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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. Thais have no problem with the truth. They can't handle the truth being highlighted. Lying is fine, it's expected, pointing out and highlighting that someone is lying may get you a machete in the skull.
  2. Are there not even fried chicken carts outside, that the director also runs?
  3. Don't they need a degree to get a work permit, non-immigrant visa and social insurance? No degree, no work permit no visa tied to it, right?
  4. Oh no they won't!
  5. Hopefully, one day, humans will invent boats.
  6. I'm sure that the 25 year old in Pattaya, covered in tattoos with a $1000 gold necklace paid for it herself through honest, decent hard work.
  7. Pythons or Chinese? Pythons can just go into an enclosure and eat the animals, then slither back out?
  8. How cheap is cheap?
  9. He wasn't the one buried alive, it was the wife.
  10. Don't, it's a turn enough. Love yourself just the way you are, and others will too.
  11. Enjoy a trip to Savannakhet, get the multiple entry visa while there, no need to season the 400k, then come and go as you please (as long as each stay isn't longer than 90 days).
  12. Lazada.
  13. Similar to Australia, when a 10 year old girl was gang raped by 9 boys and men in her community, and none of them were sentenced to prison terms. https://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/world/asia/11australia.html
  14. Ask snooker player Stephen Hendry about what he thinks of Thai baggage handlers. He had used the same cue since his 14th birthday, won many world championships with it, then Thai Airway's staff snapped it in half after 9-11 meant it needed to be stored separately.
  15. You don't understand jokes, do you.
  16. That's well after most ASEANnow members bought them.
  17. Going through the registration here https://www.sso.go.th/wpr/ Almost done. But with three hurdles to go, they was the letters and numbers on the back on the ID card. 2 English letters then 10 numerals. My pink ID card only has 1 letter then 8 numbers, which is different to the Thai ID cards for Thai nationals. Has anybody used their pink ID card that begins with the number 6 to register for this?
  18. Thanks. My Thai ID card number starts with the numbers 6 5099..... Does this mean that I can qualify for 'Voluntary insured person under section 40'?
  19. It's now 3 years. ETH. Less than x2. LTC. -50% BTC. +1% ADA. Less than x2 DOT. -20% Theta. -50% Link. -30% Dot. -20% Thanks. Will they be recovering from these massive losses soon? XMR. Even. ARRR. -10% BCH. -50% LTC. -50% Snx. -80% Aave. -10% Sushi. -60% Ampl. -10%
  20. Other than apartments near universities. You'd be better off buying townhouses, and renting them out longterm to local families. Cheaper up front, easier to get longterm tenants. If you can find a way to be secure in the ownership. Company or usufruct.
  21. If you decide to do this, my advice would be to make a parttime job of it. Buy 4 or 5 smaller and cheaper units in good downtown locations, or near large universities etc, that are empty and need renovating, rather than 1 or 2 expensive one that have 3 bedrooms. Renovating is cheap here. A fresh coat of paint and new modern lighting doubles the price, as they say. Focus on different markets. Be on hand and stay on top of what's happening in each, not just getting a rental agent to take over etc.

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