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Everything posted by Flink

  1. He failed to mention that imbibing large (or sometimes small) quantities of Thai beer also causes the rectal muscles to fail and the gut to over react leading to diarrhoea thereby emptying out all the virus that got into the throat. (Come on, it's no less plausible than his comment!)
  2. If he survives that long. He'll either never get to speak to the press again or will be dragged up on phoney corruption charges.
  3. I seriously hope you're not referring to any of the Harry Keogh dynasty books with that last comment! ???? ????
  4. Hence the Khao San trader's associating testing anyone who was vaccinated6 or more months ago. Not sure about the legality of that though. It's not a government agency requiring your papers, testing you and carting youoff to hospital so one would think that simply saying "No!" would be enough. But I guess they'll make sure they have plenty of plod with fat back pockets on hand to make sure you comply.
  5. "are a means by which the authorities can reduce the chances of unvaccinated people mixing with others and becoming infected. " So basically the unvaccinated can't mix with the vaccinated in case the vaccinated pass Covid 19 on to them and make them ill/dead. Hmmm, odd then that the mainstream media, particularly in the US, seem to paint it that it is the unvaccinated killing or harming the vaccinated. A notion which, in itself is saying the vaccines don't work. Mind you, most of the US MSM have to push that theory because many of their channels/programs are currently sponsored by Pfizer who can see a lucrative market in "booster" jabs for years to come.
  6. I think I'll move to Iran, no bars (just like here) but at least in Iran, as a foreigner and non muslim, you can brew your own, unlike here.
  7. By which time all those who were going to take a sunshine break holiday will have taken it and many others will be trying to cover their credit card bills from Christmas so there won't be many people left able to take a holiday!
  8. Here's the thing, it appears there is a driving ambition from those on high to bring in prohibition whilst at the same time increasing tourism. So let's look at some of the places that already have prohibition: Yemen Sudan Somalia Libya Iraq All of which are renowned as holday destinations for tourists......NOT. Believe it or not, even Iran is less prohibitive than Thailand because in Iran non muslims and foreigners are allowed to brew their own beer, something that is not legal here! A bit much when a Muslim state like Iran has more relaxed laws than a Buddhist nation.
  9. Precisely, this is a trader's association, not the health ministry or the CCSA so legally they have no right to do any testing on you without your consent. And as for chucking you in an ambulance and off to a "kickbacks" hospital of their choosing, that would basically be kidnapping.
  10. Maybe they'll just do what they did when the lockdowns started. Isolate them on their building sites and not feed/water them for weeks.
  11. "It is the puritanical anti-western authorities setting the policies." Yeah, very anti-western PEOPLE, not so anti-western when it comes to our money though. So, if they're opening the borders for immigrant workers to come in does that mean that border runs for visa/tourist stamps will be allowed too? Also, having (thanks to their puritanical attitudes) put millions out of work by shutting down all the bars, clubs etc. why aren't they looking at retraining THOSE people to fill the vacancies. Let's face it, even if they lift the booze bans (and I'm not holding my breath for that one) there are so many places that will never reopen there must be more than 400,000 looking for work.Just because you were a waiter doesn't mean you can't learn to pour concrete.
  12. Yes, there must be some very heavy brown envelopes being passed up the pyramid. Maybe that's the reasoning behind the ban; they're making much more in backhanders to "turn a blind eye" than they ever were when the places could open and operate legally.
  13. Of which they'll only ever get 1 million back
  14. "Most migrant workers reportedly paid Thai and neighbouring human trafficking gangs several thousands of baht each to help them sneak into Thailand," So that's a new title for the police and immigration then?
  15. Two better words: Not necessary. If you arrive at the check in desk with your passport, vaccination certificate and PCR result to show them, that should suffice. Instead they come up with TP which takes forever, and often many attempts (in some cases) to actually get approval and be sent a QR code to present at the checkin desk, many of which don't have bar code readers yet. It's an unnecessary hassle to would be tourists, and returning Thais, expats and workers, that just isn't needed.
  16. Yes, but weren't TAT and the government spokesmen saying there'd be millions of tourists arriving by the end of December? Why build a system that struggles to cope with tens of thousands if you expect millions of applications?
  17. The IT team leading the development of the apps no doubt did their internship at the Windows R&D wing. "Bang it out quick and don't debug it first. That way we only have to send out upgrades to debug problems when someone finds them, which means less work for us andmore money for the elites."
  18. More likely it's a combination of: Infighting between the various departments as to who should get the lions share of all the profits, and Countries who confuse their system by not putting their own nationals passport numbers on the vaccination certificates (like why would they? You go toyour GP or hospital for a tetanus jab you don't have to carry your passport!) and those countries giving their residents the single dose J&J which the Thai designers of the software forgot to account for.
  19. All that should be needed to come here as a tourist is that you rock up to the checkin desk with your passport, your vaccine certificate and your test result. You should then get "Welcome to Thailand. No need to show the stuff on arrival here as it's already been checked so straight through immigration, get your stamp and off you go. Other countries can manage it so why not here?
  20. Well, you're sort of half right. Letting the areas decay using Covid as a reason to keep them closed I agree with. Not so sure about the museums and srt galleries though. A more likely scenario is sell the land to Chinese developers to do a town centre rebuild, Chinese style. Go to any city centre in China and you'll find wall to wall Gucci, Armani, Lambourgini, YSL stores and all the top fashion houses and luxury good manufacturers. The thing is, in China it works because there are so many very wealthy Chinese living there. Here, not so much, and tourists aren't going to come all this way to buy a luxury item they could probably get cheaper (because there will always be a Thai "mark up" because it's imported goods) and won't have to face hassle with immigration wanting them to pay duty on the way out. It's already like that, I saw a company selling 2nd hand Aston Martin low spec cars for more than the high spec new ones in the UK, because it's "imported".
  21. "The epidemic will go away when enough anti-Vaxxers get infected." but breakthrough cases show this is not the case. Covid will not go away anytime soon, a fact made evident by many countries now talking about 3rd, 4th or further vaccinations ongoing. So whether people are vaccinated or not will have no bearing on the existence of the virus. "Covid 19 - the Holy Grail for globalist dictators and control freaks.
  22. "At the latest meeting of the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration, the Prime Minister ordered government agencies to find new ways to thrive, starting with areas to which changes could immediately be applied, while at the same time pushing for positive changes to infrastructure development to attain sustainable growth." Does this mean we will see teams of Thais working along the roadsides cutting down the 3ft long grass growing through the pavements and clearing all the rubbish to reduce the smell and vermin? I doubt it, what it means is bulldozer crews being let loose to level the very businesses that brought millions here for the past 30 years so they can sell the land to Chinese developers to build overpriced condos, hotels and restaurants that will funnel all the money straight back to Beijing. The sort of people Prayut wants to entice here (idle rich) are used to comfort, luxury and standards. First step for improving the "infrastructure" should be to clear the rubbish. After that a crack at improving the raods and pavements would be of benefit. The first thing that struck me on arrival in China were the teams of people whose sole task was to keep the place clean. Here, well the soi I live on the Wheelie bin (one medium sized bin for 4 houses) has to be moved regularly because the refuse men will only empty the bin, they ignore the stuff people have put around it because there's no room in the bin.
  23. So how do you explain this: "WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News." ???
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