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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. Cutting off a person's most sexually sensitive (enjoyable) part and robbing them of a full and proper sex life without even asking them. How utterly sick and twisted.
  2. The inner bands of the foreskin are the most sexually sensitive part of the body. A friend had it done in his early 20's, he said that sexual pleasure was half deadened and only about 50% as pleasurable it was before the operation. There is absolutely no need to remove the most sexually sensitive part of a male's body. Leave him be. Hey, he can always do it later if he wishes, right. Someone else robbing him of this for life, nah.
  3. Anyone know if there is a timeframe in which these need to be used? For example, they cannot be older than 7/14/21/28 days at the date of transfer?
  4. Some may think it's all a joke, but we too were contacted by these scammers. We firmly believed it was genuine. When it got to the discussions of how much money I had available to transfer they hung up.
  5. Not much. Perhaps they could auction off a few of Joe's Ferraris and Lambos?
  6. I have a unit for sale and a Chinese family have viewed it and are interested, no agent is involved (I don't mind hiring an agent to handle the documents needed on both sides, and to be there at the land office, if it makes things easier) To sell it I believe I need documents from the condo juristic office showing that: 1) there are no outstanding debts etc on the unit. 2) It falls under the 49% foreign ownership quota. Are there official names/titles for the documents? For example Kor Ror 2 (which is a document to show you're still married), is there such an official title for these 2 documents? Is there anything else that I need to present to the land office? Chanote. Passport. These 2 documents. Blue and yellow Tabien Baans. Anything else? TIA
  7. I'm not sure. Hitting this Thai guy in the head with the same skateboard sounds like a good answer.
  8. Seems he dreamt up the return % buying some milk and bread.
  9. Smuggled Brazilian chicken legs at 20THB per KG? What a clucked-up story.
  10. Excellent visa extension options. Like the COVID extension, but nuclear.
  11. 2 of them were well fed. The others might be able to negotiate a reduction of charges.
  12. At 62 you'd think he'd grown out of such behavior. Once a Thai guy always a Thai guy. Going through life feeling so challenged. ????
  13. In other countries: Man crashes his power pole in his car with no pants on.
  14. I fear the taxi drivers, police, members of the service industry and most Thais in general refuse this kind invitation.
  15. The borrowers now need to pay the money back to the police?
  16. I don't think I want to see a picture.
  17. Well, be careful of them.
  18. And when the elderly neighbors pass, will the kids/grandkids be very respectful and quiet. Or will they move in there with their 4 kids, loud scooters, drug dance parties, or use it as a pig farm storage facility?
  19. They finally got their submarine.
  20. I just checked on ddproperty and there 6 pages of listings for 2 br detached houses between 1.5-2 million THB. Is it better to buy a newly built one, or one that has been lived in? Ones that have been lived in haven't collapsed yet, and would have gone through their teething problems already. With new one they've never really been tested and everything that is under the ground or in the walls might need to be ripped out and redone. A friend of our had their house built and the plumber saved 1000THB by not using glue on the PVC joints and they've had 5 years of various leaks ever since. Are their surveyor companies out there that for say, 10,000 THB go over the whole house checking everything before you buy it? https://www.ddproperty.com/en/property-for-sale?sort=price&order=asc&region_code=TH50&freetext=Chiang+Mai&listing_type=sale&minprice=1500000&maxprice=2000000&property_type=B&property_type_code[]=BUNG&market=residential&beds[]=2&search=true

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