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CM Dad

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  1. The "man" (?) should be jailed and prosecuted. He is wrong to say that he has done nothing illegal. He assaulted another person. A large fine and at least a minimal period of time incarcerated will teach him to grow up and keep his hands to himself.
  2. I closed my Krungthai account because they insisted on having my foreign address even after I kept telling them that I don't have one.
  3. I have been here more than thirty years and I have not spent any of that time "sitting on a bar stool and drinking beer all day".
  4. I was born and raised in the United States, but have lived in Thailand for almost 35 years. I last visited the USA 18 years ago, and have no desire to ever return. I have a family here and a nice home. I speak Thai more than I speak English most days. My best friends are Thai. I am acquainted with many expats, but would only call a few of them good friends. Interestingly, my closest expat friend is an Australian.
  5. As I said , sit down, take deep breaths and relax. It's not grammar, "blaze" - it's correct spelling and correct use of language.
  6. "Why the switch?" Musk has lots more money - and he has been giving it to him.
  7. Huh? Why should they give anything to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)?
  8. ...shoe? ...immogrants? Sit down, take deep breaths and relax.
  9. The same is true of many men - and some women as well - all over the world.
  10. I will never travel by bus in Thailand, nor will I allow any of my family members to do so.
  11. Wake up BritMan - many Thai citizens are 100% ethnically Chinese just like in Britain where many British citizens are 100% ethnically from different groups.
  12. Most people don't want to die unless they are in terrible pain and/or suffering from some severe illness. However, most people who are in their 70s want to be 80 and most people in their 80s want to be 90. Enjoy life while you can.
  13. Will this change financial requirements for spousal visa extensions? For example: If a foreign man marries a Thai woman he must keep 400,000 baht in a bank account in his name only, but if a foreign woman marries a Thai man there is no financial requirement. So, if a foreign man marries a Thai man will there still be a financial requirement? In addition, if there is to be true marriage equality then the 400,000 baht bank deposit for a foreign man married to a Thai woman needs to to eliminated.

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