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  1. Lock them up for life!
  2. Close these sh*t holes down and problems will be mostly solved
  3. What is his current visa?
  4. Deport the “gentleman “ that’s what could be done, he is a loser.
  5. Can teach your kids all you like about not taking drugs ect, at the end of the day you can only hope they listen and not cave in to temptation. This could have and does happen everywhere in the world.
  6. Feel sorry for his children.
  7. It will never change
  8. I believe the article mentions he was insured but it would not cover all cost n
  9. Contact Wise directly confirm all details and then contact your Australian bank directly. A few months ago Wise did change things around a bit but these changes actually made the process times faster, but they did not involve changing account numbers. Wise has international numbers you can also call them on, you can find the number within the app. If the Australian bank is saying fraud it probably is.
  10. Owiee


    As already mentioned this is a Thailand wide problem but probably bigger in Issan. I too have experienced the impact on extended family due to this drug and also alcohol in general, you could also throw gambling into the mix. To a degree at least in “my area” l believe poor education, lack of employment opportunities, peer group pressure and a limited understanding of personal accountability all contribute to the problem. However in fairness illegal drugs are a world wide problem, the main difference l see from Western Countries versus Thailand is the possible lack of support services. My wife and l refuse to financially help any family members who take drugs, drink or gamble, we are lucky such issues only impact extended family members.
  11. You can buy a house in Australia for $1.2M AUD, but would need to be out in the Western Suburbs, l guess she did not wish to be that far 30-40 kilometres from the Northern suburbs where a lot of snobs live, with 1.2M you can easily get a housing loan too, me thinks there is more to this story.
  12. Excellent thank you very much.
  13. Thanks l will look them up
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