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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. 40 minutes ago, covidiot said:

    I don't know much about this stuff.

    But a recent article claims that the central banks will have their own digital currency soon. 

    And this could mean the end of traditional banking.

    But that doesn't mean everyone who invests in crypto will get rich. 



    Of course not. Even with individual digital currencies for every country there is still the opportunity for coins that have utility.

    Swift will become obsolete. There are coins that can transfer money almost instantly and for pennies.

    Ones like XLM, XRP or XDC can all do this. Although I don't see a one world currency for a long while I believe the current scrutiny on crypto will result in regulations and that will see the real utility coins come to the front and maybe half a dozen coins will be utilized in a currency format hence my belief in iso20022 coins.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, The Cipher said:


    Lol. Our OP absolutely does not need crypto exposure at this time. Dude has a net worth of ฿50k and you want to put it all (literally his life savings) into a high vol, speculative asset?


    Not to mention that 'crypto' is so extremely broad. Can you imagine if he took your advice and aped into a sh-tcoin?


    I have long crypto exposure, but boy is that the wrong answer for OP at this stage.

    As I said a iso20022 coin

  3. 1 minute ago, charliechoc said:

    boring blah blah from nanny state politicians. I dont care. I bought btc a long time ago and never sold it. Thailand is accepting it slowly. They are gradually regulating this sector. But its all good

    There will be people who say not to invest in Crypto but yesterday rules will not shape the future.

    Innovation will and all Innovation is always frowned upon until it's too late to join the ride.

  4. Crypto. Digital currency is the future and anyone who tells you any different doesn't know what they are talking about.

    Some of us will remember landline phones where alot of people especially in the developing world wouldn't know about this as they went straight to mobile devices. The future of banking will be the same. No books, branches or cards. All digital paid through your phone or maybe as the Bible says a mark of the beast(chip).

    Forget meme coins and look at iso 20022 coins. It doesn't take that long to do some research. The current banking system is done. Countries printing money like toilet paper.

    The ex treasurer of the US has just joined Ripple. Her name is on the money and she has joined them even though they are in a lawsuit with the SEC. If that doesn't say something I don't know what does.

    It will be a bumpy ride and if you are a nervous type then better to stay away from crypto.


  5. 6 hours ago, Susco said:


    Is herd immunity another word for "don't give a toss"?


    Anyway, from what I have read over the past 18 months, my understanding is that herd immunity doesn't exist.


    There are reports of people getting infected twice, even getting infected after vaccination, so what resembles herd immunity?



    Vaccinations do not stop you catching it just stops you getting very sick or dying.

    Maybe catching it gives you a better chance of surviving if you are reinfected.


    • Confused 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Drew3223 said:

    Hence the recent success in securing internal comms on why SEC are not pursuing BC and ETH in the same way.


    Settlement seems likely, and I like the idea that XRP will lead the way on regulation of crypto. Was always going to happen, so why not be first in line, setting the agenda as much as you can?

     what agenda? 

  7. 38 minutes ago, Drew3223 said:

    Hear hear.


    Any thoughts on the XRP SEC case? 


    They say it's a security. XRP say it's an asset. 


    It's very obviously an asset, but some people think SEC are trying to use the case to regulate and to push XRP into becoming the digital currency of the QFS.


    I'm all in on XRP. 

    The issues is with sales of XRP in its start up. When it quite clearly was a security (as was Eurethem and there is a interview with the founder admitting it but they seem to of got a pass).

    When you look at XRP there imho it is quite clearly a currency with great utility. The ability to bridge currencies almost instantly and a ridiculously small fee.  

    Although other crypto can do this it seems at the moment Ripple are in front as they have already secured contracts. 

    I believe it will be settled but who knows when.

    On another note now is the best time to invest in Crypto after that crash a couple of days ago.

    • Like 2
  8. Xrp is a scary one but they have and are still securing contracts through this lawsuit because in the end it has utility.

    If you stay with coins that have utility at some point you should earn some good money if you keep holding.

    Bitcoin and Eurethem were part of the first wave of crypto (the McDonald's and Burger king if you like) wether they stay around depends on if they can upgrade their technology or if they were adopted as a digital gold and silver maybe?

    It's hard to know where this all will end but the sec lawsuit with ripple will result in regulations that will decide the future of crypto coins. It seems other countries outside the US are starting to follow suit. The "chosen ones" will make people rich. The others will cause huge losses.

    Choose wisely and don't invest more than you can afford to lose.

  9. On 5/16/2021 at 1:46 PM, Deerculler said:

    With millions of people having been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine. We have not heard of millions dying.

    So can someone tell me what is everyone concerned about?


    You don't die from smoking 1, 20, 100 cigarettes either.

    I don't believe the vaccine does cause problems but I don't know it doesn't.

    As they say time will tell.

  10. 7 hours ago, Marvin Hagler said:

    Can the rose coloured glasses brigade please step forward and tell us all how it was that Thailand avoided the Songkran surge.


    Also all those people that told us about the spicy diet and warm weather fending off Covid. 

    Please, come forwards and explain to us your wisdom.

    The number outside prison is around 2800 so it's consistent with other days although higher than the average.

    The number being so high in prisons is obvious as once it's inside it's going to be rampant.


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