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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. My Filipino coding teacher is moving back to the Philippines, I just have Thai and American bank accounts. He says that I can pay by Wise. What is the procedure? Download the Wise app? Input my Thai bank account information and transfer the money to a wallet. Then transfer the money from this Wise wallet to their Philippines bank account? Or it's done another way? What are the charges? A set amount or a % of the transfer? TIA.
  2. You don't understand this word, do you? πŸ™‚
  3. Instead of keeping the 400k in the bank and going through the whole extension process with your local IO, book 4 weekends away in neighboring countries. Flights and hotel package for you and the wife. πŸ™‚ Do the last one just before it expires and it's good for around 15 months, no money tied up no dealing with immigration offices nice little breaks for you and the wife every 3 months. πŸ™‚
  4. The elevated road of death. They need to hire monks to attach an amulet to each section to protect it from the evil spirits that are causing all this chaos and fatalities. The spirits are obviously not happy with it.
  5. SOLVED It wasn't just me. I copy and pasted the title of this conversation into google and the answer came up on another website. Posted 23 hours ago I followed the instructions and all the old free emojis are back. SOLVED CLOSE this thread @Crossy
  6. Maybe 2 or 3 days ago. On my Line APP. All of the emojis have either disappeared or changed to a different style. There are far, far fewer now. And they're not half as good. I didn't manually update the APP, and don't believe I changed any settings. Did this happen to anybody else? Is it possible to get back to the old emojis?
  7. Changing the fuel filter and spark plug fixed it. They also cleaned something, apparently. 950 Thai Baht. It also now has a new air filter, oil filter, oil and serviced brakes from their first attempt at fixing it. 1500 Thai Baht.
  8. Doesn't sound too premeditated, shouldn't have confessed to that so soon.
  9. If the salty air helped it, would pouring a packet of salt into a bucket of boiling water, then place your head over it with a towel covering you and it help? Perhaps once in the morning and once in the evening. Or those mobile sauna things they sell in places like the 7-11 catalog. I think you sit in it and zip it up. Put salt in the boiling water so your lungs get a good does of it. Perhaps 30 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  10. They study and work 12-14 hours per day.
  11. This is absolutely shocking. I would have put my house on a teacher being involved.
  12. Thanks. Air filter and oil filter have already been changed. Now, they are being instructed to change the fuel filter and the spark plug. If that doesn't work, the next job will be to change the fuel pump. After that would be sensors etc. πŸ™„ Why can't mechanics here actually find and diagnose the problem, then solve it, instead of just changing various parts to see if it is them. πŸ™„
  13. They changed that and the scooter still spluttered and stalled after warming up then wouldn't restart until cool again.
  14. I read this on google and it makes sense. If the new fuel filter and new spark plug doesn't fix the issue, I guess a new fuel pump is next?
  15. Thanks. The dealership says that it is FI. The first mechanic says that it has a carb. The official dealership didn't think of changing the fuel filter, only the air filter. This is what we're dealing with. πŸ™„ I copy and pasted the Thai for fuel filter and spark plug and told his GF to take it back and get these changed for new ones. The thing with mechanics here is they think they are fantastic, will declare what it is without investigating, change parts that aren't the problem, then when it's brought back again they lose face and want to sabotage it. πŸ™„
  16. I often see this with brigdes here. The inside lane suddenly becomes a footpath along the bridge. No markings. No gradual build. Just bam! Footpath.
  17. No such thing. Mentally ill males in a dress. If this upsets you, too bad. πŸ™‚
  18. No idea. But I've told him to get a new spark plug and get the carb cleaned. Thanks for your input and advise.
  19. I have told him to get the carb cleaned, sparkplug replaced, and a new fuel filter, if it has one. Another ideas are welcome. We are reluctant to take it back to the same dealership as we previously had an older scooter with issues, we took it to a main dealer, after declaring what the problem was they did it all for around 8000 baht. The problem wasn't fixed. We took it back to them. They lost face. They put silicone into the engine as sabotage.
  20. He took it to an official dealership. They said the airfilter was dirty and blocking the flow. The changed the airfilter, oil filter, oil, and new brake pads and fluid. 1500 baht. He drove it away and 5 minutes the same thing happened again, but with no burning smell. Just spluttering and stopping when the engine is warm.
  21. Probably easier to just get a new carb, then cleaning up one with 65km on it. How much does an OEM carb cost for a 2022 Fino 125?
  22. It doesn't have a fuel filter. It's carb, not FI.

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