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Posts posted by epicking

  1. I love Thailand and the Thai people which is why I go there all the time and have businesses there.
    But the situation and conditions foreign labors have are horrific. I have seen it many times and especially when I did food help in April.
    There are plenty of Thai workers available, but the contractors rather pay 1-200 bath a day instead of 400 bath a day, so they smuggle in foreign labors and kick them out the second it doesnt suite them anymore.
    There are not a single Police officer or Government official that are not aware of where the camps are and what they are doing.
    As long as Police salaries are so low, bribery so easy and Image and perception are more important than reality, nothing will change.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    Here, let me fix that headline:


    "Thai authorities admit "Billion Baht" quarantine has been massive cash cow for economy a small group of well connected individuals.

    Thats right. The majority of Hotels and Resorts dont have the proper licenses because of ridiculous reasons and Thai Government demands, so they have no way of bidding for a ASQ. Very few got a "boost" out of this and certainly not the community either. 

    • Like 1
  3. My relatives are up at Bueng Kan, so thats near you.
    They calculated  that it costs them about 12K to make around 40-50 bags of 24kg all included for 6 Rai which is about what they consume in a year themselves. They can buy that for the same price today and not have the bother.
    I dont think they use any chemicals either.
    I have my doubt about strawberries and bellpebbers too in that climate and transforming a Rice field to anything else is expensive and a bother. This is what they plan to do to convert the rice field to grow other things.

    rice field.jpeg

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  4. 5 hours ago, OttoPollmann said:

    Now in my area they only buy unprocessed rice, wet, for 3฿/kg and this years yield is below average. From most of our fields we have only harvested 50% or less from last year's yield. Too less rain when need it and too much rain when not needed.
    Luckily for me I didn't use any chemical fertilizer otherwise it would be a big lost.
    A lot of farmers will struggle for the next years ends meet. That will be a field day for all the loan sharks.
    And to those who say grow something else, that's easier said than done. This soil is unfertile, I have tried some many diverent yield fruits, nothing grows even bad weeds.

    I agree with you here. Family to to plant a part of their field too early and that failed. it was a calculated Risk.
    And yes, the soil are <deleted> and  the cost to redo a Rise field is big. It has to be raised almost at least 50 cm so it doesnt drown during rain season and it has to be fenced off so cows dont wander in and destroy the crops / trees.
    All that is very costly.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:


    My advice...sell the land, if you can. Rice farming is subsistence farming, costs outweigh the returns most times. Rubber prices are volatile at best, quite depressed now, even with natural latex gloves in high demand. Durian might be worthwhile, but waiting for maturity of the trees will kill you.


    We've been trying to get rid of land here for 2 years. Chanote land. You think anyone wants it, when Sor Por Kor is cheaper and no one has any money or interest?

    I agree with you, but asking people to sell land they have worked very hard to purchase in the first place takes not only common sense, but also a psychologist. Land is pretty much all they have and there are so few jobs to be had unless they move for the city and thats will require lots of medical sedation before that happens. Farmers are farmers.
    Durian might be interesting. I will check that out. Right now they are looking into Avocado´s, but im sure thats a good idea.

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