All our teachers need legalised degree certificates for their work permit and extension. 


    They all need legal degrees for their work permits and visa extensions. 

  2. 3 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:


    Universities send documents to OHEC for approval.


    That's the kind of thing that I expected, that nowadays all applications for legal work are sent to Bangkok offices that check all the documents, before returning them to the school with a pass or not pass notification. That the day and age of schools and local offices glancing over the paper work before easily stamping a work permit are long gone. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Those without degrees or with fake degrees will teach in these places as they know, generally, no checks are made.


    I was teaching in Thai government schools prior to the creation of TCT. Extensions of stay and work permits issued immediately. No checks made.


    And do they need to submit a fake or life degree when applying for a Work Permit to work in a university or language center that the labor dept. will see, or they don't even need to submit one? 

  4. 13 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Degrees are scrutinised by TCT prior to a licence or waiver being issued. That is at the stage prior to visiting labour dept for a work permit. The labour dept, upon receipt of authorisation from TCT, will take it as read the degree is legitimate 


    You are right about years gone by. Prior to the need for authorisation from TCT, degrees and their authenticity were rarely checked.


    So it is the TCT that check them, then.


    People say that language centers can get around it, maybe they don't need a teaching license or waiver?


    In which case who checks them, the labor department when a WP is applied for? 

  5. Degrees are checked by the authorities before they grant a work permit. Fake degrees, a copy of a real degree from a real university, or life degrees, a piece of paper from a made up university are found out at that point.


    There is a database they use that at the first step, if the university isn't on it, it doesn't get any further. If it is, they check the transcripts.


    Submitting a Life Degree is useless, submitting a fake degree from a real university is presumably illegal and fraudulent. 


    It was different before apparently, but then there were just too many cases of teachers being arrested for other crimes and it being made public that the schools had hired them with fake degrees, so everything got tightened up. 

  6. 47 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    and why would one do that? a friend of mine, a farmer in Germany, hung himself in his barn, hands by his side.


    They often do it, so that they cannot change their mind. If they do it without bind their hands together behind their back before kicking the stool away, the natural instinct is of course to struggle to pull themselves up etc.


    32 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

    Yeah, off course. You chose:

    1. First he hanged himself, and after tied his hands behind his back.
    2. First he tied his hands behind his back, and after took a rope and hanged himself.

    Maybe, you realize, neither of the above really works. 


    Cable ties.


    One around each wrist. then hands behind the back and slip another one through both and pull. It would probably take about 3 seconds for anybody to do it. 



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