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Posts posted by CartagenaWarlock

  1. I used skype for more than a decade. As I need to keep a US number, I also opted for Google FI service a few years ago when I was globe trotting (now suspended due to Covid restrictions in various countries and my health). I now hardly use skype and can use Google FI when ever I need to call from outside the US (e.g. Thailand) and if someone needs to call me from US to my US number, I can pick it up anywhere in the World. Of course, Google FI minimum is expensive ($20) and but it serves my purposes of accessing any line (mobile/land) from anywhere in the World and when I am not in the US, they can also call my US number (Google FI number).

  2. Laptop with 8GB memory and a PCIe hard drive will be the best choice If I am buying one now. But I don't need a laptop as I already have a NUC machine and monitor at all my permanent places. I have seen some Chuwi models like Hero Book that you can pick up for $299 from Amazon (or similar prices from Lazada may be). 

  3. 1 hour ago, problemfarang said:

    are there any hotels cheaper? something around 3K ?

    3K for five days? Or 600 baht per day. Even hard to find a dump for that price pre-covid. 


    1 hour ago, problemfarang said:

    2 days 7700 is crazy

    It covers two PCR test, a transfer from airport to the hotel and two nights stay. How is that crazy? 

    I am not a big fan of this nexus between government-hotel-and-hospital. But if you choose to come to Thailand, instead of going to another place it is what you pay and not a crazy price. The question is why do you want to come to Thailand? Are you looking for your thai brides in Thailand? If not, you can go to any other places that do not have the nexus. 


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  4. On 2/3/2022 at 5:38 PM, brommers said:

    When there's a cluster in a a couple of bars in Thonglor they close down the whole industry for a year but when it's a market there is virtually no restriction. So much for having the best interests of the population in their minds.

    Closing markets for long period of time is not acceptable. It is the life line of Thai people and most vendors. Most bars in Thailand are just front  for brothels where bride seekers and orgy seekers hang out and if they want to drink they can do so in their home. Yes it affects the local people just like sex workers through out the World. 

  5. On 2/1/2022 at 10:06 PM, stigar said:

    In my bank i can easy do like that in my internettbanking.Just make a monthly payment and sign how much pr month.This will then go automatic if i want.

    Which bank that will be? I think bangkok bank is 99 transfer is the max. I have set it up for my baby's mother every week for $150but it is 99 transfers max. I have to make it happen after 99 years. 

  6. 14 hours ago, Kiwithl said:

    Light a fag at a petrol station... Brilliant.

    Glad the kid is ok etc.

    In my college days I worked in a corporate Mobile gas station in CA. It was a brand new corporate station with most high tech pumps of the era fitted with card readers in the days when every shops including the high end large department stores were using credit card impression machines. Almost every week I had to remind/stop a few people not to smoke sitting in their motorbikes while filling the tank. 

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  7. 11 hours ago, RandiRona said:

    And still he was out?? I am not sure what it would be when they make Marijuana legal!!

    Research suggests marijuana is not addictive and I can confirm that from my own experience. But other drugs are addictive. I had the same experience with meth and cocaine very difficult to stop, though I had money and could afford addiction treatment centers for meth and cociane.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Bogbrush said:

    have a house or condo and will presumably use that as collateral.

    I only know in The USA, a house or condo is almost like cash and and lenders are willing to offer cash as loan in a very short period (sometimes in a week). I doubt a house or condo in Thailand is like cash and banks are willing to offer loan easily. 

  9. 11 hours ago, USNret said:

    Must these assets be in Thailand? Can they be overseas? Considering that many O-A applicants don’t yet have a Thai bank account, showing the assets in Thailand can be problematic when you visit a Thai embassy overseas. 

    MY guess is if you want a subsequent extension, it must be in Thailand. If you want the visa, it should be in the country where you get your visa (generally your home country).

  10. I have recovered almost all my investment in cryptos and I am still a crypto HODL. I bought one BTC for 7K and sold 0.5 when it reached 15K to recover my investment. I bought 7 ASIC miners for around 10K and sold mined LTCs to recover my investment and still holding 35 LTC and they continue to mine everyday. Then I bought $100 worth of SHIB (more than a million SHIB and still holding. So that's all my crypto HODL. Now waiting for it either to go to zero or millions. I really don't care. 

    The problem with crypto is I have yet to figure out the underlying value of crypto except what the next person is going to pay for it just like a piece of art. I understand the underlying value of stocks and real estate which have made me a millionaire like one of those 20 million Americans. 


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  11. 20 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    Thais really don't get this. For a 346 baht bill, I give 1046 baht hoping to get back 700 baht. Nope. They count it wrong or something, and I get back like 600 baht, and the bunch of coins I was trying to avoid. Heh.

    Never had this problem in 7/11. I always do this to get rid of my coins and get 20/50/100 bills. They use the  machine to return the correct amount and of course before they can enter the amount in their machine I tell them how much I expect. I had more problems doing the same in the USA where the attendant gets confused even after entering the amount in their machine because they were expecting to give some change and it comes out whole amount.  

  12. 11 hours ago, Henryford said:

    It's not a problem now but will increase big time over the years. Councils in the UK and USA see property taxes as the golden goose with unlimited revenues.

    USA does not have councils. County charges property taxes. They can't arbitrarily increase it. States have laws capping property taxes. Yes they can increase but not substantially. I think in the USA we already pay lots of property taxes. 

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